Tiger U5 and sync issues (call to U5 owners)


Woundering if any of you that owns U5 motors have sync problems with them, and if not what esc's are you guys running?
Have been testing simonK on these motors with very bad results.

Test 1:
Intresting parts are at

Test 2 with newer SimonK code:
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Aerial DP
there was a recal of the esc's from tiger for some weird throttle response if you go from 25-75%, it's going on right now. Wonder if it's the same problem

I got u5, u7 and u11 coming in for builds..... but haven't touched a set yet

the :41 part is normal for big prop motors,,,, just stop and start... Whats with all the white lights on the wk?
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Yes i know
But this is only for 80+ amps if iremeber correctly.

Exchanged some words with customer support at tiger and they recommanded t40a / pro.
And that i stay away from simonk Even their new s45a esc

If you think it is normal i recommend you to turn on audio....


Interesting, I'm reviewing the U7's and I was sent the T-Motor 45A SimonK ESC's with the motors.
Did you directly hear from T-motor not to use their SimonK ESC's?

I have had 1 test hop with my rig so far and the motors responded perfectly.

Even with SimonK you still have to set the end points before hooking up to the FC.
Did you turn on the ESC's with the throttle at full, listen for the beeps and then cut the throttle?
If not that could be your issue.


Interesting, I'm reviewing the U7's and I was sent the T-Motor 45A SimonK ESC's with the motors.
Did you directly hear from T-motor not to use their SimonK ESC's?

I have had 1 test hop with my rig so far and the motors responded perfectly.

Even with SimonK you still have to set the end points before hooking up to the FC.
Did you turn on the ESC's with the throttle at full, listen for the beeps and then cut the throttle?
If not that could be your issue.

Yes, i did the esc calibration, even tried the -110% trick without luck.

As for the esc, yes someone with the name Aicy answeared my emails, and i was told to use T40A / pro.
If i had S45A already i could try it, but they recommended T40A

SleepyC as you might have seen on the video, after the latest firmware update it only fails under severe load, whats the chance of that happening in normal flying not much, so maybe do a table run of it with load and see if it behaves as expected.

I am now considering surrendering and buying the overpriced t-motor escs, or Hobbywing Platinum, but i havent been able to confirm the romour that Tmotor esc are just rebrand of hobbywing ?


There is no added friction to those motors that stopped right? I've seen people use motor mount screws that are too long. In some cases the screw can go too far into the motor and rub a moving part. In the case I know of the screw friction caused the esc to explode. Long shot but figured I throw it out there when you said the esc might be failing under severe load.


Aerial DP
does it do it without the props? I've seen this on some prototype motors i tried last year. 2 crashes later i realized they weren't working out. not the best scenario


does it do it without the props? I've seen this on some prototype motors i tried last year. 2 crashes later i realized they weren't working out. not the best scenario

Havent tried to be honest, since it wouldn´t test the limits as much as doing it with props


Hi SleepyC,

Have you tried out the Tmotor 45A with the U7's yet? I've got U5's with Jeti Hicopter optos and think I'm getting a sync issue too (will get a vid up as soon as I get my tx back from hobby horizons) so was thinking of trying out the 45A esc but don't want to splash out for something that aint gonna work again. Cheers


For info:

Tmotor 40A (pro) and Hobbywing 30A esc are working fine on u5 motors atleast for my part.


James Cole
U7/Maytech 65A-opto Crash

I have a X8 and X4 Mega lifter with U7's, Maytech 65A ESC's modded with heatsinks and fans. The X8 is running a WKM and flys very nice at 26 lbs. The X4 is on a A2 controller. The X4 crashed yesterday and I think the problem is the U7's with the SimonK Maytech 65A-opto ESC. I have removed my FC stack and flown mulitple batteries after the crash on a stock dji F550 frame/esc/motor combo and flew it incredibly hard with no issues today.

<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/98601240" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> View attachment 18737
T-motors U7, Maytech 65A-OPTO Flip of Death/ESC Sync issue from Cinematic Digital Media on Vimeo.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to the problem?
View attachment 18737
here is the ESC mod that keeps the temps around 105f, stock with no modding they were running 145f


  • _MG_9290.jpg
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Aerial DP
simonK maytec had a problem..... take everything off but one prop and fire it up, rap the throttle on and off with different timing between none and full,,,,, does it do this kinda stuff?

Is the pilot taking it up so fast and high on his own or is this thing climbing up like that? whats all the revving about? are the motors hot after all that? esc's?

Tiger recomends only using t-motor 80 amp esc's with these.
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James Cole
I was taking it up fast just for tests, The motors are cool and have never gotten past slight warm. As you can see from the photo, the esc's have been modded with heatsinks and fans which keep them under 105f. T-motors also at first recommended just the T40A esc for these motors and after many problems they now recommend the T70A for the 420kv and T80A for the 490kv U7's. But as usual T-motors states that those speed controllers wont be available for 30-45 days which prolly means 75-100 days until they can deliver them


Aerial DP
there is still a replcement simonK that causes trouble.... i've never seen heat, just commutation errors..... if you look art the simonK firmware software there is a 3-14 version that you need, then after that i heard maytec was working with simon to finally fix it right and never heard this finished....


James Cole
I have emailed both Aerial Media Pros(where I purchased) and Maytech, both say nothing is wrong with the ESC's
