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  1. P

    can't get of the ground! radio help

    I too love the new takeoff mode and it's designed specifically to deal with the MR flipping because of operator error. So if it's flipping, I would agree with Robert that your issue sounds more like a build problem, not a transmitter programming problem. - Have you verified in the software...
  2. P

    Zenmuse/Nex7 raw footage question

    So I flew today with all EVO arms. The video I shot tonight was improved over what I shot last weekend., but still has a little vibration in some clips. So I don't know all the factors, and I can specifically nail down the EVO arms as the solution. But in tonight's video, it did behave...
  3. P

    were is the best price for Naza Lite

    Price is more or less irrelevant because they will all be pretty close in price to eachother. The question you should be asking yourself is more which vendors will sell and/or ship to where you are, and what shipping costs will be. No point in ordering something from the U.S. if you live in...
  4. P

    Things They Do Not Tell You

    You're the man, Ken!!!
  5. P

    Traveling to Europe with Phantom

    Yeah, I knew there were frequency and power limits that were different in Europe, which is why that was my first question to him. He confirmed he was not going to have any video transmitter, so that's good as well. Thanks for the feedback!
  6. P

    Less than 100% Aileron

    That might be the best course of action at this time. I was going to ask next if you can see what your transmitter is output? On my Futaba transmitter I can see the outputs and that is how many times I've pinpointed some incorrect operation. Just yesterday I noticed my gimbal tilt command...
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    Less than 100% Aileron

    Good point. Are you able to arm the motors? And approximately how much are you off?
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    Zenmuse/Nex7 raw footage question

    Yes, I will do that tomorrow. Tonight I finished soldering the last of the EVO arms, and letting the liquid tape dry right now. Tomorrow I'll take it up and we'll see how that helps.
  9. P

    Less than 100% Aileron

    What values are you getting for min and max? Have you run the transmitter calibration within the Naza Software Assistant as Tahoe Ed said? Are you able to arm the motors?
  10. P

    Questions about flight controllers and props

    Ideally you should be looking at least at 7 channels. You'll need four just to do T/R/A/E. Then you'll want a channel to turn GPS mode on off (basically switch between GPS, Attitude, Manual or Failsafe). Then you might want to use the Naza's IOC feature which allows different directional...
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    Less than 100% Aileron

    I think I'm starting to understand, but then again probably not... LOL I don't have a Spectrum, so I really can't say how to configure it. But it just seems odd that you can't set your end points for the Flight Mode switch (Aux2) as needed to get GPS/ATT/MAN, and leave Aileron end points...
  12. P

    DJI has released the Naza-M firmware 3.16, the BTU and the iOSD mini

    And one less canbus port. I also hear that the manual doesnt mention data logging.
  13. P

    Less than 100% Aileron

    What Tahoe Ed said... set them to 100% and calibrate. But I am afraid you might be confused about something. The only channel in your transmitter that needs to be different than -100/+100 is the channel that commands GPS/ATT/MAN/Failsafe. That channel you will need to bring the endpoints in...
  14. P

    Looking to move up. Suggestions

    Using the stock F550 motors, I couldn't tell you. I know I have friends that run the F550 with the Sony NEX-7 and a 2 axis gimbal for it. The GH3 is a little heavier than the NEX-7, so I don't know if that puts it over the recommended range for the F550 with stock motors. But you have lots of...
  15. P

    Less than 100% Aileron

    I guess I'm not understanding your setup. Why are your endpoints not 100%? The naza is a fly-by-wire system, so your four main controls (T/Y/P/R) should all be -100 to +100 under normal conditions, and command the Naza inputs the full range, and centered sticks should command 0. You also need...
  16. P

    Less than 100% Aileron

    What is the range you are getting? If its in the upper 90s, I wouldn't worry. If its much lower, then Stitch is right and you probably have a Tx config you need to sort out.
  17. P

    Zenmuse/Nex7 raw footage question

    Oaxaca is correct. The anti-vibe kit really has nothing to do with the vibrios of the camera, or minimizing the vibration of the copter itself. The purpose is to isolate the IMU from those vibrations so that the Wookong does not do the flip of death or other tepid stuff because of the vibes...
  18. P

    Traveling to Europe with Phantom

    Yes, it is just for fun. I figure that just for fun wouldn't be an issue, but just thought I'd check. Anybody know about Antwerp and/or Paris?
  19. P

    Batwing mount for Zenmuse to f450/550

    I saw that video a few weeks ago. Didn't know he was one of your customers.
  20. P

    Need advice on how to finish a quadcopter

    Maybe I'm clueless, but am I understanding that you got a basic arduino board with gyro/accel sensors, but no software for controlling the quad? Flight Controller software is no easy task, neither is interfacing with gyros and accelerometers. I know APM is based off of the Arduino processor...