Picloc 3x setting experience etc.


One Of my picloc pro V2 become crazy, burnout the roll gears Of my AV200... Almost destroy my tilt set also.
Maybe after eeprom save by xbee, but tryed after to save it by traditional USB but still corrupted, values inside are not the good real values..
Preparing it to come back home
Check by dad,
I hope the second one works fine.


What goes up...
Can you tell me what to use?

My current set up is similar to what is recommended for the HC rigid, also recommended by Futaba for their gyros.
First you mount PL on a thick metal plate (I used 1/8' Alu). I used 3M exterior use double sided tape for this. The idea here is to increase the overall weight of the unit, to make it less sensitive to vibration. Then you attach it to your mount. In my case, I used the same tape, but a different platform might require a softer tape, you just need to experiment a bit. Your can stack up several layers of tape to make it softer.

Hope it helps,



New Member
I have a V1 PICLOC3XS
After the connection of PICLOC 3X Picloctoolz V.058 on the PC, I get this message: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: InvalidArgument = The value '174 'is not valid for' SelectedIndex '.
Parameter name: SelectedIndex
to System.Windows.Forms.DomainUpDown.set_SelectedInde x (Int32 value)
WindowsApplication1.Form1.Parse_3X_DATA to ()
WindowsApplication1.Form1.update_toolz_data to ()
Firmware P3XS V1

Please Help.

Kr Julius

I have the same problem with two V1
Piclocs after updating on 58.28.

Does anybody know where i can find a old version pf Pl.toolz and Firmware ?



Also check that you are connecting to the proper comport. When you press connect on Toolz, your Picloc White LED should light up and remain lit.
Otherwise, it will switch off after 10 seconds of connecting the USB if the comport is not connected.... or the right one is indeed selected, ( USB sleep ).

Hi. I got a problem. I flew today and after 15min. Picloc freezes. I turned picloc off and on again, but nothing happend. the Blue LED is turning on for 1 sec and than off. when i connect the usb-cable, the white LED is on, but no communication with picloc-toolz. Magic-Flash can reinstall the hex-Files, but no change. still the same error. Blue LED for one second, white LED when USB is connected, but nothing more.

What can i do or try to "reincarnate" the picloc 3xPv2 with FW 058-028?


Pitty, it wasnt the white flat cable. Unpluged and repluged both ends, but no change.
Still Blue LED only for one sec and nothing else, exept Magic Flash.


Pitty, it wasnt the white flat cable. Unpluged and repluged both ends, but no change.
Still Blue LED only for one sec and nothing else, exept Magic Flash.

ok, worked it out with George: Picloc is stopping the boot up procedure due to the error checking at startup as a precaution.
the magnetometer is pluged on the MagBoard with these white sockets. When they lose contact, picloc is stopping. And the contact is already interrupted after pulling cable and socket a mm.
I going to stick it now with hot-glue.

on the pics you see it.
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can anybody tell me in other words how to handle the feature "pan gyro nulling"?
i can use a 3 way switch to make it left and right move. but i cant work it out, how to use it.
when the pan is turning right, i "turn on" the switch? or do i have to use it till it stops moving?
when i try it, the pan stops moving, but later it turns again. i never found a good workflow to use it.
if possible, can anyone make a little video of it with explanation? george?


dr ray

dr ray
Same here, i woud love to see (i like the little movies from George) how to setup the external magnetometer, even how to calibrate it.

tx ray



can anybody tell me in other words how to handle the feature "pan gyro nulling"?
i can use a 3 way switch to make it left and right move. but i cant work it out, how to use it.
when the pan is turning right, i "turn on" the switch? or do i have to use it till it stops moving?
when i try it, the pan stops moving, but later it turns again. i never found a good workflow to use it.
if possible, can anyone make a little video of it with explanation? george?


Here is a video, where you can see, how my pan is always turning.
While its manual controlled, the values are changing, when i turn stabilization active, the pan-servo is turning to.
BUT: you can see, the copter is the hole time not turning or moving. Only the pan-values and servo is turning.
how to handle it?

password is 123
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Did you find null position of PAN 360 servo before enter gain values in picloc software?.
By the way vimeo pass not working...


Did you find null position of PAN 360 servo before enter gain values in picloc software?.
By the way vimeo pass not working...

if you mean, the 360°pan was not moving while 0 PID has been set: yes, it wasn't moving.
video is still converting, vimeo says: ready at 21:10 MEZ


I had the same problem when I updated my V1 Picloc 3X to v58 firmware. You could see the gyro sensor tab continuously increasing, even after several calibrations. (The calibration would zero it - then the reading would start to drift).The Pan gyro null adjust was centred, but even when changing it, did not stop the movement. I fixed it in the end by assigning an RC channel to Aux 3 - which stopped the problem even though the slider was still centred. As I do not have enough spare channels on my gimbal transmitter to keep a dedicated Aux 3, I then changed the Aux 3 assignment back to 'zero' in the radio set up matrix and the problem did not re-appear.

Looks like the addition of this feature has come with it's own minor bug - but worth trying my fix to see if it works for you....



I have a small problem. I have changed my RC to Graupner Hott. Everything works fine if I use i5 RX CH input. But when I use the sum option in order to save a lot of cables PICLOC doesnt seem to get a signal. I have connected to the GR-24 at channel 8 fur sum output. I have also changed the receiver to "sumo 09". The connection goes to I1 at PICLOC V2.

Am I making some stupid mistake?


