
What an amazing place......Where is it??

Thanks for posting



Jonathan has the wiki links, thank you.

It's very impressive place, indeed. There was no easy place for taking off and landing. Another problem was the GPS signals. There were only 4 satellites so come home, fail safe, PH was not working. So it was all manual flight, and the view was limited. Scary flight.

Another video from Turkey. It's Hagia Sophia Church:

For info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hagia_Sophia

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Really nice video Jeff..again!! always like to see some nice dynamic movement in the shots. great stuff.


Heli's & Tele's bloke
I have to say, you have shot in some absolutely amazing locations...

It looks like ovdt does not have to deal with too much official interference in Turkey, unlike the 'West' which is infested with officialdom and general busybodies.

ovdt: what happened with that last one? It looks like you got a small attack of the jello vibes.


It looks like ovdt does not have to deal with too much official interference in Turkey, unlike the 'West' which is infested with officialdom and general busybodies.

ovdt: what happened with that last one? It looks like you got a small attack of the jello vibes.

Hello Mombasa,

These videos we took was to film the historical monuments, places and the permission was directly from the ministery of culture. The video will be showcased at unesco's the 'historical heritage that should be protected' event.

The jello effect was a bit distrubing, it turned out to be the loosen screws on tilt axis of av200.


pendejo grande
Sweet stuff Jeff. This wouldn't happen to be using FreeFly's new gimbal control would it and does your wife ever get tired of you buzzing her and the dogs?

I used my old trusty Hexa XL with fixed gopro mounts, but I do have one of Dana's custom plates that incorporates the FreeFly vibration pods.

My wife, family, dogs, friends, friends pets, neighbors, neighbors pets, etc have been accustomed to flying devices for that last 15 years that I've been carrying cameras. I guess at this point there is no chance of changing my ways :)

