Photohigher AV200 PRO, Video Vibrations ?


Drone Enthusiast
okay have the extra plate for stability and the vibration gel that Droider recommended. I made a Plate gel Alu Gimbal sandwich cant wait to try it out tomorrow !

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Drone Enthusiast
Hi Dave,

i think you never got my email to your address. The plate was actually send to me by PH. They said they are aware of the flex issue on the Alu Gimbal for heavier DSLR and they already had it if I understood them correctly.



Drone Enthusiast
Hi Dave, just did that 10 mins ago. When i asked for the CAD files and instead got the plate already finished I didnt ask for any parts yet since the plastic washer I got from a hardware shop did its job just fine. In the mean time I want to change some screws and get the original washer and lets see what they will say. Going over my reseller is not an option. I hope they understand.


Drone Enthusiast
haha maybe they misunderstood your request for a spare part listing/drawing or tried to get out of it by just sending spare parts and quieting the request for a list.
You can send them to me anytime, Ill will take all the costs on me !


Merlin of Multirotors
Just an FYI, over the weekend I got my hands on a CC BEC and wired it up on my standard Hexa with the AV 130, substantial difference in performance. Still not anything close to "right" but overall a remarkable difference in roll and tilt centering with 6 volts and the servos able to draw as much current as they need.

Now to find a suitable replacement for the tilt servo. After over 7 months and a lot of emails, some unanswered by PH, I've given up all hope of ever seeing the Savox replacements I was promised when I bought the mount.



Drone Enthusiast
Ill see what Kimberley says.. Got full frame, toothed roll bar, camera mount, CF support plate, screw set, and roll poti toother wheel.!



Drone Enthusiast
Just an FYI, over the weekend I got my hands on a CC BEC and wired it up on my standard Hexa with the AV 130, substantial difference in performance. Still not anything close to "right" but overall a remarkable difference in roll and tilt centering with 6 volts and the servos able to draw as much current as they need.

Now to find a suitable replacement for the tilt servo. After over 7 months and a lot of emails, some unanswered by PH, I've given up all hope of ever seeing the Savox replacements I was promised when I bought the mount.


Ken.. Kimberley is now starting to listen.. send him another email requesting the upgrade..



Drone Enthusiast
Ken, how much current was max for your servos before you installed the CC BEC and which savox servos do you have exactly the Savox SH 1290 HG ?
Maybe I should change my UBEC that supplies 6V to both servos and max 5A.




Merlin of Multirotors
Ken, how much current was max for your servos before you installed the CC BEC and which savox servos do you have exactly the Savox SH 1290 HG ?
Maybe I should change my UBEC that supplies 6V to both servos and max 5A.



Previously I had servo power coming through the MK flight controller and that is current limited to the 1 or 1 1/2 amps the Recom is capable of providing, so if you have a heavy load on the mount and both servos are trying to move it at the same time there isn't enough current available to do the job. Even with light loads that can happen when both servos are working, remember the servo circuit wasn't designed with high power digital servos and heavy DSLRs in mind.

I don't have Savox servos on my AV130, mine was an early production version that came with Hyperions, not sure how much they can draw at max but I'd bet $$$ its more than 1 to 1 1/2 amps.



Drone Enthusiast
ah okay I understand was a misunderstanding i thought you have the savöx.

Infos on Savöx Sh 1290 HG,

what does stall current mean ? max ? but something is seems to be implied my english isn't good enough.

Running current (at no load): 200 mA @ 4.8V
Running current (at no load): 250 mA @ 6.0V
Stall current (at locked): 2.4 A @ 4.8V
Stall current (at locked): 3.0 A @ 6.0V
Idle current (at stopped): 5 mA @ 4.8V
Idle current (at stopped): 5 mA @ 6.0V


Drone Enthusiast
by the way Ken I write my emails directly to Sue Beatty from PH. She hasn't disappointed me yet. Sue AT


Active Member
Yes - stall current is the max - what it will draw if it stalls, i.e. if the load it experiences is equal to its maximum torque.


Drone Enthusiast
Or you ram your mount into the ground and the buried camera lens prevents the servo from pulling it out!


Drone Enthusiast
okay thing are getting better !

Gimbal plate and anti vibration gel did improve the setup. Although gusty winds and the fear rain will start again, and no question the flying should be improved by a lot, things have gotten better. I am not happy though with the nick jumps. My flying is not good its out of question but the kopter is just hovering and no strong forward backwards movements are forced upon it. Its not like i fly any better wit the gopro on it and there these nick jumps are not seen. So i will have to now start looking a the nick axis and do some fine tuning on the gyros. I will post my setting later maybe someone can read out of my gyro palm and tell me what I can change.

But i stay with my finding that the AV 200 with MK FC stabilization and a lighter camera works a lot better than with a heavier DSLR 1KG plus and yes a UBEC is used to juice the servos.

Thanks Boris

30 Frame not stabilized or reduced speed. Think with 60 frames it could get better. Time to start using the 7D
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