CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3


Give me a couple minutes...Im gonna just do it now as I'm very anxious to know whether these will work as I so hope they would when I was notified by my buddy that they were available. Due to the ridiculous cost, if they ultimately will NOT work, I need to arrange for them to be exchanged or returned. Please, please, please work....okay, let me go grab my camera and a ruler. BRB


15" Carbon Fibre Octo Props

View attachment 3784View attachment 5279
well, got abit sidetracked, but here's a pair of pics of my prayer. On the close-up, there exists a third matching hole that is spaced identically that is covered by the ruler, so cannot be seen in that shot. Someone please explain why in the world someone hand-making these would vandalize the critical location, or equally as possible due to my limited knowledge in the field of propeller-making, explain to me the sound logic that is displayed and better yet, how I can take advantage of this great mounting method. My fingers are crossed that the latter will be presented in response to this post!

Thanks everybody,

p.s. - oh yeah, in case it's difficult to read in the picture, the root appears to be precisely only 15mm wide, with the preexisting holes being approximately 3.5mm, but also there are three identically-spaced of these mounting holes! :( ?? I hope so badly that these are actually designed well, and that it's just that I don't recognize the proper logic.


  • CF 15in Prop 2.jpg
    CF 15in Prop 2.jpg
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It looks to me like the 16" props from a Microdrones MD4-1000, they use a special prop mount, mittel hole to center ans two screws.

I dont think it will work to drill the center hole bigger.


Do you think that I could imitate their motor-side mount, or at least maybe purchase the part from them? I guess more importantly from those who know about this stuff in great depth, is it worth the effort to make these puppies work, or is there a more optimal sized/pitched prop that is technically better suited to the 4120's I currently have on, not to mention I ought to b receiving my lot of Plettenbergs this week, just to keep in mind as I'm not sure what the final word ended up being on the *best* motor subject.

Thanks for identifying the props. I suppose since these are supposedly custom made by hand in Germany, along with a price tag to match, the manufacturer shouldn't be too opposed to replacing the props and remaking me a set with a thicker root that is drilled perfectly for my specific motors...am I expecting too much in stating this opinion?



Drone Enthusiast
They also look like the http://www.smartdrones.de/collections/propellers/products/sd-p400c-smartprops-400-ccw. Nah i wouldn't fiddle with them and return them. Good 14 15 " carbon props that are also light weight are rare or i havent seen any yet. Probably the Xoar woden ones will be your best approach.

These prob makers have certain costs to create the actual molds for the props. So asking them to change them will probably not work. Ask but your chance are very little.



Boris, as far as the carbon props I posted pics of, based on the dimensions, as a last thought on the subject, would it do me any good if I were able to obtain th prop without the three holes but instead simply the one perfectly centered? I was just trying to brainstorm to see whether there I any hope for making use of these. I know that the vendor I got them through had them originally listed alongside motors from SmartDrone, though I never ended up trying them as I thought (and still assume) that they couldn't possibly stand a chance in the same field as the Pletty's and the 4120/20s. Any thoughts on the subject? Bottom line, you have so much more experience with exactly what my goals are to emulate...what is going to be my ultimate configuration, assuming that price is of no issue. What is your dream heavy-lift setup?



Drone Enthusiast
Boris, as far as the carbon props I posted pics of, based on the dimensions, as a last thought on the subject, would it do me any good if I were able to obtain th prop without the three holes but instead simply the one perfectly centered? I was just trying to brainstorm to see whether there I any hope for making use of these. I know that the vendor I got them through had them originally listed alongside motors from SmartDrone, though I never ended up trying them as I thought (and still assume) that they couldn't possibly stand a chance in the same field as the Pletty's and the 4120/20s. Any thoughts on the subject? Bottom line, you have so much more experience with exactly what my goals are to emulate...what is going to be my ultimate configuration, assuming that price is of no issue. What is your dream heavy-lift setup?


I am not sure what the plettis need but I guess also around 5 to 6 mm ( red can comment on that ! ). If the manufactures says it will have enough meat for a drilling like that go for it but I doubt it. Given the 14 15 mm you have now you end up with max 4 to 4.5 mm on each side after a 6mm hole. Now normally that wouldn't be a problem, but those props have a very thin shaft thinking in the z axis. Comparing to other props were the shaft is a lot taller/higher.

