1100mm hex build. Hexacrafter, T-Motor, A2. Oh my.

Old Man

Active Member
The secondary "through" switch sounds like a good idea. I wonder if placing a capacitor after the switch might limit surge to the low current devices? Now that I'm thinking of it, perhaps a fully switched system at multiple levels might be a better means of preventing damage to all components from initial power surges?


You guys correct me if I'm wrong but all these electronics have built in surge protection anyway don't they?
Who here has fried a fc because of inrush current upon battery connection?


Sure, they have! But as for me, i don't want to test this protection for strength and survivability every battery connection. So, i'm looking for ways to protect low-current devices.
But it's only my own opinion))


The spark is just immediate current demand by the capacitors on the ESCs. The FC and other devices will simply see voltage fluctuation. Input protection on these devices will handle that just fine, just as the devices handle the usual voltage issues caused by ESCs in flight. So what's the problem?


Anti spark connector but the highest I've seen is 150 amps rated. I am using castle 200 amp connectors and yes there is a spark. Trying to develop a work around for that.
The spark is slowly eroding my connectors as well. I will probably make up a temporary anti spark lead using an AS150 and use it to connect the first battery. Then connect the second battery and remove the anti spark lead.


The spark is slowly eroding my connectors as well. I will probably make up a temporary anti spark lead using an AS150 and use it to connect the first battery. Then connect the second battery and remove the anti spark lead.
Best idea yet. I'll do a castle connector to as 150 to castle. Hook battery 1 to that. Then plug #2 in. Remove the as150 cable then reply battery 1.


I spent 1 hour shimming all the motors the other day refrenced off the imu with a smart phone app. Now when she comes down all the motors are the same temp. Before there were a couple that were hotter than the rest. Check out this chart. you will be a believer in shimming the motors so they are perfect. Only 1 hour folks! View attachment 25543


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Yep. Looks perfect. The motor shims ship with all HexaCrafter kits now.
Thanks to all of our talented clients for making HexaCrafter the best it can be...


Yep. Looks perfect. The motor shims ship with all HexaCrafter kits now.
Thanks to all of our talented clients for making HexaCrafter the best it can be...

Regarding coax shimming. I would use the same process for the top 4 motors. smart phone app referenced off the imu, then shim the top motors. Make a note of what shims are used and use the exact same shims for the bottom motor only on the opposite side. (diagonal from the top shim)


2 more flights today. Building confidence in this machine. In the video you will see my "wood box of rocks" which connects by the movi toad in the hole and replicates the center of gravity and exact weight of my movi, camera and lens.
I was playing with my atti gains today and checking performance and temps with 16" props. Everything was so cool considering it was 90F here today. I check and read temps at the end of the video....


Nice flight. Did you discuss your leading gear anywhere here? Where did you get them - that seem to make a good tripod and they fit up nice and inline with the arms.


They are the Tarot actuators, 25mm x 520mm tubes and the hexacrafter mounts.

The tripod is sooooo stable. No tipping


I've built up enough confidence over the last few days to finally attach the movi and camera. I'm pretty happy with the way everything is going. I will get some footage next week and post. View attachment 25669


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Brain fart. I am only posting it because I hope someone will learn from my mistake.

Was about to launch. Forgot to put into atti. Went to take off in gps and she tipped over. Landed on one prop. Not hard but enough to bend the motor shaft so the stator is rubbing on a magnet. If you are taking off in gps (not recommended) you really need to giver on the throttle. Don't spool up slowly. Problem is fixed for good. I reversed the flight mode switch so that atti is up and gps is down. (All my switches are in the full up position prior to powering up the tx). Replaced motor. Back in the air. Will get some movi/gh4 footage this weekend. Cheers. View attachment 25782


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Dude I always take off in GPS, trick is, give it 60% throttle and keep your hand completely off the right stick. It's hard to not touch it. You want to. the stick calls to be held and the rig adjusted, but NO YOU MUST RESIST! Let it do it's thing,if you pop the throttle it will always end up in the air nicely in front of you.... And as an actual RC pilot of 30 years, not touching the right stick is HARD!!! HARD!! But with discipline you can do it. :D
