When available, sometime in March the E600 propulsion system will support 6S. Unfortunately not available now.
I don't think it will be worth it to change ESCs on existing machine... Maybe for the next copter. Thanks for the info!
Very nice..... any chance you can provide the AUW and total flight time for your system?
AUW is 6794 grams with single Pulse 10000 mah 6S. The maximum flight time acheived so far in this configuration is 13 min 40 sec -- in cold weather (below -5C), going out 400 meters from launch point while gradually ascending to about 180 meters, hovering there most of the time, returning, and landing when the battery voltage reached 22.1V (just before "yellow alert"). The total maximum thrust of the copter was measured at roughly 20 kg, so I expect it to be able to carry much heavier load with no significant reduction of flight time, if two batteries are used in parallel.
The need for a slip ring caught me off guard... would sure like to see how you did that!
Strictly speaking, there would be no NEED for a slip ring if the gimbal had its own source of power; but I like to minimize the number of batteries to worry about. The gimbal needs continuous panning capability, so if "external" (relative to gimbal) power source is used, the slip ring is required. So I used a motor with a hollow shaft, within which the slip ring sits. I would have probably used such motor anyway, because that shaft is so wide and consequently the ball bearings are so robust that the motor can easily bear the weight of the copter on top of itself, and handle side forces acting upon it at improper landings (severe shocks are absorbed by a dampening system).
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