
FPV pilot
OMG. that was amazing Jeff. Its summer here in Oz and very hot. You cooled me down with those sweet shots of Canada.

Now for my Lame video..hehe

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aerial video centric

Nice stuff - Get creative put a logo overtop of the dust speck. That would salvage some good footage.

Warmupper, really nice artistic work - very smooth.
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Active Member
JUZ: Love the landing in the van, impressive!

WARMUPPER: I notice the camera shut down due to the brightness of the snow, could you not slightly over expose (1 - 1 1/2 stops) to give the snow the crisp white look?

Nice filming gents, impressive results.



Drone Enthusiast
It Never ends to amaze me what can be shot with these remarkable adaptive platforms.. All very inspiring.. so lets introduce a new angle.. MR crawling... a phrase uttered while we where exploring some old recently uncovered gardens in Lancashire. Quatttro who is usually under the bonnet of his sleeper squeezing another few horses out of his 520hp audi or lifting his full scale rock crawler a few more inches to get over some mind boggling obstacle or using his amazing FPV 1/8th scale crawler uttered the words "this is like crawling but with a MR"

Any how here goes with my first MR crawling session!

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Drone Enthusiast
Canada kicks ***!


Eh Up Jeoff.. as usual amazing footage.. what was the temp you were flying in and what precaustions / protection if any did you do to the MR?

I am off in to -20ºc next week and am trying to give my MR some protection from the cold..

Just going to start a new thread..

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Active Member
Having just got Final Cut Pro installed, I wanted to test out the post stabilization ability. I was pretty impressed. I simply turned it on and used the stock settings. The wide view of the GoPro makes the corrections a little easier to spot, but I assume this problem will go away when a normal FOV lens is used.

This is nothing exciting to look at, I just wanted to test the stability of the new DJI set up using no camera stab, just a hard mounted camera and post stab.

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Jake Bullit

Nice flying guys.

Did you call at the barn for roast beef and Yorkshires after ?;)

sent from my phone using my finger.


Drone Enthusiast
Nice flying guys.

Did you call at the barn for roast beef and Yorkshires after ?;)

sent from my phone using my finger.

Was that aimed at us jake?.. We did go the the Chapel Tea rooms for some quality nosh... after the Rivi mooch!
