TBS Discovery Pro


Aerial DP
the 2700mah that fits inside goes 12-16, 5000 mah goes 20-38 depending on your flight stye..... it'd carry 10 amp hours easily and be around it's peak efficiency


Aerial Fun
Contemplating build something similar to Boltzman's modified discovery with brushless gimbal for nex 5 or maybe a black magic pocket camera with small light lens. Guessing an older discovery frame would be adequate so front end can be modified and then maybe the new 16mm Kloner arms, some 3515 / kv400 motors with 14 or 15" props & 6s battery might yield some decent flying with times in the low teens. Also assume steady filming.

If so, is it possible to increase the battery area height with some spacers on top of arm mounts to maybe handle a 6,000 mah or more battery?


Aerial DP
that or you can just strap em to the bottom of the frame.... this was overgained slightly

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Aerial DP
I just ordered a new kit to build out when the arms come in...... Disco Pro, naza v2, 60 amp maytech, tiger u5 and 14" props......


Aerial Fun
I just ordered a new kit to build out when the arms come in...... Disco Pro, naza v2, 60 amp maytech, tiger u5 and 14" props......

You going to fly gopro or something bigger?

I'm wondering if the old Discovery top/bottom frame plates are available, if I just should get those since the front will have to be modded to handle a brushless gimbal....

I would think it would be relatively easy to put a 1/4" or 3/8" spacer on the arms and then use longer stand offs and still get the battery mounted without have to hang it off the bottom...

I've never use a discovery frame so it's all guesswork on my part.


Aerial DP
there like $30-$33 each arm complete with everything. we have a bunch of extra plastic parts coming, i'll push him to get some of those too offer

I prefer the all in one package the disco pro offers. am also stepping up to a backbone gopro hero3+ mod to run better glass on the heros.... this ones going straight for sale as a complete kit ready to film.....

yes, the disco frames are still everywhere and a viable option. frame, $80, core $80, gimbal = about what an all in disco pro costs

Getfpv.com has regular discos in stock, same with core.


Aerial Fun
Like Boltzman's build, I'm going to try hanging 2lbs of gimbal and camera off the front, so the Discovery Pro kit doesn't seem to make sense to hack off the front and the gimbal.

Did I read where you have a bit of dampening on the arms? Are they easily foldable?




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Aerial Fun
Maymidroix, on the Discovery, what is the largest prop you can run.

Kloner, what is the largest on your? Did you settle on 16mm or larger CF arms?



Aerial DP
it would be unlimited due to any length tube and slide in, but were selling them ready for 14" or smaller, trim down the tube to taste,,, different prop/length make differences in flight charecteristics


Aerial Fun
Kloner, with your arms & 400kv motors, fpv, etc, gopro/gimbal, what's your discovery pro auw?


Aerial DP
good question... i have it all written down somewhere. it was only heavy on what battery i used. everything from a 2700 6s inside the frame and a 5300 6s outside the frame to just either or..... both packs loaded with 14" props that at that weight was kinda light for the props got 28 minutes slowly flying around, 20 minutes wide open. i think it was 175-215 mah a minute or around that.... 10 amp hours started flying shorter flight times.


Drone Enthusiast
"Also plastic don't dissipate heat from the motor." Perhaps theoretically true but this is not an issue with any heli I've ever had. Both your products look great. I'd say Kloner's got the advantage in that you can not only adjust the length but you can make your quad a coax and run your wires inside the tube to keep things tidy. Plus, when you crash a heli with plastic clamps and carbon booms, the booms generally break and the clamps will allow some sort of energy dissipation as to not transfer all the load into the frame of the heli. Aluminum arms would no doubt be a complete loss on a crash.


Aerial Fun
You can use up to 13in props. The arms only weight 67 grams and no major assembly is required. Also plastic don't dissipate heat from the motor.

I have a set of your arms on a f450 that now is a 550mm with tiger 2216's. Flies very nicely.... With gopro / 2 axis gimbal get an easy 13min w/ 5000 mHa 4s.

Trying to figure out how to build a little bigger unit as a quad or y6 that will slow fly for video in the mid teens (in the air) carrying a 2-2.25 camera/ gimbal system.... guessing 4000-4500g.

Smoothness of video is primary objective. I'm not a FPV fast/ long range flyer.... Trying to keep it relatively small, but strong enough to handle a little wind. Just redoing my x8 with low kv motors now.


Drone Enthusiast
I was building a proto for a way to add coax arms to f450/550 plates but never made it come to fruition. now that kloner has the ultimate product for this i can say that one of the best configurations can now be made super cheap. You buy f550 plates and get 3 of Kloners arm sets, you now have a Y6. You could go X8 or XY8 as well. Both configs will enable you to avoid ever seeing the legs, arms or props in the FOV and have some redundancy. the Y6 also does extremely well in wind. Kloner, i think you're gonna be a millionaire off these things.
