Freefly Movi M5 Brushless Gimbal, Official Users' Thread

I LOVE my M5. The only problem is that you will want 2! One to stay handheld and one to keep on your rig!
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Has anyone mounted A M5 under a S1000 yet? Just curious. As mentioned in a previous post it looks like it will work on paper but just interested if there are real test to see if it is viable.
Hey Lec,

You are within the limit of the S1000 specs if you put GH4 or 5D. With GH4, you are at the comfort zone.

You can remove the top tilt bar of M5 if you want to make it a few hundred grams lighter.


Active Member
Hey Lec,

You can remove the top tilt bar of M5 if you want to make it a few hundred grams lighter.

137g to be exact :)
At the moment that is what I have done, will have to get it flying to see if it causes any problems, but can not see it so far.
Users have done this with the Canon C100 as it is too high for the top bar.

They are the KDE prop mounts with DJI 1552 props if I'm not mistaken... I have them on my KDE 4014-380's and they work great :)

YES.. exactly. The props are amazing. SO SMOOTH. No balancing needed just sort through the props and find the props that weigh basically the same and group them.
Most of mine were spot on. So the 3 blade 15" is equillivant to a 16.5" 2 blade. Nice thrust and SMOOOOOTH!


Active Member
Had my maiden flight today with the Movi on a Skyjib Super 6 with 16.x5 wooden Xoars.
It went pretty well, however after the flight I felt the motors, and 3 of them were pretty hot 1,3 and 5 basically all the anti-clockwise ones.

I also had a bit of a toilet bowl effect spinning CCW, usually this thing stays put.
I know my gains need a lot of tuning, but would this cause the CCW motors to get hot?
They were not too hot to hold, but still quite hot to what I have seen before.
The ESCs were not hot at all, so what can cause CCW motors only to be hot, could it be the gains not being correct, or a different kind of problem?
Flight was just over 10 mins.

I had the 1/3/5 motors get hot on a hex in the past. It was on a Hoverfly Pro board, but I was overloading the system. The rig was hovering around 70 - 75% and for some reason the 1/3/5 motors were taking the extra load.


Active Member
I had the 1/3/5 motors get hot on a hex in the past. It was on a Hoverfly Pro board, but I was overloading the system. The rig was hovering around 70 - 75% and for some reason the 1/3/5 motors were taking the extra load.

Thanks for that, I will have to have a check to see where the hover point is next flight, I did not check it as I was worrying about too many other things.
I had this thing flying with a Zen and a 5D which was 3KG and there was not any heat, maybe I should try out my 16x5.4 CF props to see how it goes.

I'm running the T-Mortor 330KV motors with T-motor NON simonK 40 amp ESC's.
I don't know max time as I never tried but with (2) 6000 6S packs I can get 8 - 10 min and still have 1500- 2000+ left in the tank.
With (2) 10,000's I can do 12 - 13min with out too much hassle.

The recommendations for the rig are a max payload of 8.5 lbs, i'm at 7.75 so it's getting there. An octo of the same stuff might be nicer.


Ok thanks for the info. I'm running an X8 with the TMotor 4014 330KV so similar. We typically fly 9-10 mins on a 10,000 - 16,000 (2X8000) or something within that range of batteries. That's with retracts, Zenmuse GH3, 2 5.8 video feeds.


Active Member
SleepyC - What are the motors you are running and what lipos and flight time are you getting on your hex with the M5?

I am running at 9.88KG AUW (Just set it up and measured there now)
Running Tiger 3515-15 (400 KV)
Lipos 2x 8300 mAh
40a Hobbywing Flyfun ESCs

I did bench tests on the 16" props and came up with the following..

Xoar 16x5 Wooden
50% 102.5W 4.5A 910g Thrust
75% 335W 14.5A 2070g Thrust
100% 510W 22.1A 2950g Thrust

T-Motor 16x5.4 Props

50% 110W 4.8A 1060g Thrust
75% 350W 15.3A 2370g Thrust
100% 536W 24.3A 3200g Thrust

Maybe a bit too much for the Xoars actually, although I liked them as it seemed smoother.

I ran for 13 mins today but the first 3 mins or so was without the M5,..but cautious flying as you can imagine.

What's weird with the Xoar wood props they can change with humidity. You can balance the crap out of them and if it gets hot or humid they will slightly warp and cause issues.
