Show your FPV video


Ziptie Relocation Expert
LOL! I guess so, I've gone maybe 40mph or so. I dont have an OSD yet but just looking at traffic I've probably done at least that. What is that that you are flying? I see you have some ZII flying wings, how do you like those? I'm going to start building a long range flying vehicle but I'm stuck between an FPV Raptor or a flying wing like the ZII. Thoughts?


Aerial DP
I fly TBS Discoveries (quad), Hexacrafter (hex) and USDRONES xy8 (oct) in the video above. They all do over 50, most are going over 60. from 1.6kilo to 3.8 kilo.

Wings are the bomb when you get into fpv. it's a continuous fast ride

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Aerial DP
That can mean so many different things to so many different people. You sound like you belong in the AV forum. FPV is take what your dealt. I don't drive all that way to find 10mph winds and go home. I've flown in 30 mph winds like it was another day. it's not fun and at that point i consider it not useable. if you watch some of those zephyr videos on my channel alot of em are pretty stable, but not zenmeuse stable.

A 59" or even 81" wing aint really an AP tool as in clean fast low video, but you take it up 50' like you see in my other vids (sometimes) hate flying more than head high,,,,,,, it is super stable

heres a few off the wing....... the big thing with all the tools in video making is you get clips, small short segments that are perfect in every video, but in fpv bragging as this thread is, that's not as fun as bigger chunks showing miles of coverage.

my zii with eagle trees guardian is the most stable one in my fixed wing fleet now but it's also fine tuned. The rest of these i'm showing in the video above are flight #6 of it's life, and it had a bouncing problem, the second and third clip of that film above is a zii and it's pretty stable for 10-15mph wind


The smooth factor between a small handi cam/gopro and a nex5 kinda IOS lens is night and day. I'm doing a wing and octo to fly fast with it, but am easing my feet into the water and there not totaly tuned, ready yet.
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Aerial DP
whos buying your useable footage? AV is a guy slo drifting around, might use fpv, but aint leaving line of sight. all the people i run into flying actual fpv are hauling butt, and that's the draw. Aint nobody buying anything, just the enjoyment.


Aerial DP
just watched your flying, your a definate hybrid. fully gimbled floating around. Fell asleep kinda flying. We all got what we think is what it is. The guy that asked about a wing versus raven (skywalker) that you felt needed answering by yourself was who i was talking to

I was drawn to FPV by Juz and Trappy, and the kinda flying i'm doing 6 months after seeing it is working out for me


No need to get defensive friend. I didn't get the memo that FPV was supposed to be one way or another. I don't use a gimbal yet. BTW people pay nicely for my fpv. Just got 1,800.00 to jam around a casino. I'm just less about quantity of footage at this point and more about quality. It's like surfing, where you try for a smooth line as well as an exciting ride. Juz is a quad master who can definitely haul *** while flying a smooth line. He's a nice guy too.


What's really funny is how much money we all can make doing what we love. It's a great time for RC.
Some fpv with a Hero2 using ProTune.
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pendejo grande
Just got 1,800.00 to jam around a casino.
you know how douchey that sounds? Professionals never quote price when talking aloud about what they were paid, we say "I did alright" or "I'm makin a living" or "It sure as hell wasn't enough", but we never put a number on what we make except to our closest confidant's. I don't say this as a pilot, I say this as a Key Grip who's made a living for 30 years in the film industry.
Happy New Year!


Well, the dude asked who is paying me in an attempted insult... I feel it's good to share pricing so others don't undersell themselves. RC guys tend to undersell themselves. There is no harm in sharing pricing. There is harm in name calling though.


Aerial DP
The posts i quoted are enough evidence to get you 4 years and 150k fine in the federal pen. I can't believe you think it's sustainable with a gopro in 720, no gimble, flying in gps mode and it's tilted all over the place...... that's hillarious, the reel is full of super low res post stabbed to death, slowed down floating around framing shots with FPV gear but wants to "fit in". If your stuffs so good why is the freeze shot that advertises your video so far from straight...... might need a level on top of your rig. If your thinking your there, you might wanna buy some gear to sell yourself with

Your thread is over here, i know it sucks to not be one of the guys, but that one is full of slow floaty flicks that people for hire do. The quality there you see is what you like and you'll understand why when people tell you no, that's alright, we hired somebody else you'll understand why

I personally aint selling squat, this is all for fun, usually standing on a beach absorbing as much eye candy as i can get giving rides up and down the beach. The chicks dig it

No need to get defensive friend. I didn't get the memo that FPV was supposed to be one way or another. I don't use a gimbal yet. BTW people pay nicely for my fpv. Just got 1,800.00 to jam around a casino. I'm just less about quantity of footage at this point and more about quality. It's like surfing, where you try for a smooth line as well as an exciting ride. Juz is a quad master who can definitely haul *** while flying a smooth line. He's a nice guy too.

What's really funny is how much money we all can make doing what we love. It's a great time for RC.
Some fpv with a Hero2 using ProTune.

Good luck, i aint sending no file in the cake
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I never said my stuff is good, great, better than anyone else' or finished evolving. I just said, "I don't think speed is any big draw if the video is so shaky. My goal is clean, usable video." and you felt like you needed to attack me and attempt put me in my place as you saw where that place is. I was just saying that speed isn't so great on a mulit-rotor due to all the bobbing they do, and stated what my goal was. I know this because I have plenty of fast footage bobbing up and down like yours in those videos. I was commenting on the nature of multi-rotors, especially ones with a low center of gravity as with a gimbal, moving forward quickly. You seem to have taken it personally and from then on, lashed out based on your assumptions of what I meant. Just like you assume it's illegal to do aerial video professionally because of what the FAA said. But the FAA's statements on professional aerial video are only ACs (advisory circulars) not laws. And furthermore Aerial Pak and RCAPA both believe that it is not illegal to operate commercially, and wouldn't insure professionals if it actuality was illegal, but I digress. The subject here is your lashing out unnecessarily, not my place on the path to aerial video professionalism. This is all about you. And I see it now by the number of posts you make that this is your big thing. Of course you must feel like you own the place. You live here.

In review: I said I prefer stability over speed when it comes to video. Then you took it personally and attacked my work repeatedly. I didn't slink away, and now you're warning me. You assume so much before you make your attacks. That's just rude. Read my original statement again and get honest with yourself. I think you're just a little too touchy.

I apologize for hurting your feelings.
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Aerial DP
you didn't hurt anything, just blurbed into the middle of ones conversation and felt the need to critique or you wouldn't have said anything to begin with

Good luck in your adventures, your gonna need it


Here a flight of today:

always have deicing fluid at hands ;)

best regards

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Active Member
Ferdinand, that was lucky ;) I've never seen ice on RC props before, no wonder your lipos were pants in that cold!
Well done for bringing the old girl home.



I do preheat the batteries in wintertime, but here the eta of the props was getting very bad because of the ice, so the motors had to push more and therefore the current raised.

best regards

