I like the part in the video where one fella says "this is completely legal". If it was, they'd be operating under an SFOC (in Canada), and there wouldn't be spectators within 100'. Period.
Also, under an SFOC, you have to be in Manual, nor relying on the assistance of an autopilot, unless specified in your SFOC. If you can't fly in manual, as is obviously the case here, then you shouldn't be flying commercially.
Just by looking at the attitude & movement of the octo, it's blatantly in manual mode from the start. His overly cautious inputs, and a complete lack of wind drift, disguised this to his inexperienced eyes, which is also obvious.
Though some have mentioned DJI, hardware, and incorrect set-up, the fault, yes FAULT, belongs to the PILOT IN COMMAND. It doesn't matter if he accidentally flipped a switch, or lost orientation, or forgot what mode he was in. He failed to maintain control.
This is Pilot Error, pure and simple.
These guys are SO lucky to not have injured someone, and face some serious litigation.
To operators like this, stop screwing up the potential market with practices like this, you are ruining it for people who actually do it for a living.