be careful, i have ran them before and had nothing but problems on certian flight controllers, had something to do with the way they communicate down the servo wire and i remember something weird about throttle calibrating..... there also massive so hard to contain
I had maytec 40 and u5, first flight out in less than a minute a motor shut off just like the vid above,,,,,,, had 60 amp maytec on u7, did the same. i'd be really cautious and keep your ears open and match exact systems that work.
All that said i'm fixin to put a u7 with kde 55 amp esc's together today to do some testing for commutation problems like shown in the flick above..... the u series motors are really heavy on the barrel and low pole count so it's reaking havoc, and all the maytec had some problem with the way the simonK firmware was written lately that was flat out incompatible...... i'm sure if you ask who sold you the stuff (liable party) that they will tell you theres no problems..... there not in the friend biz, there in the biz to make money