And my knees go weak again - the new Droidworx airframe


What batteries could cope with 6.4 KW? I dont know of any Lipos that could take that discharge rate?

I am using two LiPo batteries 5S 5000 mAh 40 C parallel. So the batteries can deliver 2x160 ampere without any problem.
Also the full throttle is only needed for 2 or 5 seconds, when you want to climb or rise very fast or when you have horizontal full speed and want to brake very fast. Standard is hover or slow flying for movie scenes. In this case the copter needs 40 to 80 ampere is this can be done by good batteries.


Here is the information about ordering:

Plettenberg will build this special "Orbit 15 Copter Motor" for me (remember, this version is not on the website and not listed) and you can buy this special motor direct from me.

I will create a data sheet in the next days with details and the big advantages of this high end motor.
Some details:
- 3 bearings (top and bottom side of the bell with a bearing, precision thin ring ball bearing to fix the housing at the bottom)
- two times dynamically fine balanced
- vibration free running
- handmade manufactured in Germany
- excellent running characteristics



Here are the details:

Plettenberg Orbit 15-Copter Series

  • brushless motor extra modified for Droidworx SKIJIB and other big copter
  • aligned for 5S LiPo

Technical data:
KV: 720
weight ca.: 170 g
shaft-diameter: 5 mm
cells: 4-5 LiPo


  • [FONT=Times New Roman, serif]3 bearings [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Times New Roman, serif]top and bottom side of the bell with a bearing, precision thin ring ball bearing to fix the housing at the bottom[/FONT]

  • [FONT=Times New Roman, serif]two times dynamically fine balanced [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Times New Roman, serif]coils are wound by hand to a high density [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Times New Roman, serif]vibration free running [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Times New Roman, serif]excellent running characteristics [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Times New Roman, serif]handmade manufactured in Germany[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Times New Roman, serif]only the highest-grade materials are used[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Times New Roman, serif]high degrees of efficiency [/FONT]

Price 159,- € (incl. 19% tax) / Price 133,61 € (excl. 19% tax)

<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="708"> <col width="216"> <col width="0"> <col width="226"> <col width="2"> <col width="223"> <tbody><tr valign="TOP"> <td width="216"> Propeller 14“x4“
4S LiPo, 15,7 volt
</td> <td width="0">

</td> <td width="226"> Propeller APC 15“x4“
4S LiPo, 15,7 volt
</td> <td width="2">

</td> <td width="223"> Propeller APC 15“x4“
5S LiPo, 20 volt
</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table frame="VSIDES" rules="COLS" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="708"> <col width="50"> <col width="78"> <col width="71"> <col width="0"> <col width="60"> <col width="76"> <col width="74"> <col width="2"> <col width="64"> <col width="76"> <col width="68"> <tbody><tr valign="TOP"> <td width="50"> current
in A
</td> <td width="78"> rpm
</td> <td width="71"> thrust
</td> <td width="0">

</td> <td width="60"> current
in A
</td> <td width="76"> rpm
</td> <td width="74"> thrust
</td> <td width="2">

</td> <td width="64"> current
in A
</td> <td width="76"> rpm
</td> <td width="68"> thrust
</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="50"> 5
</td> <td width="78"> 4100
</td> <td width="71"> 620
</td> <td width="0">

</td> <td width="60"> 5
</td> <td width="76"> 4200
</td> <td width="74"> 590
</td> <td width="2">

</td> <td width="64"> 5
</td> <td width="76"> 4500
</td> <td width="68"> 690
</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="50"> 10
</td> <td width="78"> 5200
</td> <td width="71"> 1020
</td> <td width="0">

</td> <td width="60"> 10
</td> <td width="76"> 5400
</td> <td width="74"> 1040
</td> <td width="2">

</td> <td width="64"> 10
</td> <td width="76"> 5800
</td> <td width="68"> 1190
</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="50"> 15
</td> <td width="78"> 5800
</td> <td width="71"> 1320
</td> <td width="0">

</td> <td width="60"> 15
</td> <td width="76"> 6300
</td> <td width="74"> 1450
</td> <td width="2">

</td> <td width="64"> 15
</td> <td width="76"> 6500
</td> <td width="68"> 1550
</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="50"> 20
</td> <td width="78"> 6400
</td> <td width="71"> 1580
</td> <td width="0">

</td> <td width="60"> 20
</td> <td width="76"> 6900
</td> <td width="74"> 1760
</td> <td width="2">

</td> <td width="64"> 20
</td> <td width="76"> 7200
</td> <td width="68"> 1900
</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="50"> 25
</td> <td width="78"> 6800
</td> <td width="71"> 1840
</td> <td width="0">

</td> <td width="60"> 25
</td> <td width="76"> 7500
</td> <td width="74"> 2110
</td> <td width="2">

</td> <td width="64"> 25
</td> <td width="76"> 7810
</td> <td width="68"> 2280
</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="50"> 30
</td> <td width="78"> 7400
</td> <td width="71"> 2250
</td> <td width="0">

</td> <td width="60"> 30
</td> <td width="76"> 8000
</td> <td width="74"> 2490
</td> <td width="2">

</td> <td width="64"> 30
</td> <td width="76"> 8300
</td> <td width="68"> 2620
</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="50"> 35
</td> <td width="78"> 7700
</td> <td width="71"> 2420
</td> <td width="0">

