Thanks. I would be doing a custom mount as well if we go with the M5. This is going on a custom X8 system.
How high is the M5 from where it connects to the bottom in terms of required clearance needed for landing gear?
What are you using for your vibration mount?
Is anyone using the movi with a Futaba Tx
I just got my M5 today, and it is certainly great, however I am not trying to work out how map a 14SG to it, so far all I can get working correctly is the tilt, when plugged into the SBUS of a 6208SB receiver.
I have no idea what this means in the manual for Futaba receivers.
Radio Type
Map Pan Rate Clamp
Map RC Mode
Map RC Pan
Map RC Roll Trim
Map RC Tilt
Map RC Tilt rate Clamp
S. Bus
Just changed my Tx over to Multi, and things are starting to look betterI can see exactly what's going on now in the Radio Chart.
Quinton the numbers are the mapping to the radio channels. The + and - simply allow you to reverse control direction quickly using the MoVI GUI rather than doing it on the radio. MoVI owners that are coming from the film world don't typically have any experience with RC radios so Freefly kept it simple.
Any reports from anyone flying the M5? have an RCtimer legacy performing stunningly well handheld but haven't finished the mount to get it under the jib where I expect it to fall apart.
I don't have anything yet. I initially thought I would use a DJI S1000, but then decided it was too much weight for it (still in spec, but pushing it). My current plan is to build a new multi to carry the M5. Still thinking about components...
It is a heavy gimbal, without a camera and handle, just with a toad in the hole and battery its 2036 grams without any fpv/tx for controller.
I'm interested in Bart's experience with the rig he built. I want to get this one right. The M5 is so nice on the ground -- just about perfect, really, and I don't want to make any compromises on the air side.