how old are the servos and how much tension do you have on the belts? i'd recommend you turn off the servos and secure the mount so it can't move. fly again and see to what degree the mount is vibrating when it isn't being controlled by anything. i'm guessing, just a guess, that the servos are buzzing the mount. also, you'll fly more smoothly if you put the transmitteer lower against your body and use your thumbs and pointer fingers on each hand. more guessing but it looks like you're flying with your thumbs which make smooth flying more difficult to achieve.
turn off the mount and fly again, let's see how much mechanical energy is actually coming from the helicopter half of the equation.
good luck!
Hmm.. I am in these situations playing around with the copter for experimental purposes to all extremes in order to reach all thinkable scenarios.
After that, I examine the video and try to determine where I get the most out of the stabilization.
(Dont get me wrong, but Im an experienced pilot and now exactly what Im offence taken
That is why I turn to the forum with the fact that the jerky spontanious twitches on tilt and roll also appears when hovering, or slowly moving..
The whole setup is brand new, and belts are just tensioned to be "straight" without slack.
I would reply that I have been tuning the Picloc to be somewhat better than the built in stabi in mk (and WK-M), that Ive been using so far.
Since neither mk or WK-M has the accelleration feature, that is the first aspect to crank up a bit.. I have been close to oscillating, but then moved quite far away back from that point almost to nothing on roll, and a little higher on tilt.
Myself, I´m more and more on the theory that the stabi is disturbed in some way, electrical-magnetical or some invisible high pitch vibrations that have unfortunate interference with the sensors..
I will as step one electricaly isolate the whole stabi unit, with a separate battery and preset angles for tilt and roll..(no input from RX), then try something else..