As I play with the skyline I see a potential issue that may occur over time. When you tilt down 90 deg, as to look at the ground, the gimbal wires become very taught and want to pull the skyline when it rolls. It is tricky to get that perfect amount of extra wire as to allow slack but not ever pull on wires. I think one answer will come when the limits actually work in the software. Not sure why that is so hard to implement as it seems to already be there. But if the heli tilts more than normla it has the potential to yank the wires or move the skyline.
Was the only reason for mounting the skyline to the gimbal to eliminate the pots?
youhave to understand that the stabilization of the skyline is really really different of what you have ever seen actually.
All the other system (MK, piclok,hoverfly) are using an analogic loop to make stabilization:
First you have the calibrtion: the system has to lnow that for a measured angle, this correspond to a resistance value on the control potentiometer.
for example: a 10° angle should correspond to 3Kohm (this a false value).
When the stabilization sustem (gyroscope and acelerometer) read a value different from from the reference value ( the horizontal), it make spin the servo until the reaing on the potentiometer corrspond to 3kohm.
So you have a continuous reading on the valu of the pot and a continuous loop control. this system is time consuming for the µproc of th system.
The skyline is mounted DIRECTLY on the tilt axis. The skyline compares in real time the read value to the reference value, directly on the angle. If the read value is different, the skyline command the servo to move, using the potentiometer input. Photohigher has told that using the potentiometer input is faster tahn using the servo input signal.
Once Photohigher will have solved th skyline problem, you will just have a perfect stabilization system: you remove one step in the control loop, your stabsystem is directly correlated to what you need to correct. It won't be anymore a calibration between a read value and an analogical value read on another sensor.