</td> <td width="60"> 35
</td> <td width="76"> 8300
</td> <td width="74"> 2640
</td> <td width="2">

</td> <td width="64"> 35
</td> <td width="76"> 8640
</td> <td width="68"> 2860
</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="50"> 40
</td> <td width="78"> 7950
</td> <td width="71"> 2580
</td> <td width="0">

</td> <td width="60"> 40
</td> <td width="76"> 8610
</td> <td width="74"> 2820
</td> <td width="2">

</td> <td width="64"> 40
</td> <td width="76"> 8950
</td> <td width="68"> 3150
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

Payment methods: PayPal

Kadler – Multicopter and Accessoires
Luetge Voehde 24
44388 Dortmund


Some pictures and the high end gold plug.

Gold Plug:
6mm very high quality Plug-System. The connectors are insensitive to the fire sparks arising by connecting the Power-system with the battery. The lamellars are inside of the jack, so that even frequent using will not affect the clamping force ( loose plug connections are responsible for the most problems and failures in a model).Loosing of the plug connections because of vibrations is out of question!

For 200 ampere constant current and up to 300 ampere short time current (15 seconds).

Details coming soon.

View attachment 921View attachment 922View attachment 923


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Active Member
I've been going around and around, plugging the numbers into eCalc. Problem is that (for my target AUW) I've found a lighter solution (maybe) - the Plettys are gorgeous butI'm going to do some tests first, then come back to these.


Hi Dirk,

I like the idea of the Orbitz but the tall prop shaft bothers me. The machine is rather large and I keep thinking about hangar rash issues and the tall shafts invite damage. Bent shafts will no doubt cancel out even the best balance jobs. Any chance of the Pletty chopping the shafts down to put the prop as close to the bell as possible?

I also noticed that you aren't using the Boom Nacelles on the arms under the props. Is there a particular reason why they aren't installed? I'm an aviator and they make complete sense. I'd love to see a smoke test with them installed to see just how much they are reducing turbulance. Any chance you'd be willing to demonstrate the effect with and without the Boom Nacelle's?

Is there any ordering info available for the SkyJib 8? I've looked around and haven't seen it yet, other than advertising. When will they be available? I know that I want this airframe with the Photohigher gibmal and retracts. The jury is still out for the motor selection. Although if the Pletty had a shorter prop shaft I'd go for them without further consideration.

Considering the higher current draw, has anyone produced a heavier duty PDB...possibly with a I2C Octo Isolator integrated into the board?

Can you supply a couple of close pictures of the center section installation? Also, how about a pic with the SkyJib next to a stock MK Okto...err, under it?

Thanks for doing the discussion Dirk. This looks to be a real nice airframe.


I like the idea of the Orbitz but the tall prop shaft bothers me.

Yes, me too.
This are pictures from my prototypes. The series motors will have shorts axis. :)
I will get the first one next week and show some pictures here.

I also noticed that you aren't using the Boom Nacelles on the arms under the props.

I don't have this now, but will receive it in the next days.

I'm an aviator and they make complete sense.

Yes, you are right. Hope to show the Nacelles next time.

My Skyjib was one of the first prototypes to test the Plettenberg motors. I will receive all new parts, the Photohigher retracting landing gear and the gimbal next week.
I will take some photos and videos and show it here.

Can you supply a couple of close pictures of the center section installation? Also, how about a pic with the SkyJib next to a stock MK Okto...err, under it?

Yes, I will do it next week, when the Skyjib has all new components.

I am still waiting for good weather and do some tests with 5 kg payload.
And next week my website is ready with some more pictures, a new smaller motor for the AD-8 and some other nice parts. :)


Any DroidWorx dealer will be able to supply you with one..

They are available as far as I know


Hello Dave, I'll resend my previous e-mails to them that are maybe 3 weeks old asking about the availability. The common reply was it's still experamental. You'd think they'd let a buyer know. Besides, none of them list this airframe on the web sites. If I'm wrong, provide me a link and I'll bite. I'd rather do a one stop shop for both this airframe and gimbal combo but I'll get it where I can. Thanks for the info Dave.




have a look to the Droidworx website:

News and Notifications CX4, Skyjib 6 and Skyjib 8 release - 9/9/2011

The first production models of these craft will be into store and ready for shipping in the last week of this month.
The delays have been due to final tweaks of the prototypes for our production models of these 3 craft - final
product images will be released also end of this month. Pre-orders are now being accepted for these models.


Drone Enthusiast
I am sure Geoff at has them on order.. drop him a mail


PS they only sell though their dealer network so you will need to find one closest to you or one you a happy to deal with.. My recommendation is Geoff as his CS is brilliant.
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News and Notifications CX4, Skyjib 6 and Skyjib 8 release - 9/9/2011

Hey, that's cheating! That's todays date but I will definately jump on it and if Pletty does as you say they will for the short shafts, I'm all over this. I'll e-mail them now! Thanks Dirk.



Drone Enthusiast
PD.. if you were not using an MK FC and BL's what ESC's would you or Plettenberg recommend?


I have asked if the Orbit will come with long leads to the esc`s, i will let you know. Im also in favor of short shafts
or much better if a prop shaft can be bolted to the outer case.

