Picloc 3x setting experience etc.


Drone Enthusiast
Hi Lars,

i am also using picloc with the cinestar and i wanted to mount it like you did. But in my case it dosent work since i would not be able to get the to usb port anymore. So i mounted it to the front of the gimbal.

View attachment 2030

At the moment i am happy with the results, not having the goal to compensate all fast movements since i think that is pointless anyways but getting a soft percise as possible movement for soft hover flight.
The funny thing is with the picloc with witch i had all my troubles with the acceleration variable from the gains didn't work at all if i compare it to the picloc that george send to me now. At a certain
amount of acceleration choosen i get oscillation which i think should be the case with the picloc that i had the troubles with that never happened.

This is with the new picloc from george works a lot better in my eyes !



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@Boris ... Still need to look into the one you sent back.
Picloc sent is exactly the same like the one previously sent. Absolutely.
I'm starting to think that it could have been something funny happening with the firmware/bootloader.
Anyways... will check when I have some time. ( none right now ).

I was notified of a nice comparison video from a customer.
I think that this looks good indeed.
( and it will get even better when I introduce some neat tricks in near future firmware ).

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Drone Enthusiast
@Boris ... Still need to look into the one you sent back.
Picloc sent is exactly the same like the one previously sent. Absolutely.
I'm starting to think that it could have been something funny happening with the firmware/bootloader.
Anyways... will check when I have some time. ( none right now ).

Japp i also suspect that. I should have just updated the firmware and things would have been solved. But we both considered its not necessary since i don't need the PAN function anyways :) Thanks for all the support


New Member
Hi George it's Ryan. Glad to see your support here. We understand you are incredibly swamped so thanks for taking time to support here with what time you have available.
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Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
i haven't been paying attention to this thread as I've been trying to get a new frame and mount built but a quick look at the videos and i'm wondering why i haven't seen this before? pretty amazing gimbal control, nice videos.

Thanks Boris, I will give my placement a try... I know the usb is accessable on my mk Okto frame, have not tried it yet on the CineStar 6 but I will soon! :)

Does anyone know what is the maximum refresh rate of a spektrum H6040? I didn't find a data sheet with this spec.

Does anybody have experience with using an external potentiometer with this servo? I want to use it for the tilt axis and I think I need a external poti, right?


FPV Freak

Dear George!
I know u are in a lot of work with the current picloc delivery and manufacturing and u can't open and reply to all email but i see u read this forum and i will try my luck here. I send u atleast 5 emails in past 14 days and no reply. Pls read emails from kopterworx since we are in urge to get something done. Thank you in advance.
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Hi Lars,

i am also using picloc with the cinestar and i wanted to mount it like you did. But in my case it dosent work since i would not be able to get the to usb port anymore. So i mounted it to the front of the gimbal.

View attachment 3228

At the moment i am happy with the results, not having the goal to compensate all fast movements since i think that is pointless anyways but getting a soft percise as possible movement for soft hover flight.
The funny thing is with the picloc with witch i had all my troubles with the acceleration variable from the gains didn't work at all if i compare it to the picloc that george send to me now. At a certain
amount of acceleration choosen i get oscillation which i think should be the case with the picloc that i had the troubles with that never happened.

This is with the new picloc from george works a lot better in my eyes !

Really impressive result!

If I get there, I will be satisfied!

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@ copterpic,
We have this servos and the test was ok, the differenz with the encoder is not much, we pim it to 360 and lose the encoder...
But i n gemerell for the price this Servo is ok to work with picloc...
Lg Michael


Not at the moment, but it is easy .... There is no stop on the gear, you can unmount the encoder and put it external, and change it to a poti...thats all...


Tested today the Picloc Pro on the AV-130 with the BLS-451 servo's, conclusion is that the BLS-451 is to slow even on 6.5V, so now I have ordered two MKS HV-787 (alum top case).


Hi Holco. Good test. I assume this is the AV130 without pan, and video is Raw off the camera ( GH2? )
Some spirited sport flying there :)

I see some nice smooth slewing of the tilt axis.
And I also do notice that the horizon is sometimes loosing lock.
This could be for many reasons. I will look into it.


Hi George,

Yes indeed AV-130 without pan system and RAW material from the GH2 with the Olympus M.Zuiko 9-18mm (on 9mm F8) zoom lens.

Acceleration set to 0 for tilt and roll.

Yes the horizon is loosing track in the turns, but this aunt a big problem for me but could be better.


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Yes... I know.. I will be making an adjustment for this... just like on previous Piclocs...
for how much we trust the accelerometers vector output, before their false(when accelerating) gravity vector becomes unusable.
