CineStar 6 + WKM + Maytech = WOW!


Merlin of Multirotors
Hi RTRyder! Do you still go for the Graupner 11x5 props in your setup? I´m having a hard time deciding what to choose for my own new CS6 with WK-M.. Not so keen of buying the €€€€ 12x3,8 CF props to begin with anyway.. :upset:


Graupner 11 x 5 and APC 12 x 6 thin electric. If Graupner made a 12 x 5 I'd use it, unfortunately they don't make standard and pusher props in that size but the APC thin electric is very close to the blade profile of the Graupners and they work fairly well. Of course they're not nicely balanced like Graupners but they're not as bad as the slow flyer props for balancing.



Drone Enthusiast
does anyones DHL tracking who ordered the maytechs directly from them work ?



I've asked them for that and I have a number to track. But since 2 days DHL was saying nothing else than "delivery info was received". Maytech has specified that because of the new year, delivery need one or two days more than usual.
This morning, I can see "shipment picked up". It's moving ;)

Boris, don't you have any track number?


Well, i received a tracking number, but the package arrived yesterday - before i had time to try tracking it (!) Shipping took around 4 days.

The supplied programming card is V2 and has a digital display - i thought it was going to be a card with jumpers.

I've had a read through the supplied info sheet (single sheet not a booklet) and there's no info about changing switching speed.

Can anyone offer info on how to do this please?


CS6 frame now builded, very fast to put parts together and quality of parts feels very good. Still waiting Maytechs but think they are here in next couple of days. I have few questions where can't seem to find any instructions and i would really appreciate help.

- What kind of power distribution solutions you have made, quess that RTRyder:s board looks best so far i've seen but would be nice to hear other solutions too?
- How do you know which of QC3328 motors wires are which as they all are black? :dejection:
- How have you powered CS gimbal servos? What kind of harness do you have for that? My only idea right now is using regular servo extension cables and make Y servo cable with only power wires coming from BEC to both two servos and then solder only signal wires coming from DJI ports to this Y-cable signal slot. Does signal also need negative to MC?
- Is 6V 5A BEC (Turnigy) enough for powering CineStar gimbal?




Drone Enthusiast
Thanks guys,

japp Turbine i got a tracking number and they say they passed it on to DHL on the 14. But DHL finds nada hmm.

Your parcel was shipped to you on 14 Jan by DHL. The tracking number is 6976688666.
You can track the parcel in


Just had a google for a v1 manual - which i found.

It details how to change switching from 8khz to 16khz - which is at programming option 10

Looking at the instructions for v2 esc's - programming option 10 is the low voltage cut off type.

Comparing the two programming option lists shows some new options for the v2 esc's, with the apparent loss of the switching option. :upset:

I've ping'd an email to maytech, but had a "we're on holiday" reply, so don't expect to know more before early feb.


Drone Enthusiast
pling what are the new options ? So in the woarst case if you want 16Khz, you are back to V1 ?



v2 esc options (the ones i've received)
1. brake type
2. battery type
3. cut off voltage
4. restore default
5. motor timing
6. Sbec voltage output
7. governor mode
8. motor rotation (fwd/reverse)
9. start up strength
10. low voltage cut off

v1 esc options (from found pdf)
1. throttle calibration
2. brake type
3. battery type
4. low voltage cut off
5. restore default
6. timing setup
7. soft acceleration start up
8. governor mode
9. motor rotation (fwd/reverse)
11. low voltage cut off


Drone Enthusiast
ah okay now i understand its not present at all :( hmm lets see, please keep us updated what maytech replies !


Drone Enthusiast
lets see, as far the website goes they are only mentioning different firmware and different fets and they are listed as plane heli ESCs.

I think I'm going to bite for 6 of these Maytech 30AMP ESCs too for my WKM/CS-6 build like Ken's. I have a quick question (new to all of this): Are you using 3.5 MM (gold) bullet connectors for wiring these up to the motors?


i ordered direct from maytech, via their samples service. fast delivery and good price.

only downside is that they're on holiday until the end of the month…


Drone Enthusiast


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No, not out of stock on the ESCs but on the programming card. I was under the impression that I needed the programming card for all of the functions and that the TX could program certain functions but not all of them. Like changing from 16 to 8 mhz. I may be mistaken:

You can program everything you need to from the transmitter. I think it is the programming card that doesn't have some functions, like changing from 8 to 16kHz. In any case, I don't have the card, and I had zero problems. It takes awhile, because you have to wait for the right tones to cycle through, but it works. :)

-- Gary
