Yeah, I never read people saying no post stabilization as a badge of honour or showing off, just more like look how smooth and steady it is, even without tweaking with software. It does make a difference to me to know if it's stabilized or not, so you can see that it might not need any or it would look even better if you tweaked it in post production. However, if the uploaded video has already been tweaked, you're seeing the final product as good as it's going to get.
Anyway, in photography and definitely in film there is no such thing as un-tweaked footage, everything we see is altered a little bit to enhance it artistically, in Lightroom, After Affects, Premiere or more expensive commercial software - stabilization with Mercalli or whatever is just another dial on the tweak machine. The more dials you use the further away you move from the original, raw footage you get - but that's often artistically desirable.
Anyway, I like to see 'no post stab played at normal speed' for technical reasons, but I'm just as happy and impressed to see a beautiful image no matter what's been done to it.