CineStar 6 + WKM + Maytech = WOW!

Thanks Gary. I may have found the ESCs elsewhere (still waiting to confirm) but I will go ahead and order them and not worry about the card. I appreciate the info!



Anyone tested flying with V2:s yet how are they working? I have opto 35A V2:s now installed to my CS6 but still waiting some other parts before can do first flight tests. i thought also to order V1:s to make a comparison test.

Opto 35A V2's are installed since yesterday on an AbuseMark powerboard on the CS6. I just need to configure them all this evening for a first flight test. Answers on saturday and sunday I think. Anyway, on the manual that was provided with the ESC, I can't see any switching from 8 to 16Khz to test that. Does anybody found the programming function by transmitter on those V2?

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Drone Enthusiast
Just did the same have the distribution finished and started programming them. I was confused from beginning. Normally i am used to ESCs giving out beeps over the motors if no PPM signal is connected with the V2s nada.

The programming card with the little display didnt work at the beginning an i needed several tries until i was able to switch between values and menu. Seems like the card comes to life and is able to switch setting over 6v or something is wrong with my regulated power supply, which i need since I have the opto version.

The other thing that is a little confusing it that the programming card has 9 menu points an the manual shows 10, since the restore possibility is a separate button on the programming card. So make sure you use the menu point 1 .... 9 on the programming card when programming the ESCs and dont look at the programming table in the manual you might mix up the menus and get some setting wrong !



Drone Enthusiast
Have the following settings now on the V2 please comments : I am not sure about some ?

1. Brake Type : Off
2. Battery Type: NiCD
3. Cut Off Voltage Threshold: No Protection
4. Motor Timing: Auto, Not sure about this one but probably wont get around testing.
5. Sbec: Irrelevant for the Opto version
6. Governor Mode: RPM OFF, not sure but should be correct.
7. Motor Rotation: Whatever needed
8. Start Up Strength: 30%, no clue what to put here kept it to default
9. Low Voltage Cut Off Type: Reduce Power, shouldnt be relevant since deactivated anyways



Same issue about powering the programming card. It needs two (or 3) times for each ESC to be powered on... I don't know why.

- Because the protection is set to "No protection" on point 3/ I've choosen "Battery =Lipo" on point 2/ But I think this last choice on point 2/ is important only if you are using the "Cut off" function on the ESC.
- I've set "Motor timing = 22°", because my motors have 12 poles. I will make a test with 15°.
- All others are the same as you.

I've made a very quick flight yesterday with this, and it was correct, but I need to fine tune everything.
Gains was around 280-300 for basics, 60 for Atti. Others on default for the moment.
Only in Attitude mode, no GPS at this time.

And of course I will put the total weight with CS gimbal and GH2 to have a real shooting configuration.
It was a "naked bird" for this very first test.

Last thing : I've asked Maytech about the 8 Khz to 16Khz param on the V2s, to know if we could change this or not, and no answer... It was 2 or 3 days ago.

To be continued.
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Finally I have the answer about "Switching Frequency":
- Just before buying I've asked and they've said to me "The V2 ESCs have 8KHz and 16KHz, you can program it by TRX".
- This morning, after asking to know how to do this, they answer me: "V2 ESCs switching frequency is not programmable".

Not a big issue I hope. I've heard that changing the frequency will not alter the flight behavior a lot. It will more likely only change the noise the engines make and nothing to do with stability. Who can confirm that?


Active Member
Minsoo doesn't spec the board unfortunately but there's a hefty strip of copper under the epoxy so I'd guess it can handle anything I'm likely to put through it, especially considering the other PDB I had was much smaller with thinner traces for the power connections. I wouldn't try running more than 8 2814 AXIs on one, shouldn't be a problem with the 6 I have hooked up.


What will not handle what your planning is the switch that comes with the Minsoo PDB!


Drone Enthusiast
little probs with the maytech, Motors without load so no props on just runnig dry for test no matter which timing are jumping arround like crazy. Like an old motor that needs an addtional push to get running hmm. Maybe startup settings ?



Drone Enthusiast
okay my axi 2820/14 dont like the maytechs !!!

have two more thing to try would like to ask before i change the values if someone know what they acutally do.


Start up Strength 10% and 30% can still try 50% should I ?
Governor Mode, what is 1 soft start 2nd soft start ? up to no i had it set to RPM OFF

The problem is only present at startup once they run they run smooth !



Drone Enthusiast
Just started startup strength 50% no change dosent work motors smell and every second start doesnt work out !

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Active Member
Minsoo doesn't spec the board unfortunately but there's a hefty strip of copper under the epoxy so I'd guess it can handle anything I'm likely to put through it, especially considering the other PDB I had was much smaller with thinner traces for the power connections. I wouldn't try running more than 8 2814 AXIs on one, shouldn't be a problem with the 6 I have hooked up.


The board is OK but his switch wont take it.


Drone Enthusiast
Just started startup strength 50% no change dosent work motors smell and every second start doesnt work out !

hmm only thing that solves it for now is start up soft option 1 or 2 ? Motor speed is reduced for 5 secs and than lets them come to life without any stuttering at the beginning at least, not sure if it should be that way though !

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Boris : did you try a "Fixed timing motor" instead of "Auto"? It was ok for me (20° was my choice).
RPM should be OFF for multirotor. This parameter is only OK for helicopters, where the RPM of the main rotor need to be constant : when you're loading the rotor with any input with the TX, the ESC detect that the RPM is changing, and makes everything to maintain the desired RPM.
On the multirotor, we want the opposite : fast RPM changes !
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Drone Enthusiast
La Turbine,

I tried all the timings given and auto. My motors just wont start up correctly like shown in the video before. The only setting that will make them at least start up on a regular basis is the soft start option. I wouldn't have a problem with these start up problems, if the motors wouldn't start smelling like they are burnt !

Which motors are you running with the maytech V2 ?

Funny thing is it normally happens on every second start up in a row ? very strange


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Active Member
If the motors are starting to smell then they are already damaged. I would not trust those motors in the air.


Drone Enthusiast
Japp thats what I also considered. Now i have a set of 6 shady axi 2820 loving it :( And smelling is not all they did one started to smoke for a couple secs ;(
Just wonder what an am going to do now, there has to be something wrong with the ESCs I have, cant be that no matter to which timing i set them they smack up the motors !
Its not like i had them under load just starting them up !

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With some Esc you may change the Switching frequence between 8-16 Khz.

Sound like you are using 16 Khz and motors doe's not like that.

Did you try a other type of Esc?
