Zero UAV Zero UAV YS-X6 [Owners Thread] *Autopilot system for multirotors*



Has anyone figured out how to reset the wifi module?

If one was to say, mess up the config on the wifi module (changing the encryption settings for example) by using a browser with the address and entering the login and password making a change and then rebooting the module only to find it cannot be connected to again.

Yep I did it :).

Lucky I have a spare wifi module but would be nice to have this one working again. Any ideas?



Hi Mark

I did see someone had reset their wifi module. Do a search on the YS-X6 threads on RCGroups, or it might even be here somewhere. I did see it, but where, I don't know.



With 10-22 version of pc gcs i cannot get map displayed, is there any tricks for that? Old GCS works fine.




Hi Kari, had a similar problem with this I tried that version on a couple of machines one worked other didn't, error says cant find web site doesn't make a lot of sense seeing its ok on one machine still looking.


Hi Kari, had a similar problem with this I tried that version on a couple of machines one worked other didn't, error says cant find web site doesn't make a lot of sense seeing its ok on one machine still looking.

Yeah, it just like not connected to internet but it is. Not biggie as i can use old one, i don't think there's any new features in newer version?

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Active Member
Yeah, it just like not connected to internet but it is. Not biggie as i can use old one, i don't think there's any new features in newer version?

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GREAT!!! I'm not crazy. I spent 2 hours last night trying to find out why my google map does not load. I've just done the FW update (October) after Peter from ZeroTexh looked at my HJ file and said "You not use later firmware, must update now to October release". I want to see the map to see where the Satellite dropped out on my flight. I opened up the dome, and my GPS cable was barely in, so its probably that, but all the same, I want the PC GCS to look at flights, and even use in the field. I'm due to chat with them today about an order, so I'll ask about this.


Hi all, just got some news about the YS-X4 The unit will be officially release in a week or two.
There will be 3 versions:
a. Bluetooth version - YS-X4B
b. WIFI version - YS-X4W
c. Navigator version - YS-X4N
The two versions (a) and (b) can be upgraded to the Navigator version.
The Bluetooth and the WIFI version will be equipped with 4 waypoints.
The Navigator version has 8 waypoints plus some enhancements
YS-X4B - $449.00
YS-X4W - $479.00
YS-X4N - $639.00
Thats about all I know at this Point thankyou to Michael at DragonRC in Sydney


hello kari
i just bought the system and for the last three days i have been trying to get the Pc CGS to show the map. Same problem like yours. I spoke with Peter and the only thing he had to say is to try and reinstall the plug in, which i did with no result. Unfortunatelly, since i am new ,i do not have the previous version. Is there any way to get the previous version. Any help will be appreciated.


hello kari
i just bought the system and for the last three days i have been trying to get the Pc CGS to show the map. Same problem like yours. I spoke with Peter and the only thing he had to say is to try and reinstall the plug in, which i did with no result. Unfortunatelly, since i am new ,i do not have the previous version. Is there any way to get the previous version. Any help will be appreciated.

Have a look at my website. I have all the previous versions on it. Under ZeroUAV ...Resources


Active Member
Hey Rob,
What is overload control? It has 3 settings.
I get battery low alerts on the phone, and red solid LED, but I think it's just that my lipos are only 25/35c rated. I'm getting 5 min flights, but should be able to fly for 9 mins easy. If I ignore warning, my balancer still says I'm at a safe discharged voltage. Do I need to get higher discharge rating batteries?


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Hey Rob,
What is overload control? It has 3 settings.
I get battery low alerts on the phone, and red solid LED, but I think it's just that my lipos are only 25/35c rated. I'm getting 5 min flights, but should be able to fly for 9 mins easy. If I ignore warning, my balancer still says I'm at a safe discharged voltage. Do I need to get higher discharge rating batteries?

Hi Nic

The overload Control is related to the acceleration of the multirotor, in GPS mode. So, if you want slow acceleration, which is recommended, then keep it on soft.

I ignore my warning alarms too, and calculate the time based on eCalc and then use a timer.

The power management module is maybe a good idea.



Active Member
Hi Nic

The overload Control is related to the acceleration of the multirotor, in GPS mode. So, if you want slow acceleration, which is recommended, then keep it on soft.

I ignore my warning alarms too, and calculate the time based on eCalc and then use a timer.

The power management module is maybe a good idea.


I have done a few 9min flights, and have had the LED come on steady red (constant). Charging post flights indicate my batteries are well within the safe drain limits, showing 3.8v per cell. Yesterday evening, I had 2 other Multirotor nuts (multirotor cowboys, they are crazy) come look at the test I was doing. It was great as they could keep an eye on voltage and vibration. The spotter told me the phone was shaking 4mins in.... I'm wondering if it's simply and inaccurate reading, and I need the Power Management Module.

Is there any risk in my craft shutting down or auto landing if I push on knowing that there is plenty of juice in my batteries. Like you, eCalc gives me a good 10min reading.


thanks a lot
downloaded and now google earth works thanks again

I told zero support about this maps not showing issue and they knew the problem already. It's somehow related to google maps does not work in China at the moment. Anyway they promised to publish new fixed version soon.



Rob, i just downloaded from your site pc gcs which is dated same 20121023 as my nonworking version but your version is working fine. Thanks for keeping that stuff on your site!
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My YS-X6 is now ready for its first takeoff! I'm using a cheap china frame so that I can get to know the system well, before installing it onto a big expensive frame.


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Active Member
My YS-X6 is now ready for its first takeoff! I'm using a cheap china frame so that I can get to know the system well, before installing it onto a big expensive frame.
Looks great, and extremely neat in the way you set this up. Well done. The IMU closer to the COG is a good idea. Being so close to the ESC's could be an issue, so keep an eye out the EMF doesnt effect the IMU. I dont think it will be an issue, but if you experience any anomolies, perhaps swap them around to get the IMU away from the high current. I cant wait to see it fly. Please video it and show us.

Finished setting up my YS-X6 on my 1200 octo today and did a short flight. All seemed to be OK but I am still tearing my hair out over the manual. I am recording some points and puzzlements here, and apologise if they have been aired before:
1. Calibrating the ESCs. (step 7) I didnt do this because I had already spent a lot of time setting up my 8 ESCs for when I flew the bird with DJI WKM. I do not want to power up the ESCs whilst holding full throttle because I dont want to corrupt the existing programming. I dont understand what the ESC calibration in the YS does. My question is: is it necessary?
2. Enable/disable radio in the GCS turns red. Is it supposed to or is it telling me something is wrong?
3. My magnetic declination is 2 degrees 7 minutes. How do I enter that? is 2.7 OK?
4. WHen calibrating XY and YZ I find it very difficult to do the calibration dance with a heavy (5KG) Octo 1.2 metres wide and I can't keep theLED on all the time. Is it ok if it winks out ocassionally?
5. What does Gyro INIT do. I read somewhere you should leave it still for a few minutes after doing this. I am not sure about this as I don't know WTF it does.

Anyway it flies fine, but I want to make sure I have done everything right because I dont want to crash a very expensive bird because of some over sight!

Thanks Guys

My YS-X6 is now ready for its first takeoff! I'm using a cheap china frame so that I can get to know the system well, before installing it onto a big expensive frame.
That cheap china frame is a Turnigy Talon Mk 2 Hex and is an excellent frame, dont get put off by the cheap price, it is excellent kit! IMHO
