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  1. P

    Zenmuse/Nex7 raw footage question

    Sorry to hear that Tim. Have you tried shooting video from the gimbal, but not flying and you holding the MR and/or gimbal and do a lot of fast motion of swooping and sweeping and swuuping (lol... just invented that), but your arms won't have the MR vibration, so you can hopefully determine if...
  2. P

    Things They Do Not Tell You

    Count on me... keep us posted on what you decide.
  3. P

    S800 minor crash (hard landing really) on first test flight with Zenmuse

    Yes, makes sense. I know I don't like to push my batteries that hard. I've only got down to 20.0 one time and my batteries were very warm, and I pretty much put back the full mah of the battery. I typically aim to only put back in 80-85% of the battery which means, in my case, being on the...
  4. P

    S800 minor crash (hard landing really) on first test flight with Zenmuse

    lol... I had exactly the same concern when I read that. Kicking in Failsafe at 20.0V basically out you landing on fumes.
  5. P

    S800 Major Crash - The spin of death

    I tend to agree that low gains wouldn't cause this type spiraling. I know pilots that like their gains very low for smoothness.
  6. P

    Things They Do Not Tell You

    Glad we could prove you otherwise. ;) Nah, actually the real reason is because we all need an experienced MR pilot in Homeland, California, in case we get a customer project there. So practice up and make us proud! ;) (Of course, totally joking! lol)
  7. P

    S800 Major Crash - The spin of death

    That's some good information. I'll throw out two theories, and others can chime in with others, and/or refute mine: 1) Your gains are to high, so when you reacted and quickly reversed direction, it caused some FC overreaction due to the tight gains. From there, the tight gains just continued...
  8. P

    R7008SB S-Bus with NAZA?

    Thanks! That is a good reference. I guess I was also referring to the blog mentioned. Either way, this helps future thread readers followup with the solution. Thanks!
  9. P

    Things They Do Not Tell You

    Ken, Chris, I'll throw out another thought... Ken, if you can't sort out the Carefree mode for Chris with this Multiwii, I'd be willing to chip in $75 or so for a Naza Lite + GPS, or some other FC that would offer a good GPS/Carefree mode for Chris. I would like to see Chris enjoy his flying...
  10. P

    Interested in mounting GoPro to my DJI F330

    Oh, so like fixed to the F330? No roll or tilt? If so, just use the GoPro enclosure and mount one of the GoPro clipons to the F330, and you can slide on/off the camera at will. Those are like $20.
  11. P

    S800 Major Crash - The spin of death

    So sorry about the accident. I know how heart breaking they can be. Can you tell us some other stuff? I have several popcorn questions that might help those in the forum diagnose. Like what flight mode you were in? How did the pilot try to respond? Did he try switching modes? Apply...
  12. P

    R7008SB S-Bus with NAZA?

    LOL... pear, that doesn't do us any good if you don't provide links. Can you do so?
  13. P

    Interested in mounting GoPro to my DJI F330

    You actually have a LOT of good options out there. Here's a thread for you: 1) You have the DJI Zenmuse H3-2D...
  14. P

    M Lite no calibration and rotating

    Oh yeah! I forgot to mention checking motor direction... LOL Glad you figured that one out!
  15. P

    First little test flight with the h3-2d Zenmuse

    Doh! lol May you have many successful flights with that Nigel! I really enjoy my Zen H3-2D as well.
  16. P

    Receiver failsafe settings

    BC is correct that the WKM will take over and it won't care about any inputs... well, except Throttle which the Wookong manual says should be set to above 10%. That is really the only channel I have F/S activated on my Futaba and it's set to 25%.
  17. P

    M Lite no calibration and rotating

    Welcome to the forum, and welcome to multirotors. I hope your F450+Naza gives you many fun experiences in the years to come! Did you build it yourself? Or was it RTF from somewhere? I only ask because if RTF, they should have checked it out for you. If you did it yourself, there are a few...
  18. P

    First little test flight with the h3-2d Zenmuse

    How do you see it? It says its password protected.
  19. P

    S800 minor crash (hard landing really) on first test flight with Zenmuse

    Nice job Steve! I love the color range from orange browns to deep green with some blue and white sprinkled in for good measure. Wish I has as colorful scenery remotely near to where I am. Here it's just farmland unless I put in some decent driving time to go somewhere.