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Active Member
I was very nervous watching that even before he took off.
Also he was using a NAZA, which doesn't support frames over 650mm I thought, and his GPS puck looked way off.
Either he was in manual and couldn't handle it, or his gains were way too low and out of control.


Drone Enthusiast
1. you just dont fly a naza with an expensive large multi. 2. if he was in manual how was he able to keep it under control when taking off? 3. The guy never exuded confidence from the beginning and I'm pretty sure he was just another dope who went out and spent $7500 on gear, called it $15k to the client, and ended up screwing up big time. Certainly not the first and not the last time we will see someone with a cinestar/DJI crash.


Aerial DP
a big cs8 with a nex pitched back and went wide open straight into two parked cars,,, the rig looked like it'd flex into a bucket..... total loss. tore up a couple cars. was surprised nobody said anything when it was coming back at them....all stood there looking at a really big octo totally on it's side and sounded wide open buzzed there tower


Wow! Scared about potential "watchers" that could stand around. They only hit 2 cars...

Unfortunately no one will never know what happened. I've seen this once last month with my hexa shooting at an old school. Was descending near the wall and it came out of control. We had previously make sure that anybody was in the fly zone. The MR finished his out of control fly against the wall and the result was a torn Gimbal and all propellers broken... No other property damage but we could have break a window of this school.


pendejo grande
Wonder if the guy was flying through the nex cuzz he sure seemed calm while the nose was going 90 degrees up. I feel for the guy, "There for the grace of paypal go I".


Arducopter Developer

Doesn't seem to me to be a bulk Naza freak-out (ie: FOD), but more like loss of orientation, or a crazy GPS glitch. It didn't just flip and die, it was going somewhere, with attitude control still running.


Heavy Lifter
The camera op (I think) said just before it all went bad “the left and right isn’t really working”, which might indicate that the issue was that the two TXs got their signals crossed. I can imagine that could cause some problems if the cam op was banging his sticks, and somehow one of his channels was conflicting with the pilot’s radio, right?


Arducopter Developer
I think you guys should not be too harsh. I've heard this guy was a professional with plenty of experience. It could have been one of those uncontrollable DJI problems. We can talk about the possible causes, but the thread title and some of the comments are not very fair. Sometimes professional AP guys sound like a bunch of teenage girls going after eachother.


Heavy Lifter
I just captured the video off YouTube and watched it carefully frame-by-frame. It appears just before he lost control, the copter banked back toward him, well past 45° (nearly to 90° maybe) before it fell out of the frame and reappeared completely out of control. I've experienced this before when I was just learning. Once a MR goes into a serious bank like that, it has a hard time maintaining lift, and turns into an airplane, basically. And if you go fast enough, you can keep it in the air.

My theory is that he lost track of the copter in the trees, and pulled back too hard on the sticks to try and keep it aloft, applying more and more power as he got lower over the water. But by then he was heading back at a very high rate of speed, and was effectively out of control.

Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH3L8aDBuVY


Active Member
Isn't the maximum tilt angle when in GPS only 35 degrees, thats why I said the only way to get that angle would be in manual mode.
The only other time I have seen that angle was this week, when I was playing with gains, and they were far too low :) but that had a pendulum motion.
Right from the start the MR didn't look stable at all, it was swinging all over the place.


It appears like maybe it was flipped into manual by accident. The reason I dont think it was a FC or radio glitch is because it sounded fairly normal. The speed and the fact that he was able to try and make correction looks like it went into manual and then he lost control. Major major bummer.


Man that was a straight up flipped to manual mode mistake. I know that i am WAY heavier on the sticks in ATTi and GPS compared to manual, he said “That’s one pass” so i imagine he was cracking the stick back to bring the rig back, in GPS mode it would juts come back, he re-lines up and hit’s a second run, but it went to manual mode, pitched 45 deg and started cruising, you see he corrects and almost gets it, but probably dozen;t know he is in manual and over compensates again and the thing ditches into the cars... REALLY sad. i know I’d be bummed. and the dude to me did not seem like a tool , he seemed tone operating safely and not like some moron with a rig.

My 2 cents.
