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  1. Benjamin Kenobi

    Aerial Filming Hexcopter RTF

    A picture speaks a thousand words, and all that...:nevreness:
  2. Benjamin Kenobi

    Wanted A Long Shot - RPAS Operations Manual Example (UK Version) WANTED

    You can ask Elliot at Hexcam for advice with your ops manual.
  3. Benjamin Kenobi

    DJI S1000 horrible jello - help needed

    Ah, so it's high frequency vibes with a little flutter here and there. That is usually an out of balance prop or motor. You also mentioned seeing one of the arms wobbly in flight which is a clue. Do the vibes change when you increase/decrease the throttle? If not then it's the Zenmuse balance...
  4. Benjamin Kenobi

    DJI S1000 horrible jello - help needed

    If you would show me the jello video (from the GH4) I could probably see where the vibes are coming from.
  5. Benjamin Kenobi

    DJI S1000 horrible jello - help needed

    It's not the length that counts! :nevreness: So are you going to balance your props now? It's a good skill to learn.
  6. Benjamin Kenobi

    DJI S1000 horrible jello - help needed

    That'll be the problem then. Have a look at those blades.
  7. Benjamin Kenobi

    DJI S1000 horrible jello - help needed

    Easier but not entirely precise. Good enough for me. Those little electronic scales are great for weighing components and the like. You can also use a 'tail blade' balancer for an RC helicopter. Works like a seesaw.
  8. Benjamin Kenobi

    DJI S1000 horrible jello - help needed

    Yeah, that video is pretty good. Nice find! The vibes must be coming from the motors or props then. Can you show us an example of the jello on the video? We can usually tell what is causing it by the frequency of vibes.
  9. Benjamin Kenobi

    DJI S1000 horrible jello - help needed

    For foldable props you can just weigh each one (as a pair) and check each blade weighs the same. I've just spent the day doing that to my S900 props.
  10. Benjamin Kenobi

    DJI S1000 horrible jello - help needed

    Just watching the gimbal whilst powered up is not checking the balance. Does the GH4 stay where you put it with the power off? Here's how to balance a Zenmuse:
  11. Benjamin Kenobi

    DJI S1000 horrible jello - help needed

    Are you sure the gimbal is well balanced? How about the blades/props? Have you checked they are balanced also?
  12. Benjamin Kenobi

    Dji S800 with Zenmeuse questions

    What help do you need?
  13. Benjamin Kenobi

    Camera control....???

    All depends on what system you have. I can take stills via a switch but can't adjust other settings. No need really as you just set it manually on the ground. You'll soon learn what settings you need by practise.
  14. Benjamin Kenobi

    Zenmuse Tilt Control? How To Troubleshoot

    Did you read through the post I quoted? Have you deactivated X1 for gains adjustment in the other screens on the assistant?
  15. Benjamin Kenobi

    Made some smalll......

    Huh? What aircraft and electronics are you talking about? Just looked at the MLP6DSM and you may well have to adjust the trim each time as it is a very basic transmitter without memory.
  16. Benjamin Kenobi

    Zenmuse Tilt Control? How To Troubleshoot

    As above, turn off the gimbal switch screen, not needed for the Zenmuse. There's some help here. It says you should calibrate the X1 channel.
  17. Benjamin Kenobi

    DJI F550 Naza M V2 and Futaba T8J Acceleration on take off

    Sounds normal to me. It's a safety feature of the NAZA to prevent inputs on the ground (apparently).
  18. Benjamin Kenobi

    How do you power your Zenmuse?

    Ah, I just had a look at the mini Zenmuse and it doesn't have the same channels on the GCU as my larger Zen Z15. Ignore what I said before.