Tarot T810 Build


Well hopefully I get some flying in today. Awesome day so far, except for spending the first half of the day doing yard work blech.... LOL. I will have a video up today to document the changes and whatnot. The bird flys great with or without the gimbal. Stable. I just wish it had more flight time. Will see how it likes the warmer weather. Yeah, the twin receiver setup seemed to me to be the best option out there right now. Running two transmitters, however probably the best option for a rig like this, was not the most practical. Being I am just a one man operation at the moment, it just made sense. Cheap solution for the problem.


Just to leave comment, have similar configuration and just got parts :D I hope you will help me with this one. Also 22 min is with camera and gimball? because I have smaler gimbal for go pro that is min 500 grams less :D


my esc can fit inside of frame tube? But I see everybody left it outside? Reason heating or something else?


Hi yeah no that was without the gimbal and camera. About 10 min with gimbal and camera. Dslr camera.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk


Kratos- I just finished an 810 build using Naza and DJI E800 motors. I have been able to get
19 minutes of flight time and the esc will get very warm. They need some airflow. The final
weight is 4600gr.


Do a search for Tarot 810 images- lots of pictures of different wiring schemes.

My build list-----
Tarot 810 frame plus extra bottom plate
Arris landing gear
Naza V2
Dual PSB 200 amp capacity
DJI E800 Motors & ESC
DJI mini osd
Futaba R7018SB 18ch receiver
Futaba 14 SGH radio
Dual Multistar 6s 6600mah
Go Pro 3 Camera
ImmersionRC 600mW 5.8GHz A/V Transmitter
Walkera G-2D 2 Axis Brushless Gimbal

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I have vulcan power board and I am not shure where to put it :) Anyway nice hexa, only thing I would change is 2 axis gimbal to 3 axis :)


Yes- I am going to upgrade the gimbal and camera. Just trying to fine tune and get a few
bugs out. Only two flights so far. I was impressed with the flight times but once I go to
a heavier video setup the times will drop.


jup that is the reason I whent with go pro on quad with tarot 810 frame, remove two poles, if I ever go to hevier video, I will bild octo or x frame octo :)


One thing I did was drill a small hole in the booms for the power wires. I debated this as I
thought it may weaken the booms. I ordered a piece carbon fiber tube that would just fit
inside the booms (3 in long) and epoxied in place to strengthen that area. The wires are
covered with flex weave and just would reach the PSB. The arms fold up nicely with no
strain on the wires.

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Yeah, you need cooling on the escs. I do have some wiring pics. My final wight is around 7600 grams. I get around 12 min.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk


So, its been a while since I've posted. Been real busy with work, family, school... life in general. Haven't had a ton of time for my flying.... dang it! Well, that's not 100% true. I purchased an Immersion RC Vortex last year and have had a ball with that little thing. So much, that I've not flown my 810 very much. So that brings me to the stage of where I am at now. We had a 5k mud run a few weeks back and I decided to take my Vortex and my 810 out to do some filming. Yes you can film with a Vortex, albeit much harder to get a steady shot, you CAN move from spot to spot MUCH quicker LOL! However, its nothing like a steadied shot from a gimbal equipped heavy lifter. I took the 810 out thinking that all was well with the gimbal, until I got it up in the air. Mind you I still have the 5d2 gimbal from Tarot. To be honest, I've never really got that gimbal to behave to my satisfaction. Quirky is an understatement. Software is pretty buggy as well. Well just disappointed to say the least. So, I decided to move to the brushless gimbal route. I purchased the 5d3 from Tarot instead. Still selling my 5d2 if anyone is interested ($350). Now, with this, I have looked at battery combinations till I am blue in the face. I have come to the conclusion that if I run 2 10000mah batteries in parallel, I will be able to have flight times roughly where I need them to be. I have, in doing my research come to the conclusion that the super low C multistar batteries are NOT really that great. They don't hold voltage throughout the whole discharge cycle worth a crap. Very rarely do they stay at their upper voltages for very long. Which makes total sense. I wish HobbyKing would state the actual performance of these batteries before people buy them. Now, I am thinking about trying out the Nanotech batteries instead which are 35-50C throughout the entire pack discharge cycle. It seems to me that, the higher C value makes more sense. So, I am still running the Tiger Motor MN4014-9 motors. Tons of torque and lifting capability. I am also looking at different prop profiles to see if that makes any difference. I'm still running the 15x5.5 CF props that came with the kit when I purchased it. Looking at optimizing it some.

So, in the grand scheme of things I realized that I would need to finally use the second remote that I purchased. I took yesterday and reconfigured my Taranis to act as a buddy box to the second radio that I have that was originally intended for gimbal control. This was somewhat of a challenge as the channels that I was wanting to share control of were not the standard 1,2,3,4 channels that are typical of buddy box operation. So, thankfully the Taranis is such a GREAT radio and the OpenTX software allows for the customization that it does. Now, what my original goal was, was to have a setup that I could use either in a one man operation, or a two man operation, retain the same button, switch etc configuration for gimbal control, and allowing for a second radio to assume the role of those gimbal controls with minimal reconfiguration (if any) of the Taranis when switching to 2 man operation. So, in coming up with the configuration for this setup I stumbled across a nice little piece called a Linker. This allows the second radio to wirelessly transmit its signals to the Linker box (which has a separate receiver in it). The linker box is designed to be a wireless buddy box setup. This will allow me to get rid of the connecting wire between radios and have wireless operation between the two radios. The setup I have now completely disables the master radio control of the gimbal controls while the buddy system is in operation, as to prevent interference with the camera operator, yet it gives me the flexibility to simply turn off the second transmitter and still use the Taranis as the main controller if I want to grab a shot and I don't have a dedicated second operator available.

I know that the Inspire is out there, which is all well and good, but honestly I REALLY like the 810 and cant justify spending $3k on another setup when I have this one ready to go. Plus, with this I can put ANY camera on it, and not the one that DJI says I have to have on it. Anyway, as soon as this thing is configured and ready to go, I plan on posting a video on how I setup the radios and how I have the gimbal setup. At this point, I still have parts coming. Anyway, that is what I have. Everyone have a safe and joyous 4th (if you live in the states that is). If you don't, well have a glorious weekend and fly safe!


Active Member
Hey Buddy,

Its been awhile that we have talked. Glad to see that you back to flying. I have been busy flying and filming. Was on a movie set a few weeks ago with the UAV's and last weekend was in Sedona, Arizona flying. Things have been good. I had a another knee replacement in December and back on my feet. This make two knee replacements and a shoulder replacement. Another shoulder and I will be bionic. Anyways hope all is well. Here is my video from Sedona. Make sure to click on Vimeo ands expand to full screen.



Yeah, I've been super busy. My son graduated high-school, I've been busy with work and just really haven't had a ton of time to spend on things. I can't wait to get back to filming again. Going to try out my Nikon on it to see how the quality is. Right now, I'm going to use it as my primary filming camera. Love the footage it gathers. It is REAL close to the quality of the 5DIII. So, we shall see what I come up with.
