Hi Gerorge, to the HD55
1. Bravo for the AUX 5 with pan stop, perfekt. Please don`t change anything on that.
2.Bravo for the Aux 4 go to home. Smooth for all axis. Perfect. Same, don`t change it.
2.1 Pan performans got much better, cool.
3. Proportional Setups...i can not feel any difference playing around with it, may be you can explain with some words?
4.Magnetiometer is used, i think, the tag, its working the opposite right now? Can that be?
5. I missing the acceleration-Power of tilt and pan axis, I`m on 1000 with both sliders. It was perfect before...please more power on derivative!
6. Functions...-funktions, e-stop is only working when it was go to home before. What i woud like to say is, e-stop ok works, go to home ok, e-stop ok servos work again, then back to middle 0uS as normal, but know if you woud like to go for e-stop ???does not work...its not so handy...works only if you go down to gotohome and then e-stop comes to function. Sorry, my vocabularyis is a bit limitet.
I got the servo 3cm by the picloc, magnetometer gets not effectet. Only the mini usb plug, de-or connecting does some change. But practically its not relevant.
have a nice day george, and tx for you effort