CineStar 6 + WKM + Maytech = WOW!


Active Member
Japp thats what I also considered. Now i have a set of 6 shady axi 2820 loving it :( And smelling is not all they did one started to smoke for a couple secs ;(
Just wonder what an am going to do now, there has to be something wrong with the ESCs I have, cant be that no matter to which timing i set them they smack up the motors !
Its not like i had them under load just starting them up !

If I were you I would go and get a set of HiModel 40A. ESC's and a set of T-Motor 4008's. set timing to high or med. and it will work just fine. Cut down the 14x4.7 APC's to about 11.5 dia.


Drone Enthusiast
Japp i had these motors on my hexa for quite a while now. Never had any issue with tunirgy plush running them !

The maytech v2 dont have the option of changing the switching frequence and more, i guess they come standard with 8 Khz



Drone Enthusiast
If I were you I would go and get a set of HiModel 40A. ESC's and a set of T-Motor 4008's. set timing to high or med. and it will work just fine. Cut down the 14x4.7 APC's to about 11.5 dia.

This whole approach was just for test reasons to check out the maytech v2 since they seems to have some higher grade fets on them. Turned out to be an expensive test ! I think from now on its only herks for me !!!
For me personally the high price is justified since Andreas is available to support requests and is even willing to change the firmware if necessary to increase the performance for a given FC ! Try that with any other ESC

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But going to try the tiger motors and and do some 14 x 4.7 shaping !


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little probs with the maytech, Motors without load so no props on just runnig dry for test no matter which timing are jumping arround like crazy. Like an old motor that needs an addtional push to get running hmm. Maybe startup settings ?


Very bad. Sorry to read that...
Just for knowledge, what were the exact settings of the ESCs the first time you have those problems on the motors?
I've made a very very short test this afternoon, and everything was OK. My motors = quadrocopters QC3328 (12poles)


Drone Enthusiast
If i counted correctly i have 11 pole motors Axi 2820/14

Settings were at the first startup:

Brake: off
Bat Type: NICD
Cutt off: No protection
Motor timing: Auto
Sbec: not installed since opto
Governor mode: RPM Off
Rotation: as needed
Start up Strenght 30%
Low Voltage Cut off Typee: Reduce Power

No matter which setting i used though the same problem. The only that let them start up was to choose Governor mode: 1 & 2 Sot start. But the Stuttering start was still present at the beginning when choosen soft start up just shorter.



Merlin of Multirotors
If i counted correctly i have 11 pole motors Axi 2820/14

Settings were at the first startup:

Brake: off
Bat Type: NICD
Cutt off: No protection
Motor timing: Auto
Sbec: not installed since opto
Governor mode: RPM Off
Rotation: as needed
Start up Strenght 30%
Low Voltage Cut off Typee: Reduce Power

No matter which setting i used though the same problem. The only that let them start up was to choose Governor mode: 1 & 2 Sot start. But the Stuttering start was still present at the beginning when choosen soft start up just shorter.


Don't use the Auto setting for motor timing, force it to either Low or High, that could be what the problem was. I can't see the firmware or circuitry being that different from the V1s that they wouldn't work with the AXI, I have the same motors on the CS6 and they're silky smooth on the Maytech but mine are set to high timing and no soft startup.



Drone Enthusiast
Hi Ken,

is tried it all low and high timing auto etc. The start up problem stays the same and would have damaged them in any settings. We don't have exactly the same motors though. You have the 2814/22 and i have the 2820/14. I will try them with a already smoked up QC and see what happens, although i an pretty sure it will work since they do your La Turbine. If not i know somethings wrong with the setu up ESCs Is got !




Merlin of Multirotors
Hi Ken,

is tried it all low and high timing auto etc. The start up problem stays the same and would have damaged them in any settings. We don't have exactly the same motors though. You have the 2814/22 and i have the 2820/14. I will try them with a already smoked up QC and see what happens, although i an pretty sure it will work since they do your La Turbine. If not i know somethings wrong with the setu up ESCs Is got !



