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  1. Benjamin Kenobi

    3DR APM 2.6 w. GPS MAG NIB_5.8GHz FPV w/ miniOSD NIB

    And where are you shipping from my good man? (this is an international forum) :tennis:
  2. Benjamin Kenobi

    Zenmuse - Z15 repair

    I feel your pain! I would be lost without mine and fear the day I have to get it repaired!
  3. Benjamin Kenobi

    which model is good to fly?

    Yes, that's what I mentioned, couldn't see any solution for on-board recording (last sentence). A live down-link is better anyway as you achieve a more directed approach to scanning. You can record a live video feed on the ground to an SD card or hard drive. :tennis:
  4. Benjamin Kenobi

    which model is good to fly?

    Hey. I confirm nothing I'm afraid. This component seems to allow access to the analogue video. Aeronavics (formerly Droidworx) stock this camera and accessories (
  5. Benjamin Kenobi

    Zenmuse - Z15 repair

    An acquaintance sent his in and it took 3 months to come back. He didn't receive much information during that time.
  6. Benjamin Kenobi

    bec unit

    Just mount it where you can still access the USB port and see the light. I have mine out on an arm with velcro for easy removal.
  7. Benjamin Kenobi

    which model is good to fly?

    It looks like you'd need a ground station type setup and record onto a laptop. There is some interface equipment on the FLIR website and it's not that expensive. I'm also looking into this brand.
  8. Benjamin Kenobi

    GoPro WiFi Remote

    I believe you do need to update the remote. Similar way to updating the camera but plug in the remote. (I have the Hero2 so might be slightly different)
  9. Benjamin Kenobi

    Considering getting DX18, what other options should I consider?

    I think the DX18 is a great buy. Lots of channels and great customer service for Spektrum products. I say go for it! (buy cheap, buy twice)
  10. Benjamin Kenobi

    FC / RX Redundancy

    It's difficult to say. There are a few parachute systems out there but not many and largely untested by the general user. An X8 system is the best redundancy you can have. I think the main reason no one answered was because you had goggles on whilst piloting a large and heavy aircraft, a big no...
  11. Benjamin Kenobi

    Hello from Central Texas

    Welcome to the path! You'll find lots of friends here!
  12. Benjamin Kenobi

    XAircraft What the hell was I thinking???

    In all my old 3D heli flights every 'incident' was in the last minute of the last lipo just after the timer went off and I decided to try something new. Bad luck mate. Don't let it knock your confidence. Re-build and get out there again!
  13. Benjamin Kenobi

    S800 vs EVO ... Differences

    +1. That's about all the differences.
  14. Benjamin Kenobi

    highest posible windspeed to fly?

    The Wookong specs says it can handle up to 17.9mph which is far lower than the 50mph (44kt) you wish to fly in. It depends on the platform to be honest. What aircraft/system do you want to fly?
  15. Benjamin Kenobi

    Colin Guinn Injuction Video

    Here's the documents he was referring to in the video:
  16. Benjamin Kenobi

    colin guinn booted from DJI

    What an interesting video. He posted a link to the documents here:
  17. Benjamin Kenobi

    5.8GHz 25mw Regulations

    Using a patch antenna on your receiver greatly improves your range, along with a 3 leaf skew plantar antenna on your transmitter. I still see many people using higher than 25mW transmitters on their rigs and as far as I know no one has been in trouble for it. I use 25mW and find it more than...
  18. Benjamin Kenobi

    Zenmuse Z15 upgrade error

    Hmmm, I'd go over the connections carefully. Might just be a loose wire somewhere. Check all the connections are the right way round and check the little plugs here and there seem in a good condition. Where/who did you buy it from? Have you asked them about it?
  19. Benjamin Kenobi

    Is FPV more likely to crash?

    No, it's not. Reading through the forums you'll notice even more crashes without FPV. The trick is to know your limits when starting out. Fly slowly, keeping a large distance between you and obstacles. If you want to fly closer, edge in slowly to see how the camera changes and have a look with...
  20. Benjamin Kenobi

    I flew over London at 500ft

    That's awesome mate! They are so helpful at the CAA and NATS. I got one of those Enhanced Non-Standard Flight Clearances for Battersea Power Station last weekend and it only took 4 hours. I was well impressed with the efficiency of everything! Look Forward to the pictures!