KDE Direct has added Multi-Rotor Heli motors to their lineup


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I just received the

and they are beautiful motors. The bearings are great and the attention to detail is great. I don't have efficiency numbers yet but I hope they keep up with the promise

It's a coax octocopter with 16-17inch tiger props

I got a Problem I want to run them on 6S and 8S. While bench testing even on 6S they sometimes loose sync in conjunction with
Maytech HV 5-12S 50A ESC OPTO simon k under load (rapid throttle changes). The 4014 works great with the Multistar 45A OPTO flashed simon K (only 6S though).

The Tiger U7 on the other hand looses sync with several ESC's and is unnessary heavy, this why I went for the KDE's

Is there a HV ESC which is actually working good with the kde motors ( I think this one is 24pole) ?
The tiger HV esc got recalled as well so it's quite hard to get good ESC's...

I wrote and email to altitude hobbies (retailer of Maytech) and KDE but haven't heard back yet..


I'm going to be running those motors with Hobbywing Pro 40A ESC's. So far on the bench they run great. FIrst flights by next week, maybe tomorrow if all of the set-up goes well later tonight.



Aerial DP
kde is going to offer esc's good to 8s very soon. I am currently running the same exact esc's from altitude with the same exact motors as you Roo..... What are you doing to see this loss of sync? Earlier in this thread i had mentioned those exact exc's with these exact motors and the answer was it should be no problem.....

Yesterday i built out a disco pro with the 4014 380,,,, they are 100 grams less a piece,,,, super tight motors, sound awesome

Got some dope info from KDE yesterday, they have a u7 buster coming down the pipes deemed 5215,,, stay tuned

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kde is going to offer esc's good to 8s very soon. I am currently running the same exact esc's from altitude with the same exact motors as you Roo..... What are you doing to see this loss of sync? Earlier in this thread i had mentioned those exact exc's with these exact motors and the answer was it should be no problem.....

Yesterday i built out a disco pro with the 4014 380,,,, they are 100 grams less a piece,,,, super tight motors, sound awesome

Got some dope info from KDE yesterday, they have a u7 buster coming down the pipes deemed 5215,,, stay tuned

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Hi kloner,

thanks for giving me some hope :)

this is what they do

it doesn't happen unless you very rapidly change throttle (from almost 0% to 70-90%) under load (15 inch prop) with 6S
The powertrain might never get into that scenario, due to the total cost of the equipment ($10-15k copter) and the weight I'm concerned about it :)
I always play it as safe as possible

tried the kde motors with Multistar OPTO ESC 45A simon K (which worked great 100+ flights on my other 10kg octo with axi motors)
and they perform flawlessly...

The 5212 look interesting, but probably quite heavier do dissipate the heat.
I first looked at using u7 motors, but the weight put me off

But even the 4014 are rated at 1065W+ and 200 degrees
the u7 are rated 1180 and 180 degrees, but I reckon they will run cooler due to the design and weight.
But from monitoring ESC and Motor temperature after landing, it's usually the ESC's that would concern me...
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I'm going to be running those motors with Hobbywing Pro 40A ESC's. So far on the bench they run great. FIrst flights by next week, maybe tomorrow if all of the set-up goes well later tonight.


Hi Bart,

sweet is there a HV hobbywing ESC? Yeah easter gives some time to built and test :)


Aerial DP
that is definately not flyable, if it can get there, it will.... i just had the same problem with the red maytec and u7,,,, and yea, a motor shutoff and yea, it wiped it out. 30lbs of splinters


Drone Enthusiast
Bart if you still have some stock turnigy plush would you mind testing them as well? I'm thinking of swapping out my 2814 for the 4014 380's. Patrick said he hadn't heard anything negative but has not tried them himself.


that is definately not flyable, if it can get there, it will.... i just had the same problem with the red maytec and u7,,,, and yea, a motor shutoff and yea, it wiped it out. 30lbs of splinters

Oh man that sounds like expensive "Red" splinters
Mhh that was my thinking... I bench tested the U7 as well and it lost sync on the Multistar ESC.
Can't wait for the KDE ESC's, my guess they are working exactly on the same Problem...
Fast response means huge current spikes and potentially loss of sync... because these motors have serious torque to speed up and slow down huge props
yeah these ESC's have a hard job...
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Oh man that sounds like expensive "Red" splinters
Mhh that was my thinking... I bench tested the U7 as well and it lost sync on the Multistar ESC.
Can't wait for the KDE ESC's, my guess they are working exactly on the same Problem...
Fast response means huge current spikes and potentially loss of sync... because these motors have serious torque to speed up and slow down huge props
yeah these ESC's have a hard job...

Are you able to change timing on your esc? If I remember right, using HobbyWing firmware with Iflight 4114 (22poles), I have the same problem. Switching to high timing did somewhat almost fix it 95% for me. But start up sometime still have issue. Finally I switch to Iflight SK 40Amp HV and everything work perfect, but I don't know which version of SK it is though.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
Hi Bart,

sweet is there a HV hobbywing ESC? Yeah easter gives some time to built and test :)

actually, the only go to 6S which is what I'm using but I guess you're looking for higher. sorry about that.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
Bart if you still have some stock turnigy plush would you mind testing them as well? I'm thinking of swapping out my 2814 for the 4014 380's. Patrick said he hadn't heard anything negative but has not tried them himself.

