TBS Discovery Pro


Hi guys!

Sorry been out travelling for a while.
Some new shots with the Klonerarms and the GotheliRC VX5 gimbal:

Motors T-tiger 2814 and stock length of arms. See earlier posts for pics.

These arms rocks!

Need upgrade to larger arms to get away with some of the yaw oscillations.
But as NEX-5 backpack kit it works out pretty OK.


The PI has some wonderful places. Boltzman your reel is very very nice.


Aerial DP
that wire going through the bearing looks tight,,, try rotating the tilt 360, 720, make it so the tension of that wire group to help it make it go down. i would think if it started suddenly that tilt got spun around in transit or what have you.


When does the next kit version coming out? I plan to order another arm kit for my next build soon.

She's up and flying


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With the aerial mob booms are you meant to cut away a section on the front right boom so it doesn't hit the gimbal bracket or am I just putting all the booms in too far?
Photo 2 is how I've put the booms in which gives a boom length between the engine mount and frame bracket of 24cm

Photo 1 shows how far out I need to put the boom or cut a section out so it doesn't hit the gimbal bracket

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Aerial DP
if it is hitting the gimbal bracket trim whats hitting and make sure it is pressed all the way in like you have it.... otherwise it'll act flexy not pressed all the way in


Alright so I have a wobble! Got the disco pro up for its maiden flight today - pitch and roll are both good but the yaw is horrendous. I can pull off a smooth slow yaw but anything more than half stick and there is a huge wobble. If I hold it in full stick over it does settle down again into a nice flat pirouette. I've got my yaw gain down to 60 the more I crank it up the worse it gets and any lower doesn't seem to make it much better.

I've double checked all motors are level as I'm using the kloner arms and the COG is as per the manual.

The only thing I notice is on engine start up one motor seems to take a bit of time and start a little slower but on take off power all seems normal with it and lifting up or pitch and roll movements don't have any issues.

Does anyone have any ideas on what else it could be?


Aerial DP
it sounds like the motors are not straight..... that is what controls yaw neutral

A lot of people are finding esc incompatibility with all the u series motors..... i'd be curious if you try this to see if it is impossible to get the motor to squeel. rap the throttle from nothing to ful when the motor almost staops from the last rev, it'll either do it or not...

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Cheers for the tip on motor alignment - I had been using a digital spirt level which I don't think was as accruate as my motors were out using your method but only minimally and it hasn't cured the wobble. I'm thinking maybe the esc is the problem. I tried the low rev to full but throttle but as i'm using a Naza I cant get my revs low enough before it cuts off, i think I can make it squeal in flight though. Its too dark outside now, but I'll post a video in the morning of it.


Forgot to mention in Naza Assist the "test motors" doesn't really rotate the motors as it does on all my other drones it just nudges them? could this also suggest esc troubles?


New Member
Hello Everyone this is my first Post and i have allready a question :).

I really like that extension arms but i would like to get step by step to a TBS Disco with X8 with Tiger 3510 360 KV on 2x 4000 6s on 15x5 Props and a 3 Axis Brushless Nex Gimbal.

Can you tell me if the Arms and the Disco can do that or is it to heavy for Frame and Arms?
And should i take the Kit from TBS or is it a differents one when i buy it direct from you?

Reason is that i dont have the money to buy a full rig at once and i would like to upgrade my loved disco step by step.



Aerial DP
It could work, but technicaly that is what is on a skyjib that carries reds, it's a bit much. if you were going to do an x8, i'd recommend something a little tamer motor wise. Trappy is working on complete quad power packages... think i saw the motors, esc's arms and props are looking like $700 total.... these are very efficient for huge long range flight times


New Member
It could work, but technicaly that is what is on a skyjib that carries reds, it's a bit much. if you were going to do an x8, i'd recommend something a little tamer motor wise. Trappy is working on complete quad power packages... think i saw the motors, esc's arms and props are looking like $700 total.... these are very efficient for huge long range flight times

Perfect thanks for the Info. Can i take that pack from TBS or is it different if i order it directly from your store?



Aerial DP
it is still being developed..... it is doing a 30km round trip soon and will be released there after....... give it another month to develop. It'll be hard to miss


When are you getting the arm kits back in stock? Got all other parts just sitting here ready to build another Disco, got some 4112 sunnysky motors and 15" props to try out until Trappy has his new motors forsale. Finally got some footage using my other Disco and it was steady no jello or vibrations. Now to install my Vtx, video switcher, gimbal controls this weekend.
