S2 Work for sure.... there are a couple of other Picloc customers who use this setup.
Also with 3DR modems which are nice as well !!
Someone informed me that there are Xbees for higher speeds.. Thanks 'EH'- LINK these are Wifi Xbees, but are able to do serial at 1Mbps ( same as Picloc speaks to Toolz over USB ).
Although these are not supported right now, its a 1 hour job for me to add support for them.
Anyone has them ??
A feature-request for something I really need:
Angle limitation when in 360 servo mode.
I would like have the ability to limit the travel for mechanical reasons, but still be able to use the PL on the camera tray (and thus not using potted servos on any axis).
The new 150 usd Tarot gimbal can do this, but not the 400 euro PL pro v2. That saddens me a bit, but hope it can be implemented quickly![]()
Don't be sad...
In FUNCTIONS tab > SLEW SETUP : Here you can set the high and low ATV.
Correct, but if you enable 360 servo, these 2 fields will disappear. So the current limiter only works for potted servos it would seem.
What software version do you have?
Correct, but if you enable 360 servo, these 2 fields will disappear. So the current limiter only works for potted servos it would seem.
The newest one. Downloaded from the rotorpics site 2 days ago. (the 28th jan version)
No... Angular limits are available on the SLEW tab, also in360 mode.
Though it has nothing to do with current limiting. It is a pure software based limit setting.
It is very good for adjusting gimbal operation limits.
But if the Picloc, by any reason go bezerk, this limit might not stop it. Only limit switches would be trusted with that.