DJI A2 Performance/Build Comparisons


New Member
When available, sometime in March the E600 propulsion system will support 6S. Unfortunately not available now.

I don't think it will be worth it to change ESCs on existing machine... Maybe for the next copter. Thanks for the info!

Very nice..... any chance you can provide the AUW and total flight time for your system?

AUW is 6794 grams with single Pulse 10000 mah 6S. The maximum flight time acheived so far in this configuration is 13 min 40 sec -- in cold weather (below -5C), going out 400 meters from launch point while gradually ascending to about 180 meters, hovering there most of the time, returning, and landing when the battery voltage reached 22.1V (just before "yellow alert"). The total maximum thrust of the copter was measured at roughly 20 kg, so I expect it to be able to carry much heavier load with no significant reduction of flight time, if two batteries are used in parallel.

The need for a slip ring caught me off guard... would sure like to see how you did that!

Strictly speaking, there would be no NEED for a slip ring if the gimbal had its own source of power; but I like to minimize the number of batteries to worry about. The gimbal needs continuous panning capability, so if "external" (relative to gimbal) power source is used, the slip ring is required. So I used a motor with a hollow shaft, within which the slip ring sits. I would have probably used such motor anyway, because that shaft is so wide and consequently the ball bearings are so robust that the motor can easily bear the weight of the copter on top of itself, and handle side forces acting upon it at improper landings (severe shocks are absorbed by a dampening system).

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Hi Tore thanks for posting, do you have to acclimatise the FC or can you just take it from your warm house and fly?


Hi again Dave,
Sorry for the late reply. I usually don't acclimatize it in any way before flight.
I take it right out of the house or the car and start up.

Anyway, the S800 is now sold and I've ordered a octo which will be flying with WKM...


So is there an actual issue with using Spektrum radios and the A2? I can't tell from reading earlier posts here if that was a definite problem or just a passing thought by one person (Droider.)

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
So is there an actual issue with using Spektrum radios and the A2? I can't tell from reading earlier posts here if that was a definite problem or just a passing thought by one person (Droider.)

If you are using DSM2 satellites then it works but only gives you 8 channels. I have tried it. So have others on the forums. That being said, I still prefer my Futaba.


Drone Enthusiast
Its still has issues with me on two A2 controllers. One via S-BUS one via DSM2 satellite.

Issues via SBUS no connection to TX in cold weather
Issues by DSM2 intermittent POI registration even though it is not initiated.

ARe they back from new years yet? I was promised by two DJI tech specialists they would sort my problems out but since I dent them the video evidence I have heard nothing.



Drone Enthusiast
If you are using DSM2 satellites then it works but only gives you 8 channels. I have tried it. So have others on the forums. That being said, I still prefer my Futaba.

I hate to disagree ED but with the DX18 I had 18 channels WHEN it was on the second version of the firmware. I have not tried it on 2.1 as I have grafted it on a old machine using my DX8. I thought you where a JR man, or was that before the A2?.. Is yours flying on your big machine now? Do you get ANY telemetry back to the futaba as claimed by aerial media pros?


Tahoe Ed

Active Member

Mine is in the process of moving to my S800. I was a JR guy but flying DJI stuff it is hard to stay there. I have never been able to get more than 8 channels on my satellite set up.


Excuse my ignorance, but would the potential limit of only 8 channels also be true with Wookong M and a Spektrum DX18? Or is that only an A2 thing?
I can't seem to find a solution for my new heavy lift build. I was going to go Futaba but apparently telemetry is not possible with Futaba when I'd fly single-pilot and also control tilt on the MoVI gimbal with a separate Futaba receiver.


Drone Enthusiast
Excuse my ignorance, but would the potential limit of only 8 channels also be true with Wookong M and a Spektrum DX18? Or is that only an A2 thing?
I can't seem to find a solution for my new heavy lift build. I was going to go Futaba but apparently telemetry is not possible with Futaba when I'd fly single-pilot and also control tilt on the MoVI gimbal with a separate Futaba receiver.

Thats the limitations of the A2 which is a major bo bo especially for commercial operator like us. Thats why I have spent hours and hours since september trying to make it work for a UK commercial environment. I have given up hoping that the next version firmware will sort these issues out. Go find the aerial media pro video flying the s1000. he states he has voltage telemetry vis the A2 on his futaba radio but I cant find anyone to confirm it.



Drone Enthusiast

Mine is in the process of moving to my S800. I was a JR guy but flying DJI stuff it is hard to stay there. I have never been able to get more than 8 channels on my satellite set up.

Ed with out being funny I would have thought as the DJI forum support you would of had more A2's linked to everything to test everything! You have been moving your A2 back to your S800 from your 450 for months.

So you have moved to futaba just for the A2?


Tahoe Ed

Active Member

I may be forum support but I am not in China with their resources to test. And no, my A2 was on my S800 and I moved it to my F550 for more testing so I did not crash something a lot more expensive. I have had a Futaba Tx for a long time. I just wished that I would have purchased a 14SG vs the 8FGS. I just recently got a replacement GPS for my first A2 and now that unit will be on my S800. I test a lot of products and have many of the same issues that other users have. They are reported to DJI as I report those on the forums to DJI as well. We are making an attempt to support all users across all forums. The proof will be in how our users perceive our efforts. If we fail, I go away, if we succeed then we all win. I will complete the S800 rebuild in the next week along with the addition of retracts and the folding props. Testing will commence after that. I have sent my Z15 gimbal to another user to test. I am waiting for a replacement in the next few weeks.
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Aerial DP
View attachment 16343

there ya go, sj8, 3520, 15" prop, carries reds for a living, flies incredible.... i started at 120 on the top, 100 on the atti and put the gains on a digital trim and tuned to taste during flight. didn't have to change much


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there ya go, sj8, 3520, 15" prop, carries reds for a living, flies incredible.... i started at 120 on the top, 100 on the atti and put the gains on a digital trim and tuned to taste during flight. didn't have to change much

Thanks Kloner! I found the octo flew amazingly well with stock gains when I had the Naza on it and I am glad to hear the A2 will be similar with low gains as video doesn't like aggressive gains jerking the craft around.


Aerial DP
we have put that thing in the most baller positions and it just performs perfect. i do not use gps mode, never turn on manual, never hit return to home, as you can see almost all it's features are disabled and i only use the 8fg and internal rx but yea, money. We went out 1/2 mile+ and she never waivered, couldn't be happier except to have more power.

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we have put that thing in the most baller positions and it just performs perfect. i do not use gps mode, never turn on manual, never hit return to home, as you can see almost all it's features are disabled and i only use the 8fg and internal rx but yea, money. We went out 1/2 mile+ and she never waivered, couldn't be happier except to have more power.

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Great to hear you are having good luck with the internal RX. I got a Futaba Fasst module for one of my custom single stick radios I build as I looked at the Futaba 14 SG and wasn't very impressed with the build quality.




Aerial DP
to the best of my knowledge it's not a fasst thing as much as using the 8fg that i feel is important...... any other variation has it's quirks or at least did in the begining....

Is everybody that hates this issue with the features not working? whats the exact cause that's crashing it? is there any iosd logs of a crash i can check out?
