And my knees go weak again - the new Droidworx airframe


Thanks Dave but I'll try Kim at PhotoHigher first as it's his gimbal that I'll use. I will add Geoff to my list though.

Dirk, what is the estimated price of the SJ8 with retracts and the AV200/360? I already have the BL-CTRL2.0, Flight-Ctrl 2.1-ME, GPS, NaviCtrl & MK3Mag. Assume I'll want the full Pletty treatment.



Hey Dirk, here's another thought with the Pletty Orbit....

how about they put the label on upside down so it reads proper on an Okto. The way it is now kinda implies that the machine is intended to go inverted. 3D helis put decals on upside down for a reason and considering the intended use here, inverted is a bad thing. Just my lousy $.02 for a $200 plus motor....

yeah, I know....flame on!


Drone Enthusiast
would still like to know what esc's are recommended if on my new ADX3HL I dont go down the MK route


Active Member
I believe Plettenberg recommend Jeti Spin or Advance for their plane/heli applications. That's a lot of money for a hex or octa, though!

Never mind about the upside down labels anyway - the amateur "WordArt" lettering looks terrible anyway - just take the labels off :)


Drone Enthusiast
Hi Jes but if you are investing in the best why compromise on the drivers!..

I totally agree on the art work but I would rather see the investment in the tech rather than the decor!



I'm still getting the , "NOT AVAILABLE" replies from the vendors... What's up with that?

Also, one of the vendors has their own cinema flagship that is in direct competition with the SkyJib. Interesting, but even though the competitors ship is available and producing some very nice...on the verge of Wescam nice... images, I still like the technical aspects of the SkyJib. I'll hold out a little longer, hopefully Rob and Linda can get this going soon. Maybe they'll let me give them the preorder and deposite...

I'll send Geoff the same request and see if he'll take a preorder.


Well, let's see what Geoff has to say. At this point, I don't care where the SkyJib comes from. Maybe I can talk Dirk out of his SJ8.....


Geoff wasted no time replying. He says the SJ8 is on order and should be available the first week of August. I'm on a preorder list! Price isn't confirmed yet but it's estimated at 1200 euros or about $1700 US. What that gets you isn't confirmed but I'd guess that is for the airframe only considering $1700 is about what the Pletty motors will cost.

Shall I take a shot at an educated guess for an almost flying SJ8?

- SJ8 Airframe ...................................1700
- 8 Pletty's ........................................1700
- 8 MK BL-CTRL2.0 ..............................640
- MK Boards: FLC, Navi, GPS ................900
- 14" Props ..........................................60
ESTIMATED ....................................$5000

- No landing gear....Ooops, actually the airframe does come with gear of some sort. Not the retracts though, that's extra.
- No gimbal
- No support gear, ie- radio, video gear, batts, etc.

Of course there's options on controllers, motors, and such... This is just a rough guess.

Any way that you look at it, compared to an RC Heli with similar capabilities, this really isn't that expensive and a heli will not have the redundancy of a multirotor. SOLD!
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Drone Enthusiast
Take a look at the Graupner radio MX20. Geoff has one winging its way to him for testing.

Have you seen the Post by RtRyder anout the new MK firmware?



Take a look at the Graupner radio MX20. Geoff has one winging its way to him for testing.

Have you seen the Post by RtRyder anout the new MK firmware?


That radio looks great but I'm a 14MZ guy.

I gave a search but didn't find anything for new MK firmware. Care to provide a link?


Hey Dirk, now that I'm on my way with this do I order the Plettys? Do I get them from you or can I get a link to the source?


Hey Dirk, now that I'm on my way with this do I order the Plettys? Do I get them from you or can I get a link to the source?

Yes, from me.
My new website will be ready next week, or send me an email.
Tomorrow I am in Rheinbach to visit the biggest European mikrokopter meeting. I will try to take some videos from my Skyjib with retracting landing gear and 360 pan camera mount.


I will try to take some videos from my Skyjib with retracting landing gear and 360 pan camera mount.

Dude! That is just teasing. Would you include pics of the retracts, especially the clearance to the airframe?

I'll send you an email for the Plettys. Have they finalized the design yet? Shaft length and prop mounting method?

Is anyone producing a carbon 14" prop?


Yes, you will get pictures. The Landing gear is really cool.

The shafts are shorter and the Skyjib mounting plattes have holes for the Orbit motors.


Yes, you will get pictures. The Landing gear is really cool.

Thanks Dirk. We look forward to seeing them in action. I'm curious if they will induce vibs on the multi rotor platform as they sometimes have on helis. The freq's are higher on the MultiRotor so I'd guess NOT...hope not.

Do you have a stock Okto for size comparison?