Jonathan. I couldn't tell you at the moment what my dream heavy lift setup is since i am not a 100% happy with any of the options at the moment. I think we will know more after NAB and than again know nothing since we will see a couple products that will show there real face once in the hands of customers. From the frames out there i still consider the CS 8 to be the simplest and cleanest approach, also considering its vibration isolation approach. At the same time i haven't seen the latest updates to the the Skyjib. If you would have to settle now i would go for a CS 8 and a Skyjib 8 still tending to a CS gimbal Plettenbergs 15 - 20 either waiting for the new Herks or going for the aerodrive board.

Really to decided on the props is to early you need to have your machine setup and try different kinds. The subjective approach of a vendor or a different user hear what is best for his or her setup might not be the case for you.

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Hi guys I'm following this post because I have a CS8 with WKM and DJI's 30amps escs...well it's pretty unflyable with these escs...it really wobbles a lot so i've decided to switch for two Herkules II..I'm waiting for the parcel but I was looking for the programming tool on Andreas website but I can't download it because I'm not registered...how did you do the registration? And also any advice on gains and so on? I have Axi 2814-22 black edition, WKM, 4s 8000mah and now 13x6,5 apc and I bought also Graupner 11x5...Thanks


ANy news with octos and WKM????

Well my CS8 with WKM and Herkules is much better now compared to the previous performances provided by the DJI escs. In atti and manual mode it's really stable but in gps it makes sometimes an aileron twitch with absolutely nosense. I reckon this should be a magnetometer problem.


Well my CS8 with WKM and Herkules is much better now compared to the previous performances provided by the DJI escs. In atti and manual mode it's really stable but in gps it makes sometimes an aileron twitch with absolutely nosense. I reckon this should be a magnetometer problem.

I want to put some turnigy plush 40..! (a lot of people say that with the turnigy its great.>!) Here say that its not ok.. :( :(

Pls help i have to press the Button..!


I want to put some turnigy plush 40..! (a lot of people say that with the turnigy its great.>!) Here say that its not ok.. :( :(

Pls help i have to press the Button..!

IMHO don't waste your time and money with cheap escs...they're not reliable and the don't handle the processing speed of WKM so you'll have bottleneck wich will drive you crazy with the settings. Like mine with cheap DJI's, wobbles, instability and almost impossible to made a vertical descent because it was really instable.


IMHO don't waste your time and money with cheap escs...they're not reliable and the don't handle the processing speed of WKM so you'll have bottleneck wich will drive you crazy with the settings. Like mine with cheap DJI's, wobbles, instability and almost impossible to made a vertical descent because it was really instable.

Now i cant go for herkulles..>! There are many many HExas that use regular cheap chinese escs and fly great..!

ii will go with cheap escs//..! the thing is with the DJI..>!
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A rumor of Herkules III and IV is floating around? Does anyone have any info regarding this? What improvements is it addressing? Can it be an upgrade? Will it play nice with the larger motors?
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Hallo Boris,

ich bin mal wieder so ein wenig Planlos ;-)

Der einzige der hilft bist leider nur Du !!! ;-)

Ich bin gerad am Okto aufbauen... Dafür habe ich auch alles da nur komme ich mit den Herkules nicht wirklich zurecht!

Mein Plan:

Unterer Herkules steuert 1,2,5,6

Oberer Herkules steuert 3,4,7,8

Motoren sind die KW 4

quasi zwei im notfall autarke quadros...

Geht das so !?

Wie bekomme ich raus, wo welcher Ausgang bzw. Steuereingag auf dem kleinen Flachbandkabel liegt !?

Ich habe die zwei Herkules mit einem XT60 miteinander verbunden. Da ich mit zwei paral. 4s Lipos fliegen möchte
bekommt jeder Regler ein eigenenes 6qm Stromanschlusskabel.

Achja geflogen wird als X !

Gibt es denn bei Wookong einen Motortest wie bei MK !?

Danke für Deine Mühe und ZEIT!!

VG Marcell
