Zero UAV Zero UAV YS-X6 [Owners Thread] *Autopilot system for multirotors*


Active Member
Hi Nic, How long did you persevere with Xaircraft ?

Gave up when I was testing the unreleased AHRS-P, AUTO PILOT, and FC. Lost a GoPro hero2, gimbal and the lot into the lagoon. They didn't care about my findings that it went nuts and zigzaged all over the place. They knew of the error.... :mad:

On a good note, it forced me to start over with good stuff.


Oh that not good do you know from what you have heard /read if anything has improved since then. From what I have read its looks a bit dogey for XAircraft unless they have something under wraps. Johnno.



Are there any good tutorial videos on how to complete the initial setup? I've seen videos that show wiring etc. but haven't found much else


I've just come in at the end of this thread having nor read to much of the stuff beforehand so I am assuming by hj files you mean the flight files and that you want to read them with GCS. If this is so then all you have to do after you have started the GCS is select the 'File' drop-down (or Alt and F keys simultaneously), select 'Flight Playback' (or Alt and T keys simultaneously), select the hj file of your choice (of course this is depencdant of course where the files are stored). You can then play back an hj file at different speeds, etc.. This is all very useful if you are carrying out research into flight behaviours, etc..



Active Member
I've just come in at the end of this thread having nor read to much of the stuff beforehand so I am assuming by hj files you mean the flight files and that you want to read them with GCS. If this is so then all you have to do after you have started the GCS is select the 'File' drop-down (or Alt and F keys simultaneously), select 'Flight Playback' (or Alt and T keys simultaneously), select the hj file of your choice (of course this is depencdant of course where the files are stored). You can then play back an hj file at different speeds, etc.. This is all very useful if you are carrying out research into flight behaviours, etc..


So, is there a way on android phone?

Sent from my GT-I9305T using Tapatalk 2


So, is there a way on android phone?

Sent from my GT-I9305T using Tapatalk 2

Not that I know of. But using something like ES File Explorer, you can access the YShj folder and see the files and then transfer the hj file to your PC and view it there.


So, is there a way on android phone?

Sent from my GT-I9305T using Tapatalk 2

Ido not know the answer to that one. I have, up to now, always used the PC GCS to view hj files. Unfortunately with YS-X6 all the GCSs' seem to have a number of diiferences rather than being the same...just a different OS and controlling H/W. Sorry I can't add any value for you on this one.



Active Member
I have never needed to view them David, but wanted to examine the new frames performance in a closer manner before placing the expensive camera on for tests. Thanks, I'll open them up on PC.


Active Member
Not that I know of. But using something like ES File Explorer, you can access the YShj folder and see the files and then transfer the hj file to your PC and view it there.

Thank you Rob. I'll look at shake levels, 0 to 1. Excellent.


Hi Nic...I don't know...but usually I am the last to find out anything, stuck here at the bottom of Africa :)

Nic, can you do me a favour. Using your Android tablet, have you saved way points, deleted them from the screen and then and tried to load them again? If you have not, please will you try and let me know whether you can do it.



Active Member
I can plot waypoints, then save and title it. Then remove them from map, and load the saved file.
I'm on phone, not tablet.


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I can plot waypoints, then save and title it. Then remove them from map, and load the saved file.
I'm on phone, not tablet.


I am using a HTC Flyer tablet and a Samsung S3 phone and in both cases I can save the file but cannot load it. It force closes the app

If I take a file saved by the PC GCS and transfer it to the Tablet and then I can load it and it works. If I then save it and try and load it again, it does not work.It force closes the app

I did an exercise:

Using the PC GCS, I saved a waypoint file called “PC Saved waypoints” and it has a .skw extension so the name was PC Saved waypoints.skw and below is content of the file:
28.036907 -26.150017 20 0 1 0 1651
28.036963 -26.150066 20 0 90 0 1651
28.036919 -26.150099 20 0 90 0 1651
28.036873 -26.150051 20 0 90 0 1651

I then transferred it to the Android tablet and it loaded onto the tablet. This worked well, and there was no forced close.

I then saved it as “android resaved pc waypoints” and it now uses a .rw extension so the name is now android resaved pc waypoints .rw and below is the content of the file:
28,03691 -26,15002 20 0 1 0
28,03696 -26,15007 20 0 90 0
28,03692 -26,15010 20 0 90 0
28,03687 -26,15005 20 0 90 0

This would not reload onto the tablet and force closed the app.

If you have a look at the 2 files you will notice that the numbers 1651 are missing. I do not know what those number mean, but it is obvious that there is a problem with the way both the Android application saves files and leaves off those numbers.

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Active Member
I can plot waypoints, then save and title it. Then remove them from map, and load the saved file.
I'm on phone, not tablet.


I can plot waypoints, then save and title it. Then remove them from map, and load the saved file.
I'm on phone, not tablet.

Found the problem. For some unknown reason, South Africa decided to use the comma as a decimal delimiter many years ago. The ZeroUAV team spotted this and once I changed the Country on my Tablet to an English country that uses the decimal point as the delimiter, then problem solved. They will soon be updating the App to cater for this. Its amazing how such a small thing can cause so much hassle.
