Picloc 3x setting experience etc.



I am using proportional mode. We are using dubble remote sistem. PIlot and camera on skyjib. Now i see that on its own its working as intended. Now realy looking for update. Too bad its not out yet :)
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Thanks George, we need this update real bad ;)

OK.. Its a firmware bug it seems.

Will look into it ASAP !!

There will be an update of current firmware v0.55 to solve this issue with jitter when radio is ON.
Its like Picloc is paying too much attention to decode the Receiver input with accuracy and letting the stabilization suffer a bit.

I'll try to make this as fast as possible, and then continue with 0.56 update later to include the added features mentioned earlier on.

Thanks for all input so far !! It's invaluable !!


Jochen I too experience jitter on my pan axis last week with the newly installed 787s when using an external pot. I use the 787 on the tilt axis and a futaba servo for pan. As a test I removed the pot from the 787 on the tilt axis and alas no more jitter from pan. I also swapped my tilt servo for a different one and no jitter from pan. I use a gimbal mounted MK board for roll/tilt compensation.

I wonder if using some sort of servo lead filter will eliminate the 787 issues. I hope I didn't throw 200 bucks down the drain on these 787s. Any other suggestions guys?

My PL is not mounted on the Camera Plate.
I think in this case you dont use external pots.
I changed to some other servos MKDS 18 on pan and tilt .
They are not very fast, but they dont jitter and its possible to pan veeeery smooth.
On Roll i use a Spektrum H40 60.

I just found out that MKV 787 where jittering when the original pots where mounted on my AV 200.
Also when i was touching it with my my fingers.

I wanted to try it with isolating the Pots but than i Tryed the other servos....
The smooth pan is for me more important than perfect stabilisation.
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I'm also having the same issues with the Mks 787 servo's & the Av200 mount. Already burnt 3 out of 5.
Don't really know if this is caused by the 2s lipo or the jitter while powered via the Picloc.
We examined one of the motors from the servos and they where completely burned even the solder melted!
Running them now on 6v bec! This helps a bit.

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Just published new Beta Test firmware. go here and Log in.

Should be a quick fix for now.
Not 100% perfect, but over here, on my HV-787 equipped Tilt and Roll axis, it shows a significantly calmer quiescent state.

Let me know how it goes.

Older firmware is still there as a precaution.
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:livid: brr, too cold over here to fly -10° at the moment and the forecast is not good for the next 5 days...


help needed for slew mode setup: mount av130, servos with pots on axes, nothing changed. my goal is to use slew mode on pitch axis, on my first power up this worked fine, just checked "slew" for pitch. this was made with picloctoolz 053. unfortunately right after first test I upgraded to toolz 055, and slew for pitch stop working properly( it reacts for stick movement but after stick released pitch doesnt want to hold position and slowly/jerky returns to neutral.. in proportional mode works fine though. anyone know how to revert to 053 tools? please please thanks cheers

solved, thanks George! greatest customer support I ever had
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Hi George,

I've got my gains dialed in nicely with the 3X pro. The stabilization is functioning well. But I can not get the slew mode working properly. With slew mode unchecked, moving the sticks on the transmitter results in a nice, smooth, proportional movement of the axis as commanded. Works great. But, if I change nothing else other than to enable slew mode, moving the sticks on the transmitter results in greatly reduced range of travel, slower, stuttered servo output, especially at the 'ends' of travel and most perplexing the servos still return to the neutral point when the TX stick is centered.

I'm using a JR PCM RX feeding into the 3X via the individual inputs. The firmware is v.55 (non-beta). Any insights to get slew mode working properly?



I just tryed to update the Beta Firmware.
In Flashmagic everything is set like in the screengrab on rotorpics.com.
Also the device is LPC1769.
I always get:
Failed to autobaud step 1.
Its the same on 2 Pl3x

Any ideas ?
Regards jochen


@ Jochen - Are you pressing the small button that you need to press when uploading new firmware. as seen in the bootloader tutorial video...first wmv link in the Picloc-3X page on my site.

@ Seattle send me an email to help you resolve your issue.

Thanks George .
I forgott to press it.
Tryed to watch the video ( im on set ),
But the stupid I Phone doesnt like wmv....
Regards Jochen