Ahhhh, my brain transposed the motor numbers without me realizing it, yes those are bigger than the AXI I have on the CS and likely need a healthy dose of juice to get them spinning! Still, if they work with a Plush I can't see why they wouldn't work with a Maytech unless they've made some extreme changes to the V2's.



Drone Enthusiast
The really strange thing is that the startup problem only happens at every even number of startup try. So lipo hooked up motors start up without problem. I bring the throttle down the and start them up again i get the problem. I start them up again no issue, ongoing in this pattern ! etc. Like some component is not resetting correctly and giving out the false voltage etc.

The motors are smacked now anyways wont trust them with the camera on gear anymore !

Eve tried Start up strength from 10% to 50% no difference. Only thing that dosent kill the stuttering but only short at the beginning and than makes then start up for sure it setting governor mode to soft start !

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Merlin of Multirotors
The really strange thing is that the startup problem only happens at every even number of startup try. So lipo hooked up motors start up without problem. I bring the throttle down the and start them up again i get the problem. I start them up again no issue, ongoing in this pattern ! etc. Like some component is not resetting correctly and giving out the false voltage etc.

The motors are smacked now anyways wont trust them with the camera on gear anymore !

Eve tried Start up strength from 10% to 50% no difference. Only thing that dosent kill the stuttering but only short at the beginning and than makes then start up for sure it setting governor mode to soft start !


I think they need to work on the V2 firmware, maybe that's why they're not readily available through resellers yet! I just got a new 5N to replace the one that got stuffed when the CS6 went down on New Years day. I'm a bit gun shy to bolt it on the CS and fly with it now that I know what happens when it crashes and that includes with the current well proven MK electronics that I've had flying for over a year. I did give it a low altitude test in front of the house this afternoon but nearly pee'd myself everytime I saw the slighest twitch. I think I'll keep using the old one until I have some confidence back that it's going to stay in the air, the case is damaged and the sensor has a couple dead pixels, but I'm not into writing off $600 camera bodies just because an ESC doesn't play nice with the WKM.



Drone Enthusiast
Japp i totally understand the fear. I am not really superstition, but i started to avoid place were i had bad experiences and something broke :) I just noticed returning to those places makes me nervous and either results in some mistake i make or in a unpleasant experience overall.

Just wrote Maytech an email lets see how they react !



Drone Enthusiast
hmmm send a support request, just to clear up what could has happened with my motors since no matter which setting the start up problems stay which eventually ruined my motos, to maytech no response since a week ;( Consider twice when ordering them. Maybe better check if someone else has been successful with your specific motors !



Hello, I just soldered up my Maytech 30amps V1's to my power board. Did you guys cut the small red wires on your Maytech's for your DJI WK? I can't seem to find a straight answer if it's the right way to go...


I haven't cut my opto versions, but if bec version it should be cut regarding to manual. You can also take pin out of connector with needle so no need to cut the wire.


I replaced V2:s with V1:s and i think it really is slightly smoother with V1 Maytechs. Motors run smoother and whining is gone. Here is some footage i shot yesterday, gains are not there yet and there's lot adjusting left, but i already like the way she flies.


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Yep, I have the BEC versions. Pulling the pin out is a much more dignified solution for sure! Grab something pointy, push up the small plastic tab and work the wire out the top of the connector. QUESTION: I probably should have programmed them before I pulled the reds out? or..hopefully...I can program without the red? Thanks Kari!
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Shouldn't be problem programming without red. But you need to power receiver with separate bec when programming. I soldered a harness to program all esc:s at same time. Saves a lot of time.



Had to push the red pins back in to program with maytech programming card. Good thing I didn't cut them! :nevreness:

A short skate film with the Maytechs V2s 35 opto. A little bit "shaky" sometimes, so I've put some post-stab on several footages.
(Very quick appearance of the hexa at 35'').

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