S900 Owner's Thread and Mini Build Log

Could anyone post their gain values please, I have zen gh4 on a S900 and A2 with futaba T12Z 2.4 FASST
It flies like a bag of sh1te in the wind at the moment... Also the props were out of balance too. Oh and the shutter does not work either.


Could anyone post their gain values please, I have zen gh4 on a S900 and A2 with futaba T12Z 2.4 FASST
It flies like a bag of sh1te in the wind at the moment... Also the props were out of balance too. Oh and the shutter does not work either.

I flew in high wind a few days ago, it was steady as a rock with the A2.
Gains: 145/145/150 for Basic and 135/135/140 for ATTI

Extremely stable platform, also gets 11 satellites all the time while my Naza M V2 only gets 7 sometimes 8.

I do have 1 prop that isn't balance properly (still hovers perfect, zero wobble/toilet bowl effect), i can see the arm vibrate compare to the other arms. Just how do we adjust those plastic props? Sanding like on wooden one's?


Build notes:

- Inorder to mount the gimbal I had to move the front support bar back 10mm. Even with that it is a tight fit. I would like to see the rails a little longer but that is a quick fix.
- To balance the craft I had to move the lipos forward about 60mm. I am going to move the lipo plate mounts so the batteries can be centered on the plate. It makes for a very compact installation.
- Be very careful when installing the cover over the esc leads. I nicked one lead in doing so. A little liquid tape took care of that. It is tight.
- I like the removable center plate. The mounting of the electronics should be very straight forward. I have ordered a second set of Lightbridge antenna extenders and paddle antenna mounts for the retracts.

I will be mounting the electronics today and creating a charging lead.

Ed did you have any issues with the GCU hitting the rail above it? Thanks, Scott


I am wondering where I have gone wrong. I have the S900 with the longer legs and the Z15 for the NEX7 mounted but the mount is still hitting the ground when it initializes. When I mounted the Z15, I turned what I am going to call "the adapter plates" upside down so that the countersink for the holes made sense when bolted to the bottom of the hard points on the S900.


How should this gimbal be attached so the mounting holes makes sense and the gimbal doesn't touch the ground? Are there different "adapter plates" that should be used for the S900/Z15N combination?


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Tahoe Ed

Active Member
Rotate your camera about 45 degrees forward and you will not have the problem.

I am wondering where I have gone wrong. I have the S900 with the longer legs and the Z15 for the NEX7 mounted but the mount is still hitting the ground when it initializes. When I mounted the Z15, I turned what I am going to call "the adapter plates" upside down so that the countersink for the holes made sense when bolted to the bottom of the hard points on the S900.


How should this gimbal be attached so the mounting holes makes sense and the gimbal doesn't touch the ground? Are there different "adapter plates" that should be used for the S900/Z15N combination?
