Hey, that came out great! I've been a bit chicken to try air-to-air and can't find anyone willing to try it out for the most part. Although I did do this copter to copter test the other day at our flying club. Anyway, keep up the good work. That was really nice.
password is 'cmacfun'
Yeah, some people are a little unwilling to let you fly close to them, whether it's their own skill level or yours that they're worried about. I'm lucky enough to have a club where we fly full contact combat and things like that regularly... people don't usually worry too much about their planes

Right after I landed, the same friend (Cub pilot) and I went up again, him with a Radian Pro and me with my Bixler with a headtracker, and did some formation flying. A lot of the time I was about 2 feet off of his fuselage. Things like that are so much fun!! I wish I'd filmed it, I need to stick a Mobius on top of my FPV cam...
Air to air with a multirotor is tough, especially single-operator. GoPros have such a wide angle that you really need to be close to the subject, which can be nerve wracking if it's an expensive plane (or if you have an expensive multi). A narrower angle lens lets you be farther away, but then it's harder to keep in frame...
I definitely need practice, but I'm very happy with the first attempt!