Photohigher skyline rsgs

I'm just speculating but there is a chance that your servo is not responding to the Servo Tilt input. The Hitec servos probably only recognise 5V hobby servo PWM signals.

Please consider also that the problem can be at the other end, the pot one: the hitec 5085 (which never posed any problem with the rsgs) supply 3V to the pot so it is centered when it sees 1,5V whilst the 5625 and 5645 (difficult to set, in the end i gave up) supply only 2V to the pot, and consider they are centered when, with 1500 ms, they see 1V at the pot center pin. A bit on the low side IMHO...




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@Photo Higher OM

I have now ordered an SC-1258TG Savöx speed, because I have no time for testing or experiments.

I just find it strange that I got an AV130 with a Hitec servo. PhotoHigher acts as if they had never delivered something like that.
I have the AV130 as it is bought from a dealer in Switzerland ( with built-in Hitec servos .
But there are still more AV130 outside delivered with Hitec servos.
Are not all coming from photo Higher??
You have to know what you've manufactured and what kind of servos you put on the AV 130.
So will the AV 130 work together with the skyline?

If I have misunderstood something, it is probably due to my bad English. Sorry


Same here ... also remember that PH dosent mention in the description of AV130 that its equipped with SAVOX servos
In fact it does not mention any brand name

You should ask to if they change the stockk servo because all the Photohigher gimbal I receive are with SAVOX servo.

I have never had some with hitech.


I have the AV130 bought 1 year ago.

Aero Dron now sold with the AV130 Hyperionservo:
PhotoHigher has done another exceptional job with this mount. It is constructed from lightweight alloys and machined engineering plastics and has a 2.5:1 reduction on tilt and a 8:1 reduction on roll. The tilt is powered by a Hyperion digital programmable servo and an external 180 degree potentiometer and it has an external 10 turn potentiometer on roll powered by a Hyperion digital high speed servo.
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Hi guys,

I just bought two SC 1258tg Savox servos to test. Has anyone modified these servos for 360 rotation? I have a question. How to you get the pot to turn loose from the top, black plastic case. When I modify Futaba servos the pot pivot shaft will just push through the top case which allows the board with the motor and pot to slide out of the center housing. I have applied quite a bit of pressure to the pot pivot shaft, but it does not want to just slide out. Any ideas?

EDIT: I figured it out. The pot is held to the top plat by two screws. If you twist the board slightly you can get a small phillips screw driver in to remove the screws.

Wayne Mann
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Amazing what a few instructions will do? I just bought a new AV200 and installed the Skyline as per instructions. It is sweet! I can fly my 5D now :tennis:
Now I have a full 360 Pan AV130 for sale, anyone interested? see the for sale section.

I have the AV130 bought 1 year ago.
Aero Dron now sold with the AV130 Hyperionservo:
PhotoHigher has done another exceptional job with this mount. It is constructed from lightweight alloys and machined engineering plastics and has a 2.5:1 reduction on tilt and a 8:1 reduction on roll. The tilt is powered by a Hyperion digital programmable servo and an external 180 degree potentiometer and it has an external 10 turn potentiometer on roll powered by a Hyperion digital high speed servo.

Aerodron is late in his informations, It's been monthS that Photohigher is delivering The AV130 and AV200 with 3 turns potentiometers.
Aerodron have been very fast to take the idea of my enhancements kits for AV200 when I have started to sell it but he's not as fast to follow the products he's selling.

By the way :

This AV30 :
View attachment 4941

is arrived today, directly from Photohigher and you see like me: there is 2 Savox servo :)


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@1001 Copters

Nice that it is now so. Unfortunately, that help me now not much further.
Why are the AV Mount for Aero Drone sold with false servos?
So I now have to buy me a new Savöx servo for Tilt.
What remains for me something else. Hope that the reconstruction of the servo is simple.


@1001 Copters

Nice that it is now so. Unfortunately, that help me now not much further.
Why are the AV Mount for Aero Drone sold with false servos?
So I now have to buy me a new Savöx servo for Tilt.
What remains for me something else. Hope that the reconstruction of the servo is simple.

So, it sounds as if the replacement Savox servo that we will have to purchase to replace the Hitech one on the tilt must be modified. If anyone knows how to do this modification, it would be great to see an explanation/tutorial of what to do. A video would be more than great.


Hello MultiHexa and AEMontoya,

As far as I know, since mid last year, all gimbals have had Savox on the roll and tilt. Over a year ago we manufactured with other servos.

So I've been playing with the Hitech 5645 this morning and have got it working with Skyline!!!
These are my initial findings:

1. The wires can be ambiguous.
Please make sure you have Hitech yellow pot wire going -> skyline red tilt pot wire (or Skyline white tilt pot wire if you have early loom where pot wires are individual).
AND also ensure you have Hitech red pot wire going -> Skyline black tilt pot wire. Ignore Hitech green pot wire.

2. Unplug the tilt Servo lead from the Skyline while it is initialising. Looks like the Hitechs like to move when there is no input from its signal line. It will start moving as soon as it has a ground and 5V on its power line. This is a big problem because the Skyline won't give it a signal until it's initialised and it can't initialise until the gimbal is motionless.

The only way around this problem is to disconnect Skyline Tilt Servo Input from your Hitech servo (you can leave the pot input plugged in though). Wait for the Skyline to initialise and green LED to be on, then plug your tilt servo in and you will be stabilizing.

Because the Hitech starts with no servo input, we can't fix it up in firmware (at this stage it looks impossible). If you're ok going through the above procedure every time you run the skyline, then this is your solution. Otherwise ask your dealer if he can supply you with the modified Savox 1258 servo we use for tilt.

I'll try to get some servo mod instructions on our website today for Savox and Hitech... obviously Hitech isn't all that suitable anymore.




Great! Thank you. I still plan to switch over to the Savox 1258TG, though (just one less thing to worry about having to do pre-flight vs. using the Hitech). I look forward to seeing the Savox servo modification instructions on the PH website. Thank you, again.

Quick question: If asking our dealer about obtaining a Savox 1258TG that has already been modified, what would we say? For example, would the dealer himself do the mod, or would they purchase the modded servo from PH? Or does Savox provide the modded servo?


It depends why you have a Hitech servo on your gimbal. Could you ask your dealer if they received the gimbal with the Hitech servo or if they swapped it themselves? If so, they might still have the old Savox servo somewhere. Otherwise you can grab a Savox from an online store. Savox doesn't modify them. The modification is very easy to do though so don't stress and it looks like someone on this forum just did it.


Savox 1257tg a Good Substitute for 1258tg?

I have access to a good deal on a new 1257tg. Would that be a good substitute for the tilt axis on my AV 130/Skyline in place of the 1258tg? Or, do I really need the extra power that the 1258tg offers? I plan to use a Go Pro 2 and a Nex 5 camera.

