1100mm hex build. Hexacrafter, T-Motor, A2. Oh my.


Hexacrafters bus bar system. I mounted on the underside of the esc plate vs the traditional way of beside the esc's. This gave me more room and less crowding. Those are gryphon 12mm load rail mounts I adapted from my crashed gryphon frame. View attachment 23769View attachment 23770


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Even on awesome frames like this the real estate gets used up quickly. I spend lots of time planning and trying to fit everything in as neatly as possible. You can see my iosd mark ii is between the gps and the imu. I like it here because it's close to everything and easy to plug in the usb cable. View attachment 23771View attachment 23772


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I was thinking it might be more of a difference. I thought I saw $1000 off on the aerial version of their larger unit vs the handheld. Be interesting to see how it works for you.

$1995 is the official price for the ecofly version. Same price as the complete kit on presale.


Ok Guys, I got the first 2 maiden flights out of the way today. been waiting since sunday for the wind to let up and said "screw it" . We will test in the wind. Footage is crappy. Gopro died, then my cell phone died. lol Still, I had 2 flights and 20 minutes on it today. The A2 Pro plus gps hold is insane. Far tighter than my Naza and Wookong but I should have expected that.
Btw, The plywood legs is just my bench stand zip tied to the aircraft.



Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Well that's flying a lot better than your Gryphon maiden- seems pretty dialed in for that load.


I have basic gains @ 150 and on a dial. I think you may have recommended 150. Played with them a bit but they seem just right. I will test with a payload tomorrow.


So I did a couple flights today. I am getting 20 minutes of mixed flight time without camera and gimbal. I hope this translates to 12-13 minutes with payload. We will see.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!

nice to see you're making progress and keeping everything neat in the process!

only suggestion would be to get the head of the video antenna away from the stuff around it. if you can mount it down below somewhere so it will be able to transmit in all directions that would be better. 5.8ghz will be blocked by just about anything around it. on one of my heli's the camera gets in the way when it's pointed in a certain direction and the video drops out.

great to see you're developing skills and coming back to share what you've learned!

thanks and congrats!


Looks very nice. Have fun. Nicely put together. Your business is appreciated.

Thanks Andrew. Your service is second to none and your frames are incredibly well thought out. It's obvious you love what you do and you love interacting with customers. I will always support vendors like you.


Thanks Andrew. Your service is second to none and your frames are incredibly well thought out. It's obvious you love what you do and you love interacting with customers. I will always support vendors like you.

Andrew is usually 12 steps a head. Like you build a frame, and say "Hmmm I'd like to add (insert item here). You look, and there are already holes perfectly drilled into the frame to acept (insert item here).

Hexacrafter frames are the real deal.


The weather has not been cooperating for test flights. I have about 2 hours on it without a payload and it's been flawless.
Today I strapped 4kg load on it for a total of 12.5 kg. I am getting 12 minutes of mixed flight with 16" props. Very stable even know the winds were bad. It barely flinched. If anything, the down drafts off my buildings was pushing it down a little. Motors came down under 90 degrees F. My esc's were 105-115f.
Here is a quick shot.
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Pumpkinguy, from the look of the classifieds it seems you're changing up your power train? Been following this build and interested to hear your plan...
