Picloc 3x setting experience etc.


Heli's & Tele's bloke
... I'm really looking forward to the new firmware...
Does anybody have a setting for the AV200 360 he would like to share?

I have two setups for the AV200/360 - one-man and two man - that have been behaving pretty well. Click HERE to download the zip file containing a regular rtf text file with the settings. Just make a note of your current settings before loading another set so that you can always retrace your steps.


My laptop broke down so now I am borrowing my wife´s laptop.
I have installed the Toolz software and the Flash Magic.
Problem: The computer does not recognize any comport. :livid:

View attachment 6265
Should not the Picloc USB driver be automatically installed upon Toolz installation?
Else... where can I find the Picloc USB driver (for 3X Pro)??
thanks / Tomas


  • usb driver.PNG
    usb driver.PNG
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Guys, it will come soon,
george is on Work for the next two weeks, and after he will launching the new firmware,
stay tuned ;-)


I've had my picloc working very well for months now. Still on firmware .55! Too afraid to change it because I'm happy, but... That was all summer. Yesterday I was up on a mountain and if was a bit chilly, especially with cold wind up where the heli was. After about 5 min into the flight the roll suddenly cocked to one side and holding it full the opposite way would not quite restore it, and the tilt would not move through full travel. Happened consistently after 5-6 min several times.

I think it was temp drift issue. So I wrapped the picloc in foam and didn't have problems the rest of the day, but it had warmed up by then.


@ luchtshot: http://www.rotorpics.com/index.php/temporary-first-info-on-picloctoolz-3x

I think I have a hardware problem with my Picloc, it worked for some months, but now I can't get it to work porperly:

It seems that the ACC sensor got loose or was not soldered properly. The servos are responding to the gyro movement, but afterwards they drive slowly to the last measured ACC position.
This is how it looks in PiclocToolz, you see that the numbers freeze suddenly.

This happens regularly after a short time of use, maybe 10-30 seconds after the restart.


Nice result AlexeiD !

Be careful not to overcompensate for slow servos, with too much Acceleration parameter.
This might make the gimbal nervous in the air, IF , vibrations arrive to the gimbal.
To remember...the Acceleration is guessing what the servo should do next,
and is therefore troubled in its guessing, if there is vibration, because vibration is actually small movements back and forth.... ( if you know what I mean ).

Thanks !!!!


Actually these are not slow servos. They are Savox 1290MG powered with 7.5volts via UBEC from 3S lipo.
But I couldn't make it work with X1 version of firmware.


mfabiz.. there was no manual written as such...... too much was changing all the time.
On my site, there are a couple of starter tutorial videos where I talk about what the functions do.... etc.

For new firmware I am making a nice PDF... and Videos from afresh.

Alexei...OK.. Understand.... Probably has to do with your gimbal's reduction ratio then.
