So my CamRemote came in on Friday, and what a difference it made in how my camera responds. Bye Bye sketchy IR controls. Mind you, this doesn't control the video portion of the camera, as far as I can tell that is. However, it does give me some control on how my camera responds to inputs from my transmitter. I can perform continuous shots, anything from a single shot, to up to several shots. It controls the autofocus, and if your camera supports zoom, it will control that as well. It was shipped in from Finland, and took less than 2 weeks to get to my door. Price in US dollars for me was about $107, but that also included the remote port cable. There is some tinkering with the settings to get it to work, as you have to set your endpoints properly, but as with anything RC, you almost expect that to be part of setting something up on your rig. Anyway, I will get a video up on the setup real soon.