In order to find out the problem I unmounted the roll servo's toothed wheel and tried to get at least the tilt axis working.
The readings I get in the monitor tab of the software are fairly reasonable, so I don't quite get the reason the RSGS simply ignores the values and limits and continues to move in the wrong direction.
Thanks, Wolf
Leveling seems to work, so both XY and Z calibration steps. The auto calibration starts tilting around the cage… but does not stop. So after 720° I pulled out the power…Did you get a successful calibration?
In order to find out the problem I unmounted the roll servo's toothed wheel and tried to get at least the tilt axis working.
The readings I get in the monitor tab of the software are fairly reasonable, so I don't quite get the reason the RSGS simply ignores the values and limits and continues to move in the wrong direction.
Thanks, Wolf