Correct, not just the balcony but the roof as well does a couple jumps. It's either post stabilization or the AV jumps and twitches when trying to hold a position which doesn't surprise me if there's an RSGS involved.
Thx for your reply. No, there was no post stabilization.
Jumping of the the tilt axis is caused by too high gain settings.(A problem I am trying to fix ) As I mentioned before, it`s not perfect and believe me, I dont want others to buy a RsgS...that would be madness :highly_amused:
I would love to switch to Alexmos (upcoming Conversion Kit for Av200) so i get more stable results in gusty conditions.
I just wanted to show that the Rsgs can be tuned so the resullts are not that bad. There are many important factors that CAN influence a smooth motion capture.Thats all.
But , imho , if you fly your copter aggressively (like soft 3d) or you have to deal with rough conditions, the av200/Rsgs isnt able to deal with the situation, no matter what your settings are.
Greetings from Austria