Picloc 3x setting experience etc.


Holco, looks like you have that thing very smooth. Nice job. May I suggest turning off auto-focus? It's hunting a bit and making it look less stable than it is.


An other video from yesterday, again a little bit closer to where I want to be :)

This is with the Xoar 14x5 props because i like the efficiency of them, take some special attention at the landing in the end and watch the sharpness of the street tiles, Picloc Pro and the wire dampers working perfectly :D

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Great. I've been watching the PicLoc since the very first version a couple years back. I've reached out to GM a coupe times in the past and of course there is the waiting list:) and unfortunately i'm the impatient type! Maybe this time Ill actually join that waiting list! George, I've just sent an email requesting to be added. How soon will the next batch be ready?:tennis:


Hello there Happy Picloc owners......

im about to give up with my Picloc experience, can anybody help me understand if im doing something wrong??
this is the second Picloc i got after the first one i got with bad usb connector and it was going crazy when connecting my spektrum satelite.....

now this is the one i got today, and is doing the same thing.....
I tried 3 satellites allready,..... powered from computer, powered from BEC , tried everything......

please take 1 minute of your time and see this video....





Sorry about your issues Daniel. Hopefully someone can assist.

@Holco I assume that you are running the MKS HV-787 in new videos? How are they working for you? Is the potentiometer in that servo 5 Ohm?

Am I right in assuming most of these digi servos use 5Ohm pots?

Thanks gang!


Daniel. Having a little experience with the picloc myself and looking at what picloc toolz is showing you, I would say that you are doing everything right. The quickest way to get it working might be to just use a full rx and plug into the input connections rather than the satellite port. Not the best solution, but maybe it would get it working till George can help.


Daniel. Having a little experience with the picloc myself and looking at what picloc toolz is showing you, I would say that you are doing everything right. The quickest way to get it working might be to just use a full rx and plug into the input connections rather than the satellite port. Not the best solution, but maybe it would get it working till George can help.

Thanks for your help,
so how can i do that,....if i have a dx8 rx...i need a servo cable to connect rx to any input/servo connector on the Picloc??
to bad theres not a video of george explaining how to.... and looks like George is super busy this week.....



Yes, servo cable to each input 1,2,3 etc for roll, tilt, pan, then change the input mode to rx1-5 (I forget what it's actually called)

AUX1 ( for now ) is a toggle function.... ie.. to e-stop.. flick once in a direction, to disable, re-do same movement.

I cannot understand.. now...if you're using separate RX channels or PPM-SUM.
If you're using PPM_SUM, select your AUX1 to take its input from your Channel 7.

If you're using separate RX input, then channel 4 should by default be your AUX1.


I am using a Futaba 10CHP. Channel 4 is rudder. I don't know if there is actually a way to set up AUX1 on this transmitter. Can't I just assign a switch to a channel? I assigned channel 7 to switch D witch is a two way switch. Nothing happens. Anyone have any advice? I think I am missing something.


>>>I assigned channel 7 to switch D witch is a two way switch.

Needs to be a 3 position switch.

Assign this channel to Picloc's AUX 1, for the functions.


@Daniel.. Make sure your DX8 is working in 11ms framerate ( the fastest mode in Spektrum )
To access this... Power up radio with Roller pressed, then scroll down, and this setting should be in *System*
*if I'm not mistaking*

Before you have any servos connected, you must make sure that the radio commanding is being understood well.
Otherwise, damage can happen ... eg the chicken dance we're seeing in that video... which doesn't help at all !!


Still no MKS servo's!! the Italian where I ordered from is a bit lazy :)

Zo this is still with the moded BLS-451 servo's.

Sorry about your issues Daniel. Hopefully someone can assist.

@Holco I assume that you are running the MKS HV-787 in new videos? How are they working for you? Is the potentiometer in that servo 5 Ohm?

Am I right in assuming most of these digi servos use 5Ohm pots?

Thanks gang!


Thanks George, i did what you said and is working now, still have play with the proportional and acc,....but tilt and roll is responding with the radio.....
Im planning to use a DX6, do i have to do the same with that radio.? ( dont have the radio yet to test it)


@Daniel.. Make sure your DX8 is working in 11ms framerate ( the fastest mode in Spektrum )
To access this... Power up radio with Roller pressed, then scroll down, and this setting should be in *System*
*if I'm not mistaking*

Before you have any servos connected, you must make sure that the radio commanding is being understood well.
Otherwise, damage can happen ... eg the chicken dance we're seeing in that video... which doesn't help at all !!


@holco, Thanks for the update! I've just ordered two from AMain Hobbies. Hopefully you receive yours 1st, I'd like to hear info regarding pot extraction.