I think I do and so I think I can. I'm still working on a product review for the 4012XF-400 and so I can run one with the Turnigy ESC on 6S. i'm also starting a new Hexa build using the same motors so that will be posted sometime today.



Drone Enthusiast
Are the Hobbywings the same as Plushes? cant remember which were the same. If we could get an ETA on the KDE ESC's I'd just hold out for those.


Aerial DP
so yea, my 4014 with the red maytecs are incompatible.....

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KDE Direct

KDE Direct, LLC.
Hey Guys,

The commutation errors being experienced are hitting the Internet more and more with all brands across the board and Maytech ESCs, as well as a series of other "SimonK" based units. It's not a direct reflection of the KDE Direct XF motors, as this also occurs with T-Motors and other brands, using higher-pole count designs to reach higher peak-efficiency. Right now, the limitation are the controllers and here's some insight I have to share:

1. When the controller is asked to make a sudden throttle increase (such as from 25% to 100%) in a very short time-period, this results in extremely high amperage "micro-bursts" that rip through the controller. Micro-bursts up to 2000A! are not uncommon in this scenario and cannot be seen on data logs (must use a visual oscilloscope), but luckily, the capacitors are there to protect the MOSFETs and soak-up these massive peaks, which only occur for a very short period of time and luckily, for the most part, do not cause harm. To combat this, controllers utilize a time-delay (measured in microseconds) to help reduce these peak loads and not trip built-in Current Limiting protection circuitry. What you may be witnessing is not an issue with commutation with the motors, but the trip of the Current-Limiting occurring in the low-cost controllers common on the market. These can often be Disabled, but then the risk of damage to the ESC is raised - especially for low-cost units.

2. Commutation rate is limited by the quality of the components and the speed/quality of the primary processor. Many of the low-cost controllers use very cheap components and processors that are limited to their abilities. With a high-pole count motor, the speed of the commutation rate is increased and if the processor cannot keep up with the fast load changes, it will result in the loss of proper operation as you can see in the video. I highly recommend to anyone with a quality system to not utilize low-quality ESCs - they are the backbone of the power system and there's a reason the prices are so low - cheap components and poorly-optimized control algorithms = poor performance.

3. Another aspect is the control-algorithm - SimonK is an "open-source" code, meaning any company can use it for development, and royalties are to be paid to the original designer. Many companies have simply stolen the code and then tweaked it to their own liking, so one brand with "SimonK" does not mean the same algorithm as another with "SimonK". Let alone the hundreds of different revisions and tweaks, the reality is - you don't always know what you are going to get, let alone, if the same brand is re-flashed with different versions. So, one brand with SimonK may work just fine with high-pole count motors, while another will not - they are NOT the same basic codes. This is all up to the integrity and honesty of the company using it, as to how good the code truly is and whether or not it is properly optimized.

Long story short, we are asking low-quality controllers to do very important functions. We are soon releasing our own series of controllers optimized for the XF Brushless Motors that use our own proprietary algorithms and true 600Hz-refresh compatibility, and the highest-quality components we're able to source. We'll do our best to price these competitive on the market, but in many regards, the cost in materials just to make them is higher than some of the controllers are sold for on the market! So, there is a dramatic range between brands in quality, and we hope to provide you guys the best and hassle-free equipment.


Drone Enthusiast

Thanks so much for the informative post. It's nice to see folks chime in who are behind the scenes making these thing actually spin.

Two questions:

1. While I understand that you are soon going to be selling what sounds like a quality product, are there any currently on the market that you feel are decent for these high pole count motors (or at least have good experiences with in your own testing)

2. Do you know a formula to determine advance? I am having a hard time finding anything online about how to choose the best starting point for ESC advance settings for high pile count.

Appreciate your input.

KDE Direct

KDE Direct, LLC.
Hey Guys,

Chris McVey took a quick video of his SkyHero setup, running prototype KDE Direct XF 55A+ controllers (up to 9S capable), and a high-pole count (24-magnet poles) KDE4012XF-400 brushless motor, to demonstrate the ability of high-quality controllers to properly operate and rapidly-control the motors under significant loading. Keep in mind, this is running direct-throttle control through the Futaba FASST system, so this is also worst-case with a direct-control latency of only 8ms - so even beyond the speed of Flight Controller algorithms.

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bartman- any test with the hobbywing/plushes -there the same i believe will be greatly appreciated. i have the 4012 's on order. would love to know if they work cause if not i gotta change my game plan. no rush though but sooner then later would be great. :)


Drone Enthusiast
Hey Guys,

Chris McVey took a quick video of his SkyHero setup, running prototype KDE Direct XF 55A+ controllers (up to 9S capable), and a high-pole count (24-magnet poles) KDE4012XF-400 brushless motor, to demonstrate the ability of high-quality controllers to properly operate and rapidly-control the motors under significant loading. Keep in mind, this is running direct-throttle control through the Futaba FASST system, so this is also worst-case with a direct-control latency of only 8ms - so even beyond the speed of Flight Controller algorithms.

Should I take this as the KDE are going to be the only appropriate ESCs for high pole motors? :)
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Drone Enthusiast
Is it safe to say that the 3520, being a 12/14 pole motor, would be better suited for the ESC's that most of us already have?
