Photohigher skyline rsgs


Active Member
Had a quick look at your video Ross. I noticed that the first thing you did after connecting the skyline to the software was to set the XY level before you centred your servos.From what I understand you need to center the servos first. What has worked for me is that after connecting rsgs and software I go to the tuning tab and then press servos on. Now I tune the tilt and once you get it to stop turning press servos off and then press save settings. Do the same for the roll (switch servos on/get them to stop/switch servos off/save settings.)
Now with servos off I put the tilt/roll belts back on and the level the tray. Next step I take is to set the XY level then press save settings (servos off all this time). Next I tilt the tray 90degrees and set the z axis followed by save settings. Next I level the tray once more and hit the auto tune button. The skyline should now initialise and go through its startup procedure and autotune for you. Hope this helps. The manual needs a major overhaul.

The reason I set XY level firat, well according to my way of thinking. The RSGS needs to know what's level BEFORE it can tell the servos to level itself? It needs a reference to what level feels like to itself? If it wasnt level & i sorted the servos first & then levelled after...then surely (according to my way of thinking) the rsgs would keep moving the servos until it got what it thought was level?

But I must be really weird ;)



You can centre both servos at the same time if you are happy to have one spinning away in the backround. Just remember to turn servos off and hit save settings when you get them both to stop. Alternatively You can turn off and save after you set the roll and then turn back on and set the tilt (then turn off and save settings when stopped).
Its been trial and error for me to find a method that works and this way has worked for me so far. I am getting decent results with my av200 pan 360 which is on fw1.6. My other gimbal is now on fw1.7 and looks good on the bench but the truth will be told once airborne. If it goes well the I will upgarde the av200 to fw1.7 also just dont want to mess about with it now that I have finally got it working on fw1.6.


The reason I set XY level firat, well according to my way of thinking. The RSGS needs to know what's level BEFORE it can tell the servos to level itself? It needs a reference to what level feels like to itself? If it wasnt level & i sorted the servos first & then levelled after...then surely (according to my way of thinking) the rsgs would keep moving the servos until it got what it thought was level?

But I must be really weird ;)


Try centering the servos first as described earlier and I think it might just solve your problems. The servos need to be centred in their deadband before being told what is level so that they can adjust from a neutral position.


Iceman, you got great eyesight mate ;)As for your question, I can't honestly answer because I don't fly my MR that fast to be honest, I try my best to keep it slow & smooth, but thats the style I fly. Maybe its wind resistance pressing against the tray & the rsgs sensing the movement trying to compensate?
Thanks for your reply Ross but I don't think it's wind resistance as it does it in slow flight as well, there was no wind in the test video and the problem can be seen at 2.45 when I fly slow and to the left (not forward)


Ross, by the way have you tried following the set up as per this video, it worked for me but you must follow it step by step. Start by default all settings, remove tilt belt and roll servo off the rollngear then follow the steps in the video.
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Iceman have you tried lowering your tilt position gain to get rid of the the jitters? You could also try upping the tilt velocity gains a bit. Seems to be a balancing act on the gains to get all jitter ironed out of the system.


Iceman have you tried lowering your tilt position gain to get rid of the the jitters? You could also try upping the tilt velocity gains a bit. Seems to be a balancing act on the gains to get all jitter ironed out of the system.
Not had time to adjust yet but hope to in the next couple of days, it looks great on the bench and smooth (including mirror test) will try your advice and adjust position and velocity gains. Andy


Gee I wish I had managed the upload this morning :(

I have the two servos plugged in. Follow the manual step by step...

Be prepared to remove power quickly if (in the beginning) if it rolls or tilts uncontrollable as that may mean you have to reverse the affected axis - "servo" tab.

Connect to pc
Connect power, click comms (bottom left) "connect" within seconds of applying power. Blue light comes on after some self-testing
Level pan - use a spirit level or similar. Get it perfect
Click XY
Rotate tray to look 90 deg straight down.
Click Z
Level tray tilt and roll - check with spirit level
Click "auto tune"
Watch it boogie for 20-30 seconds. Cyan light on RSGS
When RSGS goes blue, calibration done. I click "save" here too.

I have no pan control so I have the AUX set to Roll and Tilt no Pan - on all 3 tabs. Click save after changing that.
The only other thing is setting the tilt travel.
I will upload my vid when I get home.

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The reason I set XY level firat, well according to my way of thinking. The RSGS needs to know what's level BEFORE it can tell the servos to level itself? It needs a reference to what level feels like to itself? If it wasnt level & i sorted the servos first & then levelled after...then surely (according to my way of thinking) the rsgs would keep moving the servos until it got what it thought was level?

But I must be really weird ;)

weird .... maybe.... :highly_amused:
just do it like the rest of us... you'll be happier...
please let us know if it works for ya.. you have been having an awful time..


Yep Iceman just adjust one at a time as they seem to have a direct effect on one another. I would personally try lowering the tilt position gains first and see how that goes. I agree that things can look good on the bench but once in the air with the various forces at play all can change.


Yep Iceman just adjust one at a time as they seem to have a direct effect on one another. I would personally try lowering the tilt position gains first and see how that goes. I agree that things can look good on the bench but once in the air with the various forces at play all can change.
Thanks, that's encouraging to know, I want to get this right before I re-install the 360 servo and gear.


Active Member
Thank you all for helping me & at last...yes its working....of sorts ;)

Done it 1 servo at a time & then XY level, Z level...each time saving & then autotune...then saved again. Unplugged CPU & re-started RSGS...she works :) but doesn't quite go back to level, if I power off & on again, she will then, turn off & on again & she's slightly off it continues. But at least with ALL of your help I feel tonight I have done something right...listened for a change ;)

Regards & much thanks


Active Member
Good to hear that some progress has been made. Now get out and fly and let us know how it goes.

I just looked at the WX report for SW England....strong winds up until wednesday at least next week :( gutted!
My cam op (the mrs) has a few days off next week so we could go filming...that makes it even worse :(

Thanks again Alex & all for getting me this far, anyone going to write an instruction manual?



Active Member
Ross... don't you ever sleep???

It's 14:30 here so it will be another 3 hours before I can do another test.


I have problems sleeping most nights...go to bed at 4ish, up again at 8am, then a quick nap from 12 until 13:30....thats me at the moment :( it's annoying, considering I have a beautiful fiancee who I'm about to marry in May...she keeps wondering that's wrong with me...must be all this stress!!!! ;)



Active Member
Awesome news Ross,
Hope the rest can dial out.
I'm uploading another test rite now with fly/hover testing.
Looks OK, but must gimbal is a little bent, and parts arrive today I hope.


Active Member
Awesome news Ross,
Hope the rest can dial out.
I'm uploading another test rite now with fly/hover testing.
Looks OK, but must gimbal is a little bent, and parts arrive today I hope.

So now its connect the receiver back up time...will leave that till morning now.
Can't wait to see your movie Nic.



Awesome news Ross,
Hope the rest can dial out.
I'm uploading another test rite now with fly/hover testing.
Looks OK, but must gimbal is a little bent, and parts arrive today I hope.

alas... the advantage of building ones own gimbal ;)

There is certainly less tilt jitter on my mount. Lets hope I can get some testing in this weekend...



Active Member
Considering my roll cage/rails are not great from the stack I had 2 weeks ago, I think its OK.
FedEx are on delivery today for my parts, and then I'll replace them tonight and get it running smoother. I think could up the position gains by 25, and perhaps the velocity is fine, maybe add another 25 there too. I'll try.
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