Mikrokopter MK Firmware 0.88 online now

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
Bart, I did redo the ACC calibration on the MK. Fortunately, I did not have to reinstall because it was my error on the gimbal for not calibrating the gyros. You know I just don't know what is next. I was hoping for a better flying MK. I may get there, if not it is on the market for someone else to play with.


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if it weren't for the fact that it worked for me, i'd think i was crazy for suggesting it but try installing .88 again and see if things improve.



Merlin of Multirotors
I will try again. Bart are you using default settings? If not what are you using?

On both of my setups I did a firmware upgrade on the Navi and F/C and did a reload on the Mag board as well. From there I did a reset of all parameters in MKtool, recalibrated the compass then did the acceleromter calibration, once all that was done I did an initial test flight to see if anything needed to be tweaked. Only things I changed, increasing the Yaw settings in the gyro screen and dropping the GPS gain about 5 points, otherwise pretty much default settings and it works great on both hexa and quad. Both are built on standard Mk kit hardware with the exception being the quad has Suppo 925kv motors and the hexa has Droidworx landing gear and an AV130.

I'm sitting here kicking around the idea of swapping the Cinestar 6 over to the spare set of Mk electronics and giving it another go with the new firmware. I did this swap a while back and could not get the CS to fly anywhere close to as smooth and level as I could with the WKM electronics but that was on .82 and .86 MK firmware, this release may be the key to getting similar performance in calm air and superior performance in windy conditions.



Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
I will try again. Bart are you using default settings? If not what are you using?

All default flight settings except for tweaking to get my camera mount compensated correctly. Tried servo filtering a little but my mount is very rigid so it did more harm than good. it's gusting to 33 knots outside so I'm planning to get back out there and do some flying today.

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
Thanks Bart and Ken! I will go and reinstall the software including the Mag3 then recalibrate everything. Ken I will make the adjustments you suggested and see if that helps.


Just got back from flying 3 sets of batteries and the new copter flew awesome. I do get some pretty bad ballooning on yaw so I need to check into what to tweak. This is a new copter and has only flown on firmware v0.88. I was flying all stock settings in a light breeze; the altitude hold was dead on and so was GPS hold with just a slight bit of an occasional twitch while holding. Altitude hold varied a max of 1 meter and GPS hold a max of 3 meters. I even got brave and tried come home which worked perfect too. Need to do some tuning and setting some more things up but v0.88 seems to be a winner.


Shawn, Is this a new X8 copter? I'm about to upgrade my heavy lift X8.



Shawn, Is this a new X8 copter? I'm about to upgrade my heavy lift X8.


Yep, I am trying out a design base on Bart's new copter. Really flies nice so far. Hopefully get in some video and waypoint flights this weekend and next.

I plan to do my original X8 as soon as I get in my new 2-axis gopro gimbal to mount.



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Heli's & Tele's bloke
Yep, I am trying out a design base on Bart's new copter. Really flies nice so far. Hopefully get in some video and waypoint flights this weekend and next.

I plan to do my original X8 as soon as I get in my new 2-axis gopro gimbal to mount.


Love the pudding basin.


Anyone elsehad RTryders positive experience.. I was just about to rip off my MK stack on the ADX3 HL but I may give it a whirl.. anyone else got it on a Y6 set up?


Just had first flight with all default values on my Y6.

Very Happy with it so far , Height control needs a little fine tuning , maybe a bit more gas, gps was ok little bit of fish bowl, was only a little to no breeze

Update come at a good time (had a little bit of a fight with a palm tree so an update, and calibrate worked in well)

Just checking video now too see onboard.

Anyone tried the failsafe feature yet?

Looks like you have to at least be 25 mt away from take off for it to return?

How does the % work for vario landing?

If I have Height control set as ceiling , will the vario landing still work in fail safe, or must I have vario set for height control as well?


I've just done some flight tests on the new firmware and in no wind it seems to be very stable, the only thing that doesn't seem right is the PH after you push the nick or roll stick, I only moved the stick for about .5 - 1 sec and it levels up straight away but it doesn't return to the original spot where PH was activated. I have dynamic PH set to 5 sec so it should not be logging a new position after only 1 sec.

I was sure on the .86 firware I could do the same thing and it would return to the original spot.

What do I need to adjust so it does this?



Heli's & Tele's bloke
No. It would return to the coordinates where PH was activated in FW .82. Among other things like Teachable CareFree, FW .86 also introduced Dynamic Position Hold where it would assume a new GPS Hold position at the coordinates where the stick is released. I don't have MKTool up right now but I would imagine there is a Check Box to select/deselect the 'Dynamic' part of PH.


No. It would return to the coordinates where PH was activated in FW .82. Among other things like Teachable CareFree, FW .86 also introduced Dynamic Position Hold where it would assume a new GPS Hold position at the coordinates where the stick is released. I don't have MKTool up right now but I would imagine there is a Check Box to select/deselect the 'Dynamic' part of PH.

Thanks for your reply.
I have the check box selected with a 5 sec logging time, I thought this meant that the copter had to be held in the new position for 5 sec before it logs and stays at this new position, and if it was under 5 sec then it would return to where PH was activated. Is this not the way it works?



Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
I think what MBF is saying is that the box you're referring to (where you put in the "Stick Threshold", I think that's what it's called) isn't functional if you have the Dynamic PH selected.
I don't this to be a fact but it makes sense.


Hi Guys,

The tab I'm referring to is the Navi-Ctrl2 tab. It has a position hold log in time and the check box for dynamic position hold.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I was thinking that the position hold log in time was the time it had to sit a one place for that position to be logged as the GPS position.
Dynamic position hold I thought allowed you to leave PH on and move to a new spot, hold for 5 sec and then this would become the new GPS position?

This is why I thought that if you move the stick for 1 or 2 sec it should return to the original spot where PH was switched on?



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Hi Guys,

The tab I'm referring to is the Navi-Ctrl2 tab. It has a position hold log in time and the check box for dynamic position hold.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I was thinking that the position hold log in time was the time it had to sit a one place for that position to be logged as the GPS position.
Dynamic position hold I thought allowed you to leave PH on and move to a new spot, hold for 5 sec and then this would become the new GPS position?

This is why I thought that if you move the stick for 1 or 2 sec it should return to the original spot where PH was switched on?


Have you read the wiki? It does explain what you want to know? Just press help in current mk tools settings tab.


Drone Enthusiast
Aye Up Wizprod..WELCOME to MRF.

Nice to see you stopped by.. Your input is very welcome on MRF so please come back sometime soon.



Hi Guys,

The tab I'm referring to is the Navi-Ctrl2 tab. It has a position hold log in time and the check box for dynamic position hold.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I was thinking that the position hold log in time was the time it had to sit a one place for that position to be logged as the GPS position.
Dynamic position hold I thought allowed you to leave PH on and move to a new spot, hold for 5 sec and then this would become the new GPS position?

This is why I thought that if you move the stick for 1 or 2 sec it should return to the original spot where PH was switched on?


To me, it's really not that clear from the Wiki how this all works. I haven't tried it so can't comment on personal experience.

From the wiki:

  • Position Hold Login Time
    • That's the maximum of time in which the MikroKopter logs the new position after the sticks of the Nick/Roll axis are back into a neutral position.
      Yawing is possible without changing the nominal position.
  • Dynamic PositionHold
    • By switching on/off these function you can change the behavior of the Kopter in the function PositionHold.

      Funktion off:
      Is the function PositionHold (PH) switched on the movement of the Kopter will be directly controlled with the Nick- / Roll stick.
      Here the function PH will be switched off if the sticks are moved.
      At the new position and after releasing the sticks the function PositionHold (PH) will be switched on again.

      Funktion on:
Also here you can fly the Kopter through movements with the Nick-/Roll stick to a new position.
The function PH will be not switched on- and off but here the nominal values of the GPS coordinates will be shifted.
Therefore a more accurate positioning is possible during windy conditions. The Kopter flies slower to the positions.
Note: Dynamic PositionHold is switched on by default settings.

My interpretation is that Position Hold Login Time is only used when Dynamic Position Hold is NOT selected and it flies with full stick authority. If Dynamic Position Hold is selected then it immediately locks in on the new location when the sticks are released and it travels with less stick authority.

I probably have it wrong, but maybe not. Anyone else know different?




To me, it's really not that clear from the Wiki how this all works. I haven't tried it so can't comment on personal experience.

From the wiki:
  • Position Hold Login Time
    • That's the maximum of time in which the MikroKopter logs the new position after the sticks of the Nick/Roll axis are back into a neutral position.
      Yawing is possible without changing the nominal position.
  • Dynamic PositionHold
    • By switching on/off these function you can change the behavior of the Kopter in the function PositionHold.

      Funktion off:
      Is the function PositionHold (PH) switched on the movement of the Kopter will be directly controlled with the Nick- / Roll stick.
      Here the function PH will be switched off if the sticks are moved.
      At the new position and after releasing the sticks the function PositionHold (PH) will be switched on again.

      Funktion on:
Also here you can fly the Kopter through movements with the Nick-/Roll stick to a new position.
The function PH will be not switched on- and off but here the nominal values of the GPS coordinates will be shifted.
Therefore a more accurate positioning is possible during windy conditions. The Kopter flies slower to the positions.
Note: Dynamic PositionHold is switched on by default settings.

My interpretation is that Position Hold Login Time is only used when Dynamic Position Hold is NOT selected and it flies with full stick authority. If Dynamic Position Hold is selected then it immediately locks in on the new location when the sticks are released and it travels with less stick authority.

I probably have it wrong, but maybe not. Anyone else know different?


Thanks for posting that Shawn

I always thought the PH log-in time was the minimun time to log new position - I guess thats why it wasn't working the way I thought it should, at least I know now :)

So basically the copter will not return to the original position if the Nick/Roll stick is moved whether dynamic PH is on or off.

After reading that it looks like the only advantage of Dynamic PH is that its more accurate in windy conditions, is there any other advantage in using Dynamic PH?

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