CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3


Heli's & Tele's bloke
... By the way the secrafts are working out fine...

One of the issues I had with the Secraft v3 retracts was that they did not retract quite enough (on the S800). They needed to go up another inch because the skids were still visible to the GH2/14mm when level and panned to the side. Perhaps you will not have this issue because the camera is going to be sitting very low on that OctoX4 marvel you are building. The other issue was wobble vibration when the skids are down, after a few flights as the hinge mechanism loosened up. Sang says they have addressed this.

I will live with the S800 nightmare for a while, and break out the trusty AD8 when I need something reliable, but ultimately I have to build another MR. I like the look of yours and will be a likely candidate for those specialist parts to assemble the damped LiPo/camera support. What mount and stabilisation do you plan to use?


Drone Enthusiast
One of the issues I had with the Secraft v3 retracts was that they did not retract quite enough (on the S800). They needed to go up another inch because the skids were still visible to the GH2/14mm when level and panned to the side. Perhaps you will not have this issue because the camera is going to be sitting very low on that OctoX4 marvel you are building. The other issue was wobble vibration when the skids are down, after a few flights as the hinge mechanism loosened up. Sang says they have addressed this.

I will live with the S800 nightmare for a while, and break out the trusty AD8 when I need something reliable, but ultimately I have to build another MR. I like the look of yours and will be a likely candidate for those specialist parts to assemble the damped LiPo/camera support. What mount and stabilisation do you plan to use?

Yeah seen the same problem with the original dji retracts also, Once up there are vibrations on the cam. Hope I wont suffer from it !

First I will put on the zenmuse with the GH3 mods. See if the zenmuse EVO convinced me or not. But eventually i will also be
using my own gimbal should get all the parts by last week may.

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Hi Boris, gern würde ich auf dein Angebot eingehen ! Hab in Kürze vor mir eine fräse zu kaufen um einfach schneller und besser meine Optimierungen an meinen Systemen vornehmen kann! Gern natürlich auch für dich! Meld dich mal per pm ... Achja hast du schon das telemetrie Board am laufen ? Welche gains hast derzeit ? Über 200?

Besten Dank
VG marcell


Drone Enthusiast
HI Marcell.

Ill keep it in english so everyone can follow:

I will clean out the files tonite and post them ! There will be changes you will have to preform since the files were made for the waterjet. smaller radius and general handling etc.
But give me the info about your cnc machine and i will adopt them. My experience with the waterjet was really bad so the next set i will get cut by a mill again.

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hi boris,

no problem, i need it as stl or hpgl for winpc ...i do not have a waterjet ;-)
who can i order the damping units (like BG-7?) iam also search for XOAR 16x5 and 15x5 Props can you deliver me 4 pairs of 16x5

can you say me your gains from WKM ?

thx you so much ...
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Hi your build, its comming together nicely.

I have been slowly working away on my skyjib. I just wanted to check if when you set up Herkules on WKM you had to do a throttle calibration?
On YS-X6, it is one of the initial set up steps, but it mentions some esc`s such as XA escs dont need to go through the step.
When you plug your escs in is there just the initial arming tone, or does Herkules beep for the number of cells connected as well?

Cheers Ryan


Yeah seen the same problem with the original dji retracts also, Once up there are vibrations on the cam. Hope I wont suffer from it !

First I will put on the zenmuse with the GH3 mods. See if the zenmuse EVO convinced me or not. But eventually i will also be
using my own gimbal should get all the parts by last week may.

View attachment 14835
I can place an order for one more with Aleximos controller

Hi again, sorry to keep bothering you.

I just have few questions about the shielded ribbon cables you made up.

It looks like you have pulled apart the shielded cable and used the braided shield to cover the ribbon cable and used heat shrink to cover it, is this correct?
Is this a better method than using the cables that come in the shield and soldering onto them?

Also when making shielded cable could i just use the signal wire, and remove the pos and neg cables? Meaning i could do away with the ribbon cable to servo plug adapter, or is there a reason to keep the adapter and the positive and negative cables?

Cheers Ryan


Drone Enthusiast
Hi Ryan,

nah there is no throttle calibration needed for the Herkules it comes with a fixed range. No beeping for the number of cells connected. The LEDs on the Herkules indicate something but to be honest i cant remember when blue or orange or whatever !

There is as far as I understand no reason for the little adapter micromatch to servo plugs. I think Andreas just gave this option because people were having troubles making their own ribbon cable to servo-plug setups !
So you could keep the ribbon cable as short as possible from the micromatch plug and solder on whatever you want. You could go directly into a CAT 8 or whatever cable:

But to be honest the shiedling i am doing it not worth it. I never had any issue with non shielded connections ! Shielding in my eyes is only needed if you are close to some lipo or ESC cable and/or the signal cable is very long, PWM is not so sensitive. I think it more crucial when it comes to
I2c connections since it was never made for communication over longer wired but more for components on one board !

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Drone Enthusiast
Xero the parts will be available on Shapeways, without any extra fee or anything. I will have my first copy hope by friday or beginning next week and lets see how things turn out:

Finally version:

View attachment 11955

Next version for the black magic pocket:

View attachment 11956


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Hey Boris, Working on a foldable medium hvy travel rig. Knowing what you know now, would you still go Herk or stick w conventional ESCs?


Drone Enthusiast
Hey Boris, Working on a foldable medium hvy travel rig. Knowing what you know now, would you still go Herk or stick w conventional ESCs?

SMP for a heavy lift, DJI WKM or Mikrokopter based for sure Herkules III !

