Take free flying lessons from this guy!


He looked like he knew what he was doing to me. He didnt look like some cowboy who had just bought the gear and got in to it.
It does show just how fast things happen with the bigger setups. I know from just a few days ago from a dumb mistake on my part how quickly things go south with a bigger machine. Fortunately pretty minor damage and while testing somewhere safe.
This for me shows just how important the ability to fly really really well and to be completely capable of flying manually without auto level is.
If you are using GPS or AL continually or cannot fly really well in manual with the bigger multis you are going to have a tough time if a number of things go wrong.
Im off with my big Hexa to practice manual flying, mine isnt up to scratch.


The guy flew in manual and did not even notice it. He starts with altitude and when he finished with the camera setup you can clearly see that the altitude light is not present anymore. Also when flying no light are on the naza v2.
THis guy made a nice famous hobby china oktopus model. The total kopter price for this is with both transmiter is less than 5000 USD. Most expensive part is the gensace bateries. Maybe it would be cheaper to use zippy for him.

It made me laught so much i had to write this sarcastic post.


Active Member
The guy flew in manual and did not even notice it. He starts with altitude and when he finished with the camera setup you can clearly see that the altitude light is not present anymore. Also when flying no light are on the naza v2.
THis guy made a nice famous hobby china oktopus model. The total kopter price for this is with both transmiter is less than 5000 USD. Most expensive part is the gensace bateries. Maybe it would be cheaper to use zippy for him.

It made me laught so much i had to write this sarcastic post.

Your spot on actually looking at 6:36 in the video no LED which means hes already in manual before taking off, that's why he was all over the place.


I wonder if he either knew or meant to fly in manual because Im not great at manual flying but I can take off in manual and be in total control.
Your spot on actually looking at 6:36 in the video no LED which means hes already in manual before taking off, that's why he was all over the place.


Active Member
Once your in a full on dive in manual mode though, you have maybe 2-3 secs at most to think what to do before hitting the ground.
Thats as long as you don't over compensate and go upside down, 8kg hurtling towards the ground at full speed doesnt give you a lot of time to think..

Its Ok switching to manual, or taking off in manual, but you have a microprocessor there that can think much faster than we ever can, to help you fly the thing...there's no way he meant to be in manual.
Makes you think if you should have some kind of failsafe setup to stop you being in manual by accident.

I have only flown mikrokopter, but aside from altitude hold or gps hold, I am always flying manual. What is the non-manual mode that seems to be popular with a lot of people posting here? Carefree mode?


The Non manual mode most DJI users, myself included, use for AP is attitude mode. It basically helps auto level. Makes for a much more docile experience. I pretty much only fly atti mode with my large camera setups.


The Non manual mode most DJI users, myself included, use for AP is attitude mode. It basically helps auto level. Makes for a much more docile experience. I pretty much only fly atti mode with my large camera setups.

I use AL on my HFP all the time, I started out only using manual mode for about 6 months because I hadnt configured the AL. The trouble with using AL all the time is you really do become reliant on it. I think its really important to be able to fly in fully manual without relying on AL. In tricky windy conditions AL reduces how much you can fly in to the wind and its when we come across tricky conditions when we really need to have total control of our machines. If using AL mode you really dont have full control.
So more manual practice needed for me.


Active Member
When flying GPS mode if you let go of the sticks, and your throttle is 50% then you will just hold that position, it wont move just sit there even in high winds.
Attitude Mode if your flying along and you let go of the sticks it will continue to go in the direction you are flyng, but will hold its altitude (As long as your throttle is 50%), the wind can push it in a particular direction.
In manual mode you can't let go of the sticks, every little movement is controlled by you, and you can even fly inverted if your into that sort of thing.
Attitude mode is faster than GPS, and manual mode you can go faster still.
You are not able supposedly to go over 35 degrees inclination when in GPS/Atti mode.
When shooting video most people use Attitude mode, as you don't get constant corrections from the Flight Controller trying to correct itself all the time.
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Arducopter Developer
The guy flew in manual and did not even notice it. He starts with altitude and when he finished with the camera setup you can clearly see that the altitude light is not present anymore. Also when flying no light are on the naza v2.
THis guy made a nice famous hobby china oktopus model. The total kopter price for this is with both transmiter is less than 5000 USD. Most expensive part is the gensace bateries. Maybe it would be cheaper to use zippy for him.

It made me laught so much i had to write this sarcastic post.

If he took off in manual mode, when he didn't mean to be in manual mode, don't you think he would have crashed a lot earlier? As in, several seconds after takeoff? Seems pretty impossible to me that you could be in manual mode, and fly around for a couple minutes without noticing.

And are you suggesting that if he'd spend more money on the hardware, it would have saved him from this? I'm not quite sure what the commentary about hardware price is about.


If he took off in manual mode, when he didn't mean to be in manual mode, don't you think he would have crashed a lot earlier? As in, several seconds after takeoff? Seems pretty impossible to me that you could be in manual mode, and fly around for a couple minutes without noticing.

And are you suggesting that if he'd spend more money on the hardware, it would have saved him from this? I'm not quite sure what the commentary about hardware price is about.

He took off in manual and did not notice it. I am 100% and he stayed in manual the whole time. Also he looks like he is used to flying since he was quite good for someone that does not fly in manual.

As for the money he told 15k which is imposible for this fake china cinestar 8, unless he charges 100$ per hour to build it or more.
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  • bigskycam_gimbal.jpg
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Arducopter Developer
Oh, that's who it is. Well, this:

Makes me believe even more it was not simple pilot error. Dude knows how to fly. Not a factory team smack 3D pilot, but he can easily fly in all orientations. Probably flies better than some people who are laughing at him. He's better than me, I'm just starting to do acrobatics, and I know for a fact that I could recover from a simple "wrong mode" error, I've done it many times, and in worse situations.
